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4132929 No.4132929 [Reply] [Original]

Have to write a shitty essay on my philosophy class(senior year, not american) about deontological, teleological and applied ethics.
The fuck should I do?

>> No.4132947

Get it done. Now, son.

>> No.4133201

>almost 2012

>> No.4133213


sounds general as fuck, should be able to write 6-8 pages in 4 hours.

deontological= its moral because its an inherent rational duty

teleological = its moral cause consequences are moral

applied ethics = lol...apply shit left and right, doesn't even matter

wtf is this grade 11 philosophy?

>> No.4133228

>Posting about philosophy on /sci/

>> No.4133242


science is just applied philosophy

deal with your face.

>> No.4133427

Deontological ethics= ethics based on a set of rules, such as the Ten Commandments, or law basing on whether an action is either always right or always wrong, looks at the act, not the outcome.

Teleological ethics= Basing whether an action is right or wrong depending on the outcome, looks at the outcome not the act itself. For instance, If a guy held a gun to your head, and you magiced a knife and you stabbed him and killed him it could be seen as right as you were doing it in self-defence.

Applied ethics=Somewhere on Google

>> No.4133479


Here's how it goes:
You are on a train, and you're heading toward a break in the road. 5 people are tied to the track that succeeds the partition. If you pull a lever, you'll be re-routed to the other side of the break, and there's only 1 person tied to that bit. Do you pull the lever?

Deontologist: WTF NO ethics is inherently present in the action.

Teleologist: Fuck yeah, net gain of life.

For applied, "apply" this /b/ro. :)

>> No.4135218

applied is pretty gay, the rest is easy bro

>> No.4135236


You're having problems with philosophy? If it was metaphysics or logic, I'd cut you some slack, but ethics?