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4135428 No.4135428 [Reply] [Original]

this was written on brian greene's facebook
Brian Greene
Hi Everyone,

You may have heard that tomorrow morning (Tuesday, AM) there will be an announcement from researchers at the Large Hadron Collider. Rumor has it that they will present evidence that is highly suggestive—but not conclusive—that the long-sought for Higgs particle may finally have been found. After the announcement, I’ll provide some relevant background information and post a quick reaction.


>> No.4135433

Pic or it didn't happen

>> No.4135435
File: 51 KB, 400x300, question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just what makes this Higgs particle so important?

>> No.4135439

Nothing. People will still die horribly everyday,

>> No.4135442

If the higgs were found it would strongly support the standard model of physics. We looked at the particles we had already found and made the standard model. The standard model then predicted the existence of the higgs. If its found it means the standard model rox and we are more likely to be correct in our assumptions that go along with it.

>> No.4135445


>> No.4135447

Who has died horribly ever?
inb4 jesus

>> No.4135449

Atleast we'll know what force causes them to violently get blown to bits.

>> No.4135450


>If its found it means the standard model rox

Ugh, that's so fucking boring. It's like going to E3 and Gabe announcing Castle Crashers 2 instead of Episode 3.

>> No.4135451
File: 18 KB, 530x188, brian greene's fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dair it iz faggot

>> No.4135453

And..what great reality are we holding back from pursuing due to our lack of support for the standard model?

>> No.4135457

So importance of a discovery is related to how much it will prevent the death of humans?

Every step physics takes leads to technology that increases overall living standards. Even by your value system this discovery is important.

>> No.4135459
File: 104 KB, 480x457, garyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Brian Faggot.

I've only recently found out about him through a 3 part documentary on string theory and seeing his name on some books.

He appears to be entirely useless.
and a faggot

>> No.4135460

Anybody who has not lived with chronic cluster headaches and/or trigeminal neuralgia does not experience anything "horrible"
For those that do experience those conditions, it is not the dying that's horrible.

>> No.4135463

Butthurt entomologists in this thread or what?

>> No.4135465

What I expected: An answer
What I got: nullset

>> No.4135467 [DELETED] 

Read up on the standard model.

Once you know what its all about, learning that it is much more likely to be the way things actually are is dope.

Any alternative models. Look at it this way, if it werent found when we expected it to be it would mean the standard model was wrong and we need to rethink it from the ground up. Paradigm shifting stuff.

>> No.4135470

shit troll is shit. 1/10 for picture, try harder faggot

>> No.4135474 [DELETED] 

Also: significance in cosmology.


>> No.4135480


It's not that "dope", it's the only model we've had for years that we can actually calculate with. Having it confirmed is actually pretty disappointing.

>> No.4135481

I lol'ed pretty hard.

>> No.4135486

But..what..will that do?

I mean, the confirmation bit. If it's confirmed, we've already got the standard model. I don't see how confidence in it would reveal any truths that haven't already been pondered.

If it's denied, then sure, returning to the drawing board could unleash new maths and shit, but seriously.

Don't pretend that knowing this is the samething as the second coming of Jesus.

>> No.4135487

it fucking proves it. higs boson is integral to the survival of the standard model

>> No.4135495


What with this recent neutrino business I think its nice to have something to be able to hold on to. Also, it means that physics isn't just going to be stuck in one spot while technology keeps evolving incredibly slowly next to it. Now that the higgs has been found (maybe) we can put more focus into the next step. You cant add another layer to a theory that has holes in it. We've just (maybe) patched a big hole and now (maybe) we can add that next layer of understanding.

>> No.4135498

but what does it _mean_ ?

>> No.4135493

Having the standard model confirmed is like having your mom pop out of a giant cake on your bachelor's night. I mean, sure, you like your mom, but you were hoping for something more interesting.

>> No.4135499

It means we are correct with our theory.

>> No.4135501

you are wrong. the confirmation may be seen by your mundane light but this discovery has profound effects on the scientific community, by influencing the direction physics will head in.

>> No.4135504
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>> No.4135509


Its just about progress. We've been sitting at the same spot in particle physics for a while now because of the difficulties in engineering experiments (cost, necessity of very high energies, etc). Its nice to see some progress.

Besides, you can't act like discovering a new particle isn't cool.

>> No.4135511
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Does this mean I was right all along? ALIEUMS.

>> No.4135512

GTFO samefag troll lol atleast try to disguise your horny asshole

>> No.4135568

Not trolling, he's a boring popsci dick.

>> No.4135605

The Standard Model - the plain cheese pizza of theoretical physics.