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4137265 No.4137265 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to do a major in philosophy at a US university. It's quite a long way away for me still but coming from a Eurofag country I'll need the time to prepare paperwork and whatnot. I'm aiming high, possibly Harvard or some fancy-sounding place like that. Want to know if anyone has experience studying Philosophy in US uni's. If so, experiences, thoughts, comparisons, advice?

Btw if you want to express thoughts like "the only job you'll get is sign-holder at Wall Street" and whacko crap like that, don't worry, I know.

tl'dr: want to know about ideas on US uni's for philo. no whining.

>> No.4137291

I'm a senior at Arizona State University (just completed my 7th of 8) semesters studying philosophy and I can say I love my program, but it has to be a preparation for something else unless you see academics as your career. I just took the LSAT and am using the phi as a basis for a law career.

You need a greater plan than just philosophy.

>> No.4137302

>you see academics as your career.
The best picture I get when I imagine my future is getting my doctorate in philosophy, then teaching or researching.


>> No.4137323
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>> No.4137325
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>> No.4137326


Ive studied phil at Canadian UNIs.

I think both Canadian and US unis suffer from the same problem. They dont go deep enough into the material. Since they dont teach Phil at High school like some countries in Europe, they have to start you from 0 in first year.

Which is very disappointing for anyone who wants to get "deep" into philosophy.

However, I hear the masters/phd level is totally different than undergrad in terms of complexity & difficulty.

The hardest thing in undergrad was an upper level symbolic logic course and a Kant course that focused on metaphysics. Other than that it's just a lot of reading, memorization and writing coherent arguments.

Im not sure what your goals are but philosophy is very broad, it might be better to figure out what you like specifically and apply to a science / social science that deals with the issue.

For example, if you are interested in logic, it would be better to do a straight up math or even comp sci degree....we had some comp sci/math majors in our upper level logic courses and they did really well.

If you are interested in consciousness, intelligence, memory, etc...better to think about doing a neuroscience degree.

If you are interested in political philosophy/economics....better to just do a poli sci or econ degree...etc.

You see my point? I think philosophy as a subject was relevant 200 years ago, but now with so much specialization it really isn't worth pursuing a degree in it, even if you have hopes of teaching it---its so broad and vague and nebulous, you wont really be a specialist on any topic.

If you just like it as a form of literature / classic-thought, better to do a history degree...

Seriously, don't do a philosophy degree, not just because of the shit job prospects, but because in academia you wont really achieve much or have any cool skills or be able to go deep into a subject...

>> No.4137327
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>> No.4137331

If that is what you wish then go to whatever school will give you scholarship money. All that will matter is a degree. I'm on scholarships for mine and it's paid for everything but books 4 years running.

>> No.4137334
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>> No.4137336
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>> No.4137339


>> No.4137340
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fuck you

>> No.4137348

Yeah that sounds like it makes sense. You see, in the Netherlands many high schools don't have it either, but your bachelor program is much more specific to a subject, so they can get the introductory bull out of the way then.

I'm sort of still orienting. I'm into epistemology and logic most of all, that much I'm sure of. Also I've thought about taking a double major with psychology. I know it's got a bad rep with some people but I actually think it's an interesting field as well. I am also interested in literature and even creative writing but I think pursuing those academically is not in my or anyone else's interest.

My main goal is that which you say is so difficult, and I'm pretty sure you're right about it. I want to dive deep into philosophy, like, really deep. It's like the only thing I feel could keep me entertained for the rest of my days. But as I said, I still have time to think things through.


>> No.4137355
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>> No.4137358
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>> No.4137359

Mhmm, I'm actually in my last year of high school now, and will do bachelor in the Netherlands after that. My plan is to finish this year cum laude and kick ass at the bachelor just to give people a reason to want to fund me.

>> No.4137360
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>> No.4137361

Failure Space Program preparing for take-off.

>> No.4137396

Scholarships almost always are determined based upon scores from Standardized Tests. When you come over here, find what major test your preferred school looks at and take it. I scored 30,000$ in aid over 4 years from the SAT.

>> No.4137407

You can do all the required tests, pretty much, in the Netherlands, too, including SAT's. I realize that they will play a vital role in me getting anywhere with my plans. Especially something like Harvard, unless they fund me up my ass I'm never even going to be a janitor there. I'm pretty sure the things I'm required to do is this extensive test of your English (because I'm a non-native speaker), and the SATs. Anyway all that I'm going to get sorted out in the coming years.

>> No.4137415

Your one major hurdle that no one will help you with will be housing. I managed to go to a school that was 30 mins from my home so I drive every day, but most schools will require you to live on campus for at least one year and that is damn expensive. Do you have a big family? Because you may need to beg them for money for simple living if you don't want an assload of loans.

Good luck dutchbro.

>> No.4137430

Yep I'm not of any wealth. Either it's a package deal where the uni says oh my god you would be such an amazing asset to us that we will pay for everything you will ever need, ever, or I don't get to go to the States, really. The plane-ticket alone is more than I have on my bank account right now.

>> No.4137442

No school will do that for an undergrad, it just isn't done. Give yourself a fundraiser, take every standard test you can, work, whatever it takes but no school will give you room and board on top of tuition scholarship.

>> No.4137459

Remember this is about a graduate scholarship. I'm sorry, I think I've only used the Dutch terms here. What we call bachelor is undergraduate there. I'll do that in the Netherlands since bachelor is subject-oriented while undergraduate is very broad. I'm ready to dive into my subject. Then I'm looking to do a graduate program in the US, because I expect the bar to be very high there. For that I would in all likelyhood need a full scholarship, unless I work part-time for the next 3 years as I go through this bachelor/undergrad program. Also an option would be to work on campus, but I've heard as a foreigner on a student visa you're allowed to do only very minimal amounts of actual paid work.

>> No.4137481
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>Be at Elite U.S. private school on endowed scholarship
>Chemical Engineering
>Be an RA. Room and board covered.

>> No.4137482
