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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 500x415, mark-twaim_self-preservation2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4142786 No.4142786 [Reply] [Original]

How can one minimize or completely remove the deterrence of one's intelligence. Aside from the ageing process what can we do to preserve our minds.
Can we get a list going of "mind-killers" such as alcohol, head trauma etc.

>> No.4142791

Learn languages. Read. Solve puzzles. Have a stimulating job. Get married. Have close friends. Play musical instruments well. Draw/paint. Don't smoke or be sedentary.

>> No.4142793

Just don't use your brain too often. It's like a bar of soap, you know?

>> No.4142806

I don't think u know what deterrence means. Also maybe not worry too much about the biological aspects, all the braincell killers were proven as hyped up myths - or to be exact your neurons DO regenerate.

>> No.4142807

Fear. Fear is the mind-killer.

>> No.4142812
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Are you a Christian?

>> No.4142813

OP here, at first I thought you were retarded but I looked it up and alas you are right.
The word I was thinking of was deterioration I believe.
Hats off to you, sir

>> No.4142815

Actually alcohol is fucking amazing for your body, as long as you moderate intake. A beer a day keeps your granny's kneecaps from shattering if she steps on a pebble.

Anyway, just because you've got a lot of brain cells left to rub together doesn't imply you'll be doing anything of use with them.

>> No.4142829
File: 7 KB, 151x200, PITER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear is the little mind-killer that brings total obliteration.

>> No.4142849


>all the braincell killers were proven as hyped up myths - or to be exact your neurons DO regenerate.
>neurons DO regenerate

Sauce please? I am extremely interested in this

>> No.4142868

Most of the neurons that will regenerate aren't in the brain.


>> No.4142872


it's mainly the hippocampus and olfactory bulb... don't get too excited. shit definitely slows down everwhere else... but it doesn't stop, contrary to received opinion.

>> No.4142882


sure... but that article is dealing with post-trauma regeneration. neuro-genesis- definitely takes place all over the brain well into senesence

>> No.4142894
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i think what he said was right at first

op, consume media with extreme skepticism.

>> No.4142915

np, I'm very glad you didn't get mad.

Yes my bad, I just recalled where I read that and it is more than a little sensationalist.


>> No.4143036

good call, I think the latter is more appropriate but my original usage of deterrence conveyed the message I was trying to put out there.
I'm a casual stoner and was wondering if the whole weed kills brain cells, causes infertility etc. bullshit has any validity to it.
I've formed my opinions that cigarettes should be illegal and weed legal and I have a good knowledge of he said she said from reputable sources. I'm rambling but what say you /sci/ weed, good or bad?

>> No.4143074


Very low doses of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selegiline on a continual basis to prevent age based dopamine loss.

>> No.4143075
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>I'm a casual stoner

I think you've answered your own question on what can be done to prevent stupidity.

As for we being legal? sure fine by me; good or bad? well I know many more that turned into idiots after regular use than turned into brilliant people.

>> No.4143080

weed is bad. Bad! inhibits myelination, desyncs firing patterns in the hippocampus, makes you demonstrably dumber. weed is not /sci/

>> No.4143086

same for caffeine
I don't think any longterm MAOI regime survives a cost-benefit analysis unless you're a suicidal depressive who will jump in front of a train if they don't get their delicious deprenyl, however

>> No.4143102

weed is how it feels to be stupid

people who enjoy weed are already stupid, it just removes the constant low-level anxiety that comes from negotiating through a world they barely understand.

>> No.4143128


The neuroprotective effects are maintained at dosages far lower than those for actual disorders (1-2mg a day or every other day as opposed to 5-10mg a day) and at that level, the MAO-B inhibition is minimal or non-existent.

>> No.4143192
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fuck all ya'll

I did my graduate work basically stoned 75-80% of the time.

>> No.4143233

neurogenesis in adults is extremely limited mainly to the hippocampal neurons and the subventricular zone.

saying neurons regenerate is fucking dumb 99% of the neurons you have will not regenerate.

>> No.4143237

thats weird because i have read a paper advocating endocannabinoid receptors as targets to prevent neuron demylenation in the CNS as a result of proinflammatory cytokines.

please show source, on desyncing of fire patterns and demyelenation