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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4141398 No.4141398 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ what advice do you guys have for someone that is bad at math? I really want to go into computer science, but I'm positive that my math skills are not up to par. Right now I'm trying to identify what exactly is hindering me when it comes to this subject. Did any of you ever have or know someone with this problem? If so what steps were taken to correct it?

>> No.4141405

I found I was very bad at trig and calculus, but very good at discrete maths which is all that really matters in CS. I say go for it. You can definitely do it if you put enough effort into it

>> No.4141409

Thanks for the confidence boost. I'm definitely willing to put my all into CS.

>> No.4141412


>> No.4141418

If you enjoy it then it shouldn't be a problem. Give yourself extra time if you can to sharpen your math skills. Khanacademy is a great place to start.

>> No.4141440

The math you'll need for CS is math you probably haven't taken yet so you don't know if you're good at it or not. look into discreet math its mostly logic and stuff which is pretty intuitive if you have the proper mindset

>> No.4141442

Will do

>> No.4141449

CS is very much about the logic behind programming and solving problems. Moreso than programming. Programming is only the language of CS like Math is only the language of Physics.

>> No.4141473

Although I agree the discrete maths are whats important (be prepared for proofs for days). You will probably have to take at least up to multi-variable calc, some stats, and linear algebra. At least most universities around here.

>> No.4141486

They will make you take them but they aren't that useful when it comes to actual programming of course unless you're doing some mathematical programming

>> No.4141515


I agree but you will still be expected to pass them. I assumed this post was geared towards attending a university. I only took 3 discrete math classes(number theory/graph/etc) and much more other maths.

>> No.4141523

yup. I am shit at the maths. I was very shit in highschool and I am a little less shit now after I became interested in science and started self studying math.

Just keep doing it, be patient and don't get frustrated just because someone else does it faster than you. Khan Academy helped me a lot in filling in holes I had in my fundamentals.

>> No.4141532

Oh, no, linear algebra isn't important unless you're actually learning algorithms.

>> No.4141537

>Not learning algorithms in CS

Why study CS then? Its just applied logic.

>> No.4141538


slightly off topic in regards to OPs picture.

I've always known is at y=mx+c

Is b the american way?

>> No.4141544

y = kx + m master race reporting in

>> No.4141547

Yeah, m is the slope and b is the intercept. Dunno how the letter standards came to be, most likely just arbitrary.

>> No.4141550

>Using k for slope

Fucking animals

>> No.4141555


how is LA not important for non-CS majors...

>> No.4141558

Wow I'm the opposite, calculus and trig were an absolute walk in the park for me.

OP all I do is just go through everything step by step. All doing math is is following many small steps of simple logic. Just take it easy, make sure you understand the fundamentals, and you are unstoppable.

If you are having problems you could be trying to juggle too many things in your head, just write stuff down more. If you have trouble memorizing formulae go to the first principles for the formula. For instance with trig I don't even memorize the formula properly, I just realize which numbers on which sides I need to use instead of matching up where abx and y should be.

Also do as many problems as possible, that's how I got good at least. Just do it over and over, you keep getting faster and you strengthen neuron connections dealing with solving math problems, making future problems easier to handle.

Also y = mx + c

>> No.4141563

>y=mx+c broskis

Good lads. That's what I like to read.

>> No.4141568


Y = mx + c

Stupid people thinking the formula works with a k

>> No.4141571

>Capital Y

>> No.4141581


But I realize it's just because many people are accustomed to beginning their sentences with capital letters.

>> No.4141600

Yea, I know right? k is rightly reserved to be used ONLY to describe the wavevector or wavenumber; we should always use m for slopes :)

>> No.4141606

k is used as kinetic energy and the equilibrium constant in chemistry so it's nice mostly leaving out the confusions of another subject from math.

>> No.4141610

0 = ay + bx + c

You're all niggers.

OP, as someone who recently graduated with a MSc in CS, I'm curious. What exactly makes you interested in CS? What do you want to do when you got your degree?

>> No.4141620


Not OP, but I'm curious to hear what YOU wanted your advanced code-monkey degree for?

>> No.4141638

Not that guy, but I'm doing my MSc in CS simply because I'm so interested in the subject.

>> No.4141639

> 0 = ay + bx + c
> not ay + bx + c = 0

Sage for useless post.

>> No.4141643


what exactly are you interested?

CS is a means to an end.

>> No.4141648


>implying I want to work out a quadratic to give the equation for a simple straight line

Also k is for constants fags.

>> No.4141655

Well, in "high school" I was simply interested in computers and programming, and I didn't feel like getting a job. I just somehow always knew that I'd go to college, for whatever reason. So when I looked around, CSE was the programme that seemed to fit best for me. And here in sweden, you simply go for a MSc.. It's just what you do. 5 years over here.

I was intrigued by it all, but I never really knew what I'd do with it. I think it was during my third year when taking a graphics class that I really fell in love. Computer graphics is just awesome. So I devoted myself to that..

Now I'm graduated, and the market is great in sweden. I could literally get a job in a week if I want. BUT, I have very high goals for myself so I keep torturing myself by only applying only to jobs outside of europe. It's going well but not great.. Oh and I fucked the whole graphics thing a few months ago, fuck games and all that. There's other cool things to work on.

And that's probably more than you ever wanted to know!

>> No.4141654

I don't think writing "sage" works anymore on 4chan - the post still goes to the top

>> No.4141659

Commencing experiment.

>> No.4141661

It's not even a quadratic, you fool.. I just moved the y to the right side and put different names on the coefficient. The way it's done in graphics, and maybe linear algebra.

>> No.4141668

The results of my experiment show that 'sage' is effective in not bumping the thread, in /sci/.

>> No.4141671

>k is for constants
>k for c
>using k for constant
>2012 - 17days

>> No.4141677


you just couldn't wait, could you, tripnigger?

>> No.4141678

Nobody bite.

>> No.4141679

>Not using a trip

I'm a namefriend, you coon.

>> No.4141688


>> No.4141689

I originally got into CS because I wanted to work for videogames, but started to discover I didn't enjoy games as much if I treated them like a career. Luckily once I got to upper level stuff I found a lot of topics that interest me like AI, especially implementing naturally occurring biological processes into systems, like genetic algorithms and neural networks. This got me really interested in cognitive science as well

>> No.4141693
