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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 278 KB, 450x564, maoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4141237 No.4141237 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/
Real or fake?

>> No.4141241

What do you mean?

The maoi statues exists.

>> No.4141242

It's a giant statue of your mother, masturbating.

Looks real though.

>> No.4141244

Found source of OPs picture. There's a lot more.

I still don't get what he is asking though.

>> No.4141248

that's a lot of foundation they got there

>> No.4141249

Do they really have bodies with hands under the earth?

>> No.4141253
File: 383 KB, 425x640, A40_2011_36_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, looks like it. Pretty impressive pieces.

>> No.4141254

The spirits of the ancestors are shy, they don't want to fap in front of everybody.

>> No.4141255

looks like a way of torture, where they bury the person except its head and leave them there to die

>> No.4141257

Maybe they all were giants and are really just the bodies left behind?


>> No.4141258

definitely aliens

>> No.4141259

So if we dig inside them we will find alien technology and time machines and clones of Tesla touching himself in his sleep?

>> No.4141266


>> No.4141271

their body is not yet ready

>> No.4141272

Oh man, what I would give to do some research on Easter Island.

>that feel when you'll never solve ancient mysteries

Shall we make this a global wonders/mysteries of the world thread or is that too /x/ related? Picture related.

The Antikythera mechanism

>> No.4141273

Except for the Tesla part, maybe...

There's no way the ancient people were able to do this by themselves.

>> No.4141275

Shits fake.
Aliens did it.
There is no god.
Obama is a nigger.
Ron Paul 2012!

>> No.4141274
File: 124 KB, 672x599, 672PX-~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I apologise for not providing a picture.

>> No.4141282
File: 24 KB, 461x403, 6370c7ae0bc45b5bc59bab47e3ada6ceecf1be83_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this shit.

>> No.4141284

It's a poorly carved bit of rock

>> No.4141285
File: 25 KB, 599x562, 1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they make the statue halfway underground?

>> No.4141287

Red Alert 2?

>> No.4141288

Yes. The statues are actually much more impressive under the ground, especially when you consider they had to do all that work to erect them.

I suspect the reason they're buried is that after the idiots cut down all the trees, the soil eroded into the sea covering most of the statues in the process.

Sad to think we're doing the exact same thing they did.

>> No.4141289

To the untrained eye maybe.

>> No.4141292
File: 139 KB, 800x600, AhuTongariki (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess it isnt a surprise they had bottoms...

>> No.4141299

The mole people were their only contact, so they had to take them into account when they decorated their island.

>> No.4141313

At least it's not as bad as what the Olemecs did.
Statues only have their heads left.

>> No.4141317
File: 40 KB, 264x250, typical amerifat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4141319

There are no mysteries at easter island. You're just an ignorant cunt.

>> No.4141342

n pl -teries
1. an unexplained or inexplicable event, phenomenon, etc.
2. a person or thing that arouses curiosity or suspense because of an unknown, obscure, or enigmatic quality
3. the state or quality of being obscure, inexplicable, or enigmatic

/b/ is this way, thank you!

>> No.4141350

It is impressive, but that doesn't mean it was anything beyond impossible. That's exactly why it's impressive, because we can appreciate the work of ancient man.

Ancient history is very interesting, the context in which these men raised was completely different then ours. We tend to think of progress from a very strict point of view. Caves and cave painting, then huts and dancing and drums, then small houses, plazas, simple monuments, then big structures but simple ones, etc. That's a misleading way of seeing it.

As there is no goal to the ancient civilization to be like us, with our rules, our morals, our technology, we can't afford to think in terms of how close they are to us. It is the same logic as to say chimpanzees are less evolved than men because they are not as intelligent. It is imposing values.

That being said, the mystery relies in understanding the means and the goals of such men. We had incredible societies in the past, we built pyramids and travelled rock. What led to such thing is in the mind of the ancient people, not in our minds trying to connect aliens to it or shit like that.


>> No.4141355

There is a natural progression to technology, you can't have a computer without inventing a single geared mechanism. Much like you can't walk like a man without crawling out of the water. But some technologies are simple enough and quite amazing. There are relable documents of vapour machines in ancient Greece, but unlike our XIX century trains, the Greeks couldn't find much use for the small mechanism and that knowledge was just seen as a curiosity. Astronomy and mathematics were very advanced in several places, which is only natural. Maybe they couldn't see deep space with telescopes, but everyone can see the stars and predict where they are going to be next, some things require nothing but our intellect and our observation. They certainly had more time to observe back then and the intellect changed very little. It's fun to imagine how would a mind react to the extrapolation of that knowledge without going through all our stages. It's easier to teach a kid about the big bang than it is to make him look at the stars and see how they move, it's a strange progression of perceiving the universe.

To think that, in some civilizations, sacrifice was necessary and not only that but you wanted to be sacrificed and were praised if chosen, it's hard to enter our minds. All we can think of is terrorists and religious fanatics, when at that time and age, such things did not even exist. It's all part of an illusion, all part of the differences in moral, in knowledge, in status, etc.


>> No.4141353

Name one mystery at easte island then.

>> No.4141359
File: 34 KB, 535x400, 1321826097755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw its actually a group of aliens waiting to be awakened inside their stasis pods

>> No.4141363

I love the mystery behind these societies, guessing what they had on their minds, what were their values, their ideas. But first we have to realize how much our cultural background influenced us on the way we think. Middle ages and then Enlightenment era made a dicotomy between reason and religion that is hard to break in our minds, for example. But what I find the saddest is to see that those who are just as excited about this subject as I am are usually led to believe in the most absurd theories, not because they have any evidence, but because they are absurd. Rule of cool goes first to them.

Voice of reason here.


>> No.4141382

The guy second to last in that picture has a hat

Anyone know the height of one of these statues?

>> No.4141396


How did they move the maoi statues?
protip: If you can only provide a theory/speculation it is still a mystery by definition 1.

The statues itself are awe inspring and I can imagine I'm not the only one baffled by them. I believe understand their meaning but at the same time I can't help but be curious about what played in their creators' minds. This is enough to please definition 2.

I will have to give you definition 3 though.

>> No.4141406


>How did they move the maoi statues?

Lots of time and dedication.

Heavy stones aren't really that hard to move.

>> No.4141419

Sorry for my nazism, but it's "moai"

>> No.4141423

What I want to know is why would they bury the statutes? Or are we supposed to believe that they were buried by natural processes

>> No.4141427

Sorry, no. You can't take some trivial bullshit and call it a "mystery" just because it falls into some vague definition of the word. If something is unknown as you say, ie. unexplained, then it doesn't make it a mystery if there are several trivial explanations (yet of course next to impossible to prove) for it.

>hey my car is gone
>Gee what a mystery! Maybe aliens beamed it away

No. Fuck off.

I'm not even going to dignify the second one with an answer.

Nopes. We know what happened on that island. No mysteries there.

>> No.4141428

There is some speculation about these statues, that says that while living on several islands, these people travelled one to the next. But they had no map, no idea where they were going, so they lifted the statues up pointing where they could be heading next in the ocean. They then set expeditions to go the route in open sea. They could or could not find another island going that way. Some statues on the Easter Island are pointing to South America and that fits the evidence that men went to America not only from Behring, but from below too.

>> No.4141435
File: 16 KB, 400x300, 132288638660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two are idiots. Of course it is a mystery, because we don't know exactly their intentions or their methods. That's it.

Of course it wasn't aliens or fucking giant magnets with lasers. There is no mystery about THIS.

You are just overacting to the word, both of you.

>> No.4141443

>Of course it wasn't aliens
proof or its a possibility

>> No.4141496

Everything is a possibility, from everything being a dream to tooth fairies demanding moais, that's the beauty of investigation,can't you science?

>> No.4141522

>easter island

isn't that the russian island where that emperor robinson guy was exiled to and where he invented the evolution theory because there were dinosaurs all over the place?

>> No.4141526

No, you're thinking of Monkey Island.

>> No.4141530

no. monkey island was that ancient city from the bible that sank in the floods because of the war between japan and carthago.

>> No.4141535
File: 687 KB, 1024x768, dinosaurs-lasers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who is behind those statues.

>> No.4141541

I thought that was Lemuria. You know, that place where Adam was tricked by the Valkyries into rolling a boulder up a hill.

>> No.4141554


The Greek temple priests invented many things to make their temples more appealing to pilgrims (who would donate gold to the "gods"). They invented the vending machine and many other stuff.

>> No.4141562

Aliens did it but they couldn't have done without the help of God.

>> No.4141576

again a no. you should know the place. that is cthulhu's island. he is sharing it with king kong, and that hidden nazi submarine base from the trojan drone war.

>> No.4141583

Cthulhu's place? Isn't that R'lyeh?

>> No.4141594

in the tongue of the ancients, we know it as Rapa Nui, or Easter Island.

>> No.4141602

no. it's the artificial virgin island built in the netherlands. you know, the one that looks on the map like a boot.

>> No.4141608

Didn't the florida keys have moai before catrina, too?

>> No.4141662
File: 53 KB, 570x570, Moaigianthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real. Don't be silly.


Alright, alright, everybody settle the fuck down.
The Moai Heads weren't fucking burried up to their shoulders originally.
You need to understand that this island HAS NO FUCKING TREES. Soil has been eroded for hundreds of years of the top of the island and burrying the Moei heads naturally up to their necks.

The Easter island used sleds made out of the their trees on the island.
Around 1500 they had made so many easter island heads and cut down so many trees that they had literally cut down the last fucking tree at this point.

By the time any european explorers got to the island everyone was dead and the only thing around were the Moai heads.

>pic related

Here's a good example of what I'm talking about. A lot of these Heads were built on the sides of inclinations and such. These guys those aren't all burried up to their whatever- one of the fuckers is burried up to his neck from all the erosion.

I swear to god, you people are as bad as those people back in the 1200th century that blamed giants/cyclopses on everything.

>> No.4141733

Man those statues are impressive as fuck. I can't imagine how the natives felt about them.