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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4134420 No.4134420 [Reply] [Original]


I'm going to leave this here...

>> No.4134437

I have a atheist friend who doesn't know I'm also atheist, and he's the raging AA type.

Totally using quotes from this to piss him off later on.

>> No.4134438

just read her bio on wikipedia, she's a psycho maybe even worse than palin.

>> No.4134442

I never understood how the most advanced nation on earth still have people like these.

I live in very backwards community compared to the US in Hungary but I don't think I ever in my life heard of something like this.

I mean even my 80 year old farmer grandparents belive in Evolution because they breed Pigs and Chicken and it's just obvious to them.

>> No.4134447


Guys, guys, guys

Guys listen
Hey guys

It's a satire site, the article is a joke. It had me going though I'll admit.

>> No.4134461


the puritan immigrants to america were comprised of super religious, semi-retarded hypocrites that not even religious europe wanted. they bred like rabbits and here we are.

>> No.4134462
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Did you guys even look at the banner
I admit it had me going too until I showed a friend

>> No.4134468

the fact that this story is believable says a lot. I can't wait for america falls and the resulting world depression is over so humanity can get over this shit.

>> No.4134472


This, when things like this article which are huge exaggeration of things start becoming actually believable you know something is wrong with society.

>> No.4134475

Never have i laughed so hard in my life. By the way I'm new to /sci/ does this place practice the same irrational pointless hatred as /b/?

>> No.4134480

Before I even know it was satire, I was guessing it wasn't real when it said the part about starting a war with God
Are you always this gullible?

>> No.4134481 [DELETED] 

Maybe you're all just stupid.

>> No.4134484

You're both stupid.

>> No.4134485

/sci/ hates biology and pop science

>> No.4134486
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>the washington fancy

>> No.4134487

Although biochem is alright, I think.

>> No.4134490

You're stupid, too.

>> No.4134491

Bachmann 2012!

>> No.4134493

so no misogny or racism?

>> No.4134500


oh no, we're chock full of those as well.

>> No.4134502

Is it in a rape all women and amputate and burn all niggers sort of way or we don't like your kind and fuck women. If its the second I don't mind plus I'm enjoying myself here it'd be a shame to leave,

>> No.4134517

The latter, but we like to validate our beliefs with data.

>> No.4134521

Seems reasonable thanks for the help