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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4129593 No.4129593 [Reply] [Original]

What's your college major? Do you prefer fantasy or science fiction?

>> No.4129607

>Computer Science
>Science fiction

>> No.4129631

>Forensic Science

>> No.4129643


>> No.4129663

>I usually only read non-fiction (as autismal as that may sound)

>> No.4129681

but I read far more math than fantasy

>> No.4129682

Computer science.

Honestly, neither. The closest to either of those that I enjoy would be the work of William Faulkner, since he created his own world with its own history and mythology, much like most science fiction/fantasy authors do, but it's a realistic world.

>> No.4129710

Science Fiction

>> No.4129790

Maths & Fzx

Science fiction. Douglas Adams is right on.
Although, I've always been interested in "easy reading" science non-fiction. Carl Sagan, Brian Greene, etc.

>> No.4129797

ass sittery. science fiction

>> No.4129804

Thinking about going into physics or mech eng (high school senior)

science fiction

>> No.4129816

>What's your college major?
Computer Science.
>Do you prefer fantasy or science fiction?
Given that one is a subset of the other, that's a rather silly question.

>> No.4129821


I like science fiction better than fantasy, although they can both be pretty interesting.

>> No.4129835

Electrical Engineering
Sci-fi all the way
Altough I have a huge boner for Warhammer 40k, I don't know how would that be classified.

>> No.4129836

It's worth mentioning I hate fantasy and anything like fantasy, e.g. Star Trek, Star Wars, most Sci Fi about space societies, with the exceptions of 40K and Discworld. I also hate overly hard Sci Fi and anything that uses the excuse "its not realistic/feasible" for some sort of Sci Fi thing but has other handwaves. ("We can't go FTL but we have unlimited zero point energy", or "no stealth in space, fights from 10000kilometers away, you can't bank and turn, no cool energy weapons are feasible, but oh, we can make wormholes for fast travel!")

It's probably more fair/quicker to say I like cyberpunk and robots and the idea of exploring new planets and technologies aspect of science fiction.

>> No.4129842

It's probably more fair/quicker to say I like cyberpunk and robots and the idea of exploring new planets and technologies aspect of science fiction.


>> No.4129843

You know good and well when people say fantasy they mean dorfs and shit in castle times and when people say science fiction they mean elfs and shit in space.

>> No.4129853

international studies. sci-fi

>> No.4129856

psychology, emphasis on neuroscience

science fiction!

>> No.4129858

> mathematics.
> prefers reading mathematics.