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4142261 No.4142261 [Reply] [Original]

Is economics a science?

On a scale of biology and quantum physics, where does economics lye.

>> No.4142264

economics isn't a science
its a math

>> No.4142266


A social science that is 100% integrated with psychology and hard mathematics.

>> No.4142281

It's a social science with a lot of math.

When you have prominent economic schools of thought that flatly deny empiricism that aren't simply laughed at, I don't think it should be called a hard science.

>> No.4142294

It's the hardest social science. Women's studies is the softest.

>> No.4142295

Economics is a Social Science, that means is not a real science.

Is as "scientific" as sociology and psicology

>> No.4142297

empiricism is for pussies

>> No.4142312


They deny empiricism to a point. The miseians reject it on the basis that a mathematical equation or a statistic doesn't cover the trillions of variables in an organic economy. And that with every human there is an infinite amount of influences on the economy.

Im not a miseian, or an austrian, but I sympathize to an extent with this view.

>> No.4142314


This. This is actually why I got out of economics. How the fuck can people actually espouse shit like that?

>> No.4142325

Sure is caustic in here

Anyway, Economy can be hard or soft. Hard economics uses game theory and chaos theory to analyse and predict the future to some extent. This approach is pretty effective, but it's also scary to companies as they have to put their trust into models they can't comprehend.

There's also the side that bases itself on psychology and sociology. As much respect as I have for those people, these fields have a bit of a problem with methodology at times. As a result the economics coming from them are easy to explain and grok, but also rather unstable and dare I say unscientific at times.

>> No.4142326

>Hardest social science.
>Not linguistics.

Or are you saying hard as in most difficult?

>> No.4142341

OP here.

I thought I was going to troll biologists about how they are not scientists.

Or is this already a given fact?

>> No.4142343

saying that economics is the hardest science is like saying that 9+9 is the hardest of the single digit operations.

>> No.4142345

It is.


>> No.4142348

it lies on the same scale as religion

>> No.4142354

Molecular biology
Pupulational Genetics (dunno if that is what is call in english)
Frontier sciences:
Biophysics and BioInformatics

ohh yeah.. Maths...

>> No.4142370

You must never heard of biochemistry, genetics, bioinformatics or computational biology.

>> No.4142382

>computational biology
>a hard biology

>> No.4142394


It was so retardedly trolling obvious that no one bothered.