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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 600x840, ron_paul_photo_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4137701 No.4137701 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4137706
File: 87 KB, 717x519, ron paul vs gop and obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not?

>> No.4137709 [DELETED] 


>> No.4137716



>> No.4137724

creationism - YES
abortion - NO

hows that gonna work?

>> No.4137725

For all the good things he'd do, he'd completely fuck up everything else.
His ideology is simply incorrect.

>> No.4137726


WHY would you want that?

>> No.4137734

Name ONE thing that he'd fuck up. Name one. Just one.Oh, and don't mention creationism as that has nothing to do with his policies. You can't name even one.

>> No.4137742 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 975x664, 6051459900_666c8a556_o copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so cute when he's being all backwards and reactionary <3

>> No.4137743



>> No.4137744


>> No.4137748

well he'd fuck up the war efforts abroad by pulling out. Pulling out is not a solution.

>> No.4137751
File: 67 KB, 753x648, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pulling out is not a solution

That what...he said?

>> No.4137756


>> No.4137757

>fuck up the war efforts

That's the point. We just marched in, we can just leave.

>> No.4137758 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't name even one.
Roe v. Wade would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4137759
File: 20 KB, 278x390, JR bob Dobbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm not at all a fan of what Paul would do to NASA or federal funding for science of all kinds, I do have the following copypasta of my own making:

I like Ron Paul and his inability to pass anything through congress is a selling point for me. His crazy is limited to what can be accomplished with purely legal executive authority.

With that limited authority, he can do a lot of good and not too much harm. It's not like he's dictator for 4 years.

He CAN withdraw the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
He CAN re-schedule marijuana or de-schedule it entirely. (DEA is an executive agency, needs no oversight from congress to schedule drugs)
He CAN end the War on Drugs.
He CAN audit the Fed.
He CAN cut off foreign aid.
He CAN dictate a non-interventionist and peaceful foreign policy.
He CAN largely dismantle the frightening security apparatus that sprung up after 9/11.
He CAN veto the renewal of the Patriot Act.

He CANNOT abolish Social Security.
He CANNOT arbitrarily place us on a gold standard.
He CANNOT abolish the Fed.

The damage he can do is limited, but he could do quite a bit of very necessary "house cleaning" with the authority of the POTUS. We can vote for a saner candidate but that candidate would only take limited steps to improve things in the civil liberties department. Paul is guaranteed to take these steps.
Who knows what the effects would be on the economy, but I'm willing to take that risk to see my nation take steps back from the Orwellian brink.

>> No.4137765


the market will fix it!

unchecked executive mandate will fix it!

>> No.4137772
File: 146 KB, 499x694, solid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yeah son. You know it.

>> No.4137771

The last 3 things you listed would be positive.

>> No.4137776

why is controlled disaster the best answer?

how fucked up are our politics that this even happened?

>> No.4137789

It doesn't matter. Paul doesn't have the financial backing to win.

>> No.4137796
File: 36 KB, 365x548, crestiewisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're fucked up in the sense that we've privatized profit but socialized loss.

I'm not saying the bailouts were a bad idea, they might have saved the global economy, but the banks are up to almost the exact same shit.

Government has involved itself in an ever increasing number of Keynesian bubbles that it props up with taxpayer money or fiat money.

We're spying on our citizens, passing laws allowing for their detention, ignoring the 4th amendment, and disregarding habeas corpus, authorizing assassination of US citizens, etc.

Even if the Paul policies lead to economic disaster and the end of all federal funding for science, I'm okay with it if only to roll back the abuses of government.

It's sad that I have to settle with his brand of crazy, but it's highly preferable to a continuation of current policies.

>> No.4137799

Japan totally privatised its science and tech research, and it leads the world. The free market has forced Japan to focus solely on things that people want. Meanwhile Europe and the USA are shovelling money by the billions into projects that only a handful of people actually want, and that handful can't afford. It makes no sense for government to dictate science research

>> No.4137801



>> No.4137808


>> No.4137811

>Vote for Ron Paul
>He doesn't get shit done
>Nearly every senator and house member is against him

There needs to be some change but aiming for the top isn't going to do shit. Pay attention to your state's senate and house elections. It's more important, folks.

>> No.4137812

This isn't to mention things like the Prison-Industrial complex, the militarization of police (largely funded through federal grant money), and the kinds of law enforcement policies that led to Kentucky v King.

>> No.4137818 [DELETED] 

>that only a handful of people actually want
Like space exploration.

Not that it matters anyway. Paul is just unelectable. He's like your wacky uncle. Fun in small doses, but no one ever takes him seriously.

>> No.4137822
File: 63 KB, 260x260, 1312258072687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what continent is the LHC in? Is it that crappy continent where the location of the forefront of science currently is?

>> No.4137825

I don't understand. You denounce Keynesian economics, but say Paul's policies could lead to an economic disaster, even though he wants to get rid of them.

>> No.4137830

>can't refute his policies
>call him crazy anyways


>> No.4137835 [DELETED] 

I didn't call him crazy, I called him unelectable.

>> No.4137849


you do realise that one of the reasons for the disaster in fukushima was the antiquated technology at the plant. yes? Maybe they need better government intervention to upgrade that shit.

>> No.4137855

hurr free market will fix it hurrr

>> No.4137854

its crazy that anyone would waste money on a campaign that will never win. it doesnt make capitalist sense

>> No.4137856

>Keynesian bubbles
keynes taxes the good times to coast through the bad. its anti-bubble.

>> No.4137860

That's not how economics works.

>> No.4137866
File: 109 KB, 960x624, 1319420310794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt the recent economic crisis would have happened if Ron Paul were in office. He saw that the Fed was precipitating a bubble in housing prices through low interest rates and warned against it.

Plus, if we had less government in general there would be fewer bureaucracies susceptible to regulatory capture by industry lobbyists. Much of our current regulation is at best pointless or at worst counterproductive to its intentions due to the biggest corporations controlling government to favor themselves at the expense of taxpayers/competition.

Also, not /sci/


>> No.4137868 [DELETED] 

It's not his private money, though. It's mostly from donations. The last time he ran, he even ended up making a profit, from what I remember.

>> No.4137878


>> No.4137885
File: 600 KB, 574x771, ronpaul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even American and I've been following this guy passionately for over a year now.

If he gets elected America might not be doomed after all.

>> No.4137894 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 407x388, todoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will not get elected.

>> No.4137896


It dose it's just that most country's don't follow Keynesian.

For example the U.S. lowers taxes during recces ions but during a boom lowers them even more instead of raising them creating a bubble.

>> No.4137899

>implying economics works at all

>> No.4137905
File: 253 KB, 730x811, contributions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about a candidate being religious in America

Oh teenagers, you so crazy.

Just watch this


Faith has nothing to do in politics. It shouldn't affect your choice for president.

AND WHO THE FLYING FUCK GIVES A SHIT ABOUT ABORTION? If you choose your president by his faith or his stance on the most unimportant of all issues, you're either watching too much mainstream TV or are just fucking stupid.

But you have fun electing another corporate puppet.

>We can't just pull out of Iraq

Yes we fucking can. This is a money sink. These people attacked you because you've been harassing them in the first place. Leaving them alone will in fact make them happier.


>> No.4137910

we are now in a new age.

the republican nomination is no longer the route to the presidency. it is a way to sell books and enhance your "brand".

people like paling, trump, and cain never intended to win. they are in it for the exposure.
this isnt hard to figure out.

also paul doesnt have any illusions. he knows he isnt likely to win.
hes promoting his ideology.(thats fine with me btw, not a hater)

>> No.4137907
File: 31 KB, 200x152, giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Ron Paul's many supporters were old enough to vote

>> No.4137914
File: 200 KB, 1138x518, ron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To everybody ITT that's AGAINST ron paul: Who will you vote for?

Because I can tell you right now all other candidates are corporate PUPPETS. They don't have opinions of their own. Where the fuck do you think their loyalty will lie if they get half a million dollars from Goldman Sachs to fund their campaign?

>> No.4137918

Calling Ron Paul an "isolationist" makes about as much sense as labeling your best neighbor a "hermit" because he doesn't do donuts on your lawn or throw bricks through your windows.

>> No.4137921

>That's not how economics works.

Actually that is how economics works. It's just not how politics works. Nobody ever wants to be the guy to cut spending or to raise taxes, and that's what actually following Keynesian theory requires.

>> No.4137923 [DELETED] 

>I don't give a shit therefore no one should give a shit.

Also, if you think one's religious views shouldn't bleed into politics, then maybe you should go and tell fucking Ron Paul about it.


>> No.4137929

>doesn't know what isolationism is

>> No.4137940


cute bro.

>Faith has nothing to do in politics. It shouldn't affect your choice for president.
usually a rightists degree of "faith" is a measure of how agressive their restrictions on personal freedoms will be. not the case with paul.
(except in promoting judges that ok teaching creationism, remotely possible).
its easy to see why people are jumpy here.

maybe i give a fuck. maybe i see it as a measure as how intrusive the govt. is in individual matters.
a govt that doesnt trust citizens with guns or their own repro. organs is an oppressive one. here paul takes an activist position. sorry for the fantasy buster.

of course we can bail. we are bailing.
i like your terrorist sympathizing. not all terrorists are bad, amirite?
paul isnt anit-palestine enough for some, tough shit for israel. they gotta create a sustainable peace sometime, why not now?

>> No.4137947
File: 203 KB, 640x332, amero_20_2007_circ-989x513preview..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obama or the Libertarian or Green candidate - RP is a short-sighted Republican tool, especially on economic policy. He is not Libertarian, he's a conservative in all the most important (worst) ways who pays lip service to "freedom".

RP's science policy is shit bordering on insanity. Close the DoE and Commerce? Seriously? No NOAA, no fundamental energy research, no commerce standards, FAA, etc? This is the 21st fucking Century!

>> Wake up!

>> No.4137950

Noam Chomsky on Ron Paul. Sorry, Ron Paul supporters. Vote Green!


>> No.4137953

thats why i want a ban on private contributions and a const. amendment rolling back citizens united.
wont happen though. for some reason people think that a 1800s-redo will make life better.

>> No.4137955
File: 89 KB, 589x393, RP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question here is: How can you NOT vote for Ron Paul?


>> No.4137972
File: 37 KB, 320x343, ron paul you wouldn't listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw amerika goes down the shitter because you faggots didn't vote for ron paul

>> No.4137979

This picture is so terrifying because it's so true.

I just had serious chills going down my spine.


>> No.4137980

1800s sucked for most people.
i dont see why i should vote to repeat them.

>fuck the system. vote ron paul. destroy everthing!
its like rage against the machine with bob dole as lead man

>> No.4137992

And our current actions won't bankrupt us?

Just look this guy up before you judge. Seriously, youtube search for him.

>> No.4137995

A vote for Ron Paul is nothing less than treason against the Republic. He is anti-science, anti-woman, anti-reality. He denies the existence of the wall between church and state, he advocates the outdated, discredited gold standard, he advocates letters of marque and reprisal, which fell out of favor when they inevitably produced a class of state-sponsored pirates. The few areas where Ron Paul is correct simply do not outweigh the areas where he is catastrophically wrong.

>> No.4138004

It's like I'm really on /pol/

>> No.4138005

false dilemma nigger

i dont want more-of-the-same-fail i ALSO dont want 1800s-fail.

your emo "fuck it all" attitude doesnt absolve you of your responsibility to the development of your nation. quit being a bitch.

>> No.4138075

>implying that youtube videos are a valid source of political information/decision making

>> No.4138152

Ron Paul would be a good choice but since the military-media-industrial complex doesn't want him they'll simply ignore him or label him as "unelectable" to make a self-fulfilling prophecy.

America pretends it has democracy but to play the game politicians are heavily pressured into being the biggest scumbag sellouts they can. And that's why this country is fucked.

>> No.4138165 [DELETED] 


>> No.4138418

public financing would fix this.
and thats why it will never happen.