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4137028 No.4137028 [Reply] [Original]

>having any religious stance other than agnosticism


>> No.4137034


>> No.4137037


>> No.4137044

Theist: I believe there's a god
Atheist: I believe there's no god

>> No.4137047

> agnostic

> too pussy to say there is no god because what if there is and he gets mad at me

>> No.4137051

surely you meant: Atheist: I don't believe there is a god

>> No.4137052

that's the same thing you troll, antisage

>> No.4137053

Same thing, different wording.

>> No.4137058

If there is one, you're as fucked as any agnostic.

>> No.4137061 [DELETED] 


>> No.4137062

>blind faith and belief in something you can't prove.
>blind faith and belief
>blind faith

2011 ISHYGDDT - some of us are better than that.

>> No.4137066

there is no faith that is not blind, shut the fuck up already and delete this thread

>> No.4137073
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>Implying agnosticism is a religious view, rather than gnoseological

>> No.4137080

fkn saved

>> No.4137097

Simple: If there does turn out to be a god, atheists are in as much trouble as agnostics.

>> No.4137119

>Rational person
You have to be rational because rational is the only way to be ration because its only rational to think that way.

>Faith person
Faith is the only logical position given that logic requires faith.

>> No.4137121

nice paraphrase

>> No.4137125

No we're not. Don't you suppose God would have more respect for those who stand up to and question his existence than those who kneel before him slavishly?

>> No.4137129

no? duh

>> No.4137134

No. Imagine you owned slaves. Who would you have more respect for:

- The slaves you owned that did everything you asked without question, took care of all your belongings, worshiped you, loved you, and never harmed you or stole from you.


- The slaves you owned that always tried to escape, defy you, disrespect you, and pretend that you were nothing to them.

>> No.4137140

It's equally possible that Christians are all cast into Hell and only atheists are taken into Heaven.

tl;dr an infinite number of possibilities exist, all as likely as any other

>> No.4137145

Not all possibilities exist, especially the ones that are paradoxical. You're an idiot. You're going to the lake of fire regardless of your worldly views. God fuck up big time making you.

>> No.4137166

Why do you think atheists are atheists? Because we recognise that there's an infinite number of things that can happen to you after death. We could spend eternity with Willey Wonka swimming in a giant vat of chocolate for all anyone knows. My point being that we choose to suspend belief until some satisfactory proof materialises.

>> No.4137176

But there's only one thing that will happen to you after you die, not an infinite number of things. There is only one answer, and you've chosen to ignore it, for which you will pay greatly.

>> No.4137185

yeah, rebel against God. that always works out well.

>> No.4137187

i would adopt the former, and destroy the latter

God doesn't care if you are free or a slave, so long as you know that He is God

>> No.4137199

>implying an agnostic can be a position that isn't theist or atheist

>> No.4137198

and if that proof comes too late to do you any good? what then?

>> No.4137206

So be it. I get shot tomorrow when I walk out onto the street, but I still live today like im not gonna get shot.

>> No.4137208

I'm agnostic. But it's not out of fear or doubt. I'm very certain of my views. They are quite simply this: It is possible that a god or gods exist, but I can not and will not proof or know this in my lifetime. It is also possible that no gods exist. The latter is infinitely more likely to me. But it cannot be proven. I like science, because you make assumptions based on probability and come to conclusions that are very likely to be true. What you don't do is say herp derp derp i used my giant atheist brain and decided god probably doesnt exist so i proved it so you're all cunts.

>> No.4137212

Depending on what happens (keeping in mind that there are infinite possibilities), you might not pay at all.

>> No.4137214

you're not believing in god. You're an atheist. :)

>> No.4137218

Keeping out of your mind all the self-delusions you use to console yourself, you will stay pay when the one thing that ultimately always happens to everyone upon death, happens to you, too.

>> No.4137222

>implying you know what happens after death

>> No.4137227

so, your plan is to procrastinate

>> No.4137235

One implies you hold a belief, the other implies you lack a belief. They're distinct.

>> No.4137236

We all do.

>> No.4137243

there is a distinction without a difference; both atheists and agnostics fail to recognize the truth, and without that knowledge, you are damned

>> No.4137249

No we don't. Unless you've been dead and come back, you can't. Hence we atheists choose to suspend belief pending evidence.

>> No.4137250

We all are. it's all we can do. No matter how much you convince yourself otherwise.

>> No.4137254

someone did die, and come back, which is why i am a christian

that's kind of the whole point

>> No.4137256

Yah we do, brah. You're just tunin' it out, brah.

>> No.4137259


You don't continue thinking Agnosticism isn't a veil for those afraid of Atheism's baggage? I sure hope that, as well.

>> No.4137261

>someone did die, and come back

Yeah that's kinda of what the *belief* part is about. Belief does not imply truth. While you believe one thing, anything else could be true.

>> No.4137262

i don't have to convince myself of a single, solitary thing. my future is set in stone more solid than this universe. my salvation is conditioned upon God and God alone, and by His mercy and His grace, i am saved. i didn't deserve it, don't deserve it, and indeed, if i got what i deserved, would be damned.

Jesus is the author and finisher of my salvation, which is why i can proclaim that He is God, and that i am His

>> No.4137267

>i don't have to convince myself of a single, solitary thing.

Then you're not interested in self-improvement or self-criticism. Good day.

>> No.4137269

a man claiming to be the Son of God died, and rose again from His grave, on the third day, and was seen by thousands of people, the very same people who witnessed His execution. His resurrection changed the world. it is true whether or not i believe in it; it is true whether or not i was ever born.

>> No.4137271

> While you believe one thing, anything else could be true.

Not if you believe in the only truth.

>> No.4137277

you don't know. you can't know

>People say it. Therefore it's true.

yeah there's nothing wrong with that line of reasoning...