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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4134680 No.4134680 [Reply] [Original]

>Chemistry teacher gives take home test day before final
>Gives study "guide" which is the entire semesters work
>Makes homework suddenly count for a test grade, drops lowest test grade (except final) for homework grade.
>Spend 2 days doing homework that was not "required"
>Sit down to study for final which is tomorrow morning
>Mon Visage after 2 minutes

>> No.4134690
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>History final
>Takes 5 minutes
>45 questions
>I studied my ass off thinking it was going to be hard.
>mfw people kept looking over to cheat off me

>> No.4134693

>English finals
>Analyze passage blah blah blah
>I talk about how Huck and Jim represent a lesbian couple and how the Mississippi river represents cum
>Get a C+
>"You clearly did not understand the work and it seems like you just made stuff up"
>English confirmed for being the least consistent and most gay of all subjects

>> No.4134695
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>Finite Math Final
>Everyone scared, I ain't even
>Test gets in front of me
>Work out every problem
>get a 44%

>> No.4134697

>calc, psych, enviro sci, CS
>never study
>punch every exam in the dick

>> No.4134700
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>> No.4134717
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>4.0 GPA
>Math, Chem, Bio
>2.8 GPA
>Lose all chance of getting into clinical
>Want to commit suicide
any ideas

>> No.4134722

fucking finals

>> No.4134726
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> physics final
> 30 questions
> studied moderately
> surprised final focuses mostly on most recent content
> find work-out-solution problem that is ambiguous
> interpret it both ways
> calculate each solution
> bonus points
> 101
> mfw

>> No.4134747

>Data Structures (Second Year) final coming up
>Fuck ton of stuff to memorize to be able to do the problems
>Week before the exam
>Professor: "You can bring in [to the final] a double sided sheet of paper with anything you want written on it"
>Easiest exam ever

I've still got linear algebra, calc 1, and stats 1 this week, and lets just say I'm not as good at writing math exams. This is going to be a stressful week.


>> No.4134758
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>drop out of college 2 years ago
>listen to idiot losers whine about finals on /sci/
>return to my FA tab and start fapping for the fourth time today

>> No.4134762

I know how that fucking goes. I dunno if I'm just really dumb or something.

>> No.4134783
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>physics teacher can't speak english
>dick around in class all term
>do pretty well on the labs
>get C on the midterm
>don't study
>on exam I don't know what the fuck I'm doing
>take guesses on at least 66 percent of the material
>final mark is a b+
>everything went better than expected

Thanks god I never need to see that shit again.

>> No.4134788
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>Calc II final
>unprepared as fuck
>study my ass off to learn the basic and advanced ways to integrate by parts/u-sub
>learn how to do volumes and areas
>get test
>3 pages of integration
>every single one is one of those random "special cases" where you have to deploy trig rules or do something you would never think of unless seeing the teacher do it
>mfw doing it again next semester

>> No.4134809

I wish I had that kind of time. I'm old. Hoping to get into nursing school with a 3.0.


>> No.4134824

>Calc2 final
>didn't study all term
>got something like a D on the midterm
>don't know how to integrate or do volumes of revolution.
>spend three days in the library and learn it all
>85% on final. B+ in course
good enough

>> No.4134830
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>calc 1 final
>a thick packet of limits, derivatives, integrals, optimization, related rates, etc.
>complete every problem aside from a differential equation of undetermined coefficients
>spend 20 minutes trying to figure out this one fucking problem
>realize i completed enough to get an A in the class
>write "wat" as an answer

>general chemistry final
>barely study
>most of it was common sense and intuitive

>> No.4134832
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>physics final
>have a whole week to study
>put studying off until the latter half of yesterday and this morning
>we're allowed to have a 3x5 card full of shit on it
>write as much as I can think of
>test time
>cruise through multiple choice
>kinematics, easy
>forces, easy
>work and power, cool
>pressure and bernoulli's principle, all right
>momentum and energy, not bad
>get to a question about pendulums
>critical meltfuckingdown
>spend half an hour trying to reboot my brain
>can't answer any problems after that
>end up leaving 30 minutes before the time limit
>left half the test blank

Fucking pendulums, how do they work?

>> No.4134833
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>be 11:30, fuck yeah finial at 12:30, time to have a cig, fap and shower
>be 12:00, get out of shower
>check cell phone calendar, Oh shit finial started at 11:30
> get dressed, and drive across town to community collage
>Be 12:30 walk into class, feel really nerves, im going to have to explain why im late and that shit
> turns out finial started at 12:30, i just set my calendar appointment wrong
>mfw i was on time

Pic related, also had time to get gatorade and a candy bar, bitches

>> No.4134838


It means I have to do a semester over the summer, so three semesters in a row

IDGAF because I deserve it

>> No.4134850


fucking integration, why can't it be as easy as differentiation

>> No.4134864

Unlucky broseph. Worst fucking feeling when you just completely go blank. Happened to me on a thermo exam once.

>> No.4134874

I don't like true or false questions in biochem.

When you go "AKT phosphorylates many downstream targets such as AEE1, AF6, and MISTIK4" It seems like an easy question, but what if they fucking change a goddamn number or letter in one of those fuckers?

Even if you explain your position and know the pathway, if you didn't answer the true or false correctly it doesn't even matter.

>> No.4134881

Last year I was an hour late to my mechanics final. But I bossed that shit and still got out early. Fuck mechanics.

>> No.4134884

I should probably start studying...
How does one fit an entire semester of info into 5 days.?

>> No.4134889


Skim through the material, condense the information in point form notes in notepad, reread the notepad at the beginning of each day, allow your brain to make the connections while you sleep and after the 4th day you should know it.

>> No.4134890

Only 36 hours of class broski, 12hours a day for 3 days and then 2 days of exam review.

>> No.4134892 [DELETED] 
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>ochem II final
>didn't study
>have no fucking idea what i'm doing
>draw a cat out of cyclic compounds
>did well on previous exams and quizzes, however
>B- in the class

>> No.4134925

you've got to be kitten me

>> No.4134945

green texting over calc 1-2 and intro physics. hahahhahahahha mfw

>> No.4134958

>take history final
>nearly perfect score

>walk into physics final
>brain fart
>professor drops lowest exam grade, so the lowest possible score I can get is a B
>no fucks given

>> No.4134968
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>fluid mechanics final
>"you are allowed one double sided piece of A4 paper with hand-written notes"
>friends spend literally an entire day writing in incredibly small handwriting, writing out each lecture slide
>I only have a few diagrams, equations and general reminders about stuff that I found confusing
>during test I don't even look at the notes

>> No.4135014
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d00d, the Clear Pill
theclearpill . com

>> No.4135029

anybody ever take piracetam?

Is it as good as the fops in the UK say it is?

>> No.4135060
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>ochem II
>fail every exam
>walk into the final
>have no fucking idea what i'm doing
>draw cats out of cyclic compounds
>22% in the class

>> No.4135075

gotta be kitten me

>> No.4135092
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>in EE+Math
>have to take first class of genchem
>do the bare minimum for class
>get Cs on I get the memorization questions wrong
>forget to do parts of labs
>end up with a B in class
>straight As otherwise
>mfw no more chemistry

>> No.4135119

>be EE major
>Logic System Design prof is clueless
>Uni publishes exam schedules at the start of semester
>LSD prof moves his from Wed at 8 AM to Monday at 8 PM so he can finish early
>Every test key has required corrections after posting
>Many students' test have been misgraded because of his mistakes
>shows up 20 minutes late to final exam
>announced that he created test this morning
>first 45 minutes every asking questions because the exam problems are totally fucked up
>Several exam versions are missing pages or diagrams
>announces he plans to leave at 10:30, exam was scheduled for 8:00 to 10:30

>captcha: poor expectancy

>> No.4135160

strong professor

>> No.4135264

>Be 13
>Female cousin is in town, stays at my place
>Horny as hell for her
>Stay up late watching movies

Wait what?

We're talking about exams? Damn green text make me think of wincest threads.

>> No.4135283

>history final
>allowed a notecard with whatever we want on it
>spend a hour and a half writing it, citing sources on it
>go to take final
>forgot it
>remembered all the shit on it due to spending so much time on it
Is this what studying is like?

>> No.4135344

>Kinesiology exam
>Study a fuckton and focus mainly on the biochemistry section
>Go to exam, 120 multi choices
>Half the questions on what fucking organizations have to say about this and that

Still think I got at least 80%.

>> No.4135430
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>second week of finals in PharmD program
>calculate what I need on my finals to pass classes
>in almost every case, I need anywhere between ~5% to 40% on each final
>no fucking motivation to study anymore

>> No.4135440

>hurr I have a great memory so I must me smart durr

I fucking hate you premed/pharmancy scum

>> No.4135464


I never said anything about a good memory, just that I studied probably a lot lazier than I normally would. I'm not pre- anything anymore, dipshit. Please don't lump me in with the nurse pre-med fuckwads that plagued my undergrad.

I still study a lot, don't be such a jack off.

>> No.4135468
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Physics/math students are usually like that.

>> No.4135477
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>Differential Equations exam: piss-easy
>Linear Algebra exam tomorrow

>> No.4135479

>Calc 2
>Integration & volume revolution


>> No.4135502


Simple harmonic motion

Max velocity / Zero acceleration at bottom
Zero velocity / Max acceleration at ends


>> No.4135563
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>bullshit enviro class final today
>Prof is about to pass out the test
>says "Before I pass this out, I always give 5 extra points to whoever has the craziest thing in their backpack. That is, if you're willing to come to the front and show it..."
>attention whore whips a tampon from her purse
>frat star whips out a box of condoms, thinks he's a boss
>dude pulls out a ukulele and a small bottle of Jack Daniels
>debating whether I should show what I have
>"Anybody else?"
>fuck it I can always use 5 points
>walk up, whip out and assemble collapsible 30" bolt cutters
>prof says "Wow, that's pretty amazing, but I think it might be a tie with the ukulele"
>Proceed to pull out angle grinder, black puncture resistant gloves, a balaclava, and a full magazine for CZ75 compact
>Prof says "Holy shit you win. I don't even want to know why you have that."
>mfw people staring at me
>mfw I robbed the faggot with the ukulele of 5 points
>mfw I'm a criminal

>> No.4135573

>and a full magazine for CZ75 compact

>> No.4135623

Weapon to go with it? Also Pro sir, Pro.

>> No.4135653

left the gun in my car (can't carry on campus, but I can have it in my car)
The magazine and ammunition aren't legally considered weapons themselves

>> No.4135658

Silly question then. Why take the mag? Just because it's easier to remove the weapon only from the backpack and you keep it in there most of the time?

>> No.4135671

>going to school on scholarships
>have around a 2.5 gpa right nao
>finals in 3 days
>not studying, on /b/ and just discovered /sci/
>finals only chance to bring up to a 3.2 required
>what am i doing with my life?

>> No.4135673

Had it in my jacket pocket as a spare when I was carrying. Just threw it in my backpack when I went to class. Just didn't want the magazine in my jacket if I didn't have the gun on me. No reason really