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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 319x400, Dr Paul medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4128422 No.4128422 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/,

I come from /pol/. A recent thread from my resident board brought this quote from Ron Paul to light:

>The greatest hoax I think that has been around for many, many years if not hundreds of years has been this hoax on [...] global warming.

The Ron Paul supporters immediately began disproving Global Warming in support of Dr. Paul's quote.

My question is this: what is the /sci/entists view of global warming? Furthermore, what conclusions do you make about Ron Paul, taking into consideration the aforementioned quote?

>> No.4128425

It's happening, it has been happening for millions of years. Humans are contributing to it, but not on the scale that many politicians claim.

Keep your SUVs.

>> No.4128426

To get the ball rolling, here is the evidence given so far on this topic. These are direct quotes from Ron Paul supporters:

I know this because i understand reality, you don't need a degree to understand an absorption spectrum.

Liberals claim some illogical and magical feedback mechanism which turns CO2 into a relevant player, that is obviously bullshit because it completely ignores every other "greenhouse gas".

The whole concept of greenhouse effect is incorrect anyways.


I have no trouble believing man is in a small part responsible for the heating due to widespread paving and human activities.

What is OBVIOUSLY bullshit is the idea that CO2 is relevant to the global temperature, it is obviously an attempt to tax us for breathing the air and doing anything.

>> No.4128451


>> No.4128456


> I don't want to live on this planet anymore.jpg

off topic, is this a meme that's popularized by sci?

>> No.4128458
File: 29 KB, 553x299, 1323356562695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another way to get money from idiots

>> No.4128460

Global warming is a natural phenomenon, we should fight it, but the ways they'd have us fight will never work.

We need to reduce the amount of radiation that penetrates the atmosphere. Earth had mean temperatures that reached and went beyond 20 °C in the past. This must not happen again.

>> No.4128471

/pol/ is filled with libertardians suffering from severe cognitive dissonance, so I'm not surprised.

I'm lazy and not eloquent enough, so:


They should rebuke the libertardian claims, but probably they will find these sources biased and ignore them.

>> No.4128473

I wasn't so much looking for outside opinions - but of opinions of people who know science.

It looks like, though, that the clear drive of /sci/ is in support of Ron Paul.

Not what I expected.

>> No.4128481

/sci/ is a troll board. nothing they say is the truth.

>> No.4128485

also most of the intelligent members of /sci/ are preparing for finals. all you have left are high schoolers, uneducated people, and community college attendees.

>> No.4128491

libertarians are naive.

>> No.4128492
File: 23 KB, 500x358, global warming is bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming

>> No.4128494

>in december

Oh, America...

>> No.4128498

>Humans are contributing to it, but not on the scale that many politicians claim.

That explanation is called weaselling. basically you're scared to take a stance.

>> No.4128499
File: 43 KB, 510x621, glenn-beck-goes-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, can ANYBODY be so stupid as to believe that the ENTIRE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY has been deceiving humanity for MORE THAN A CENTURY?

I mean come on, what's the point of discussing radiative physics with people like that?


>> No.4128502

Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural indoctrination, the elitist, secular Left has managed to convince many in our nation that religion must be driven from public view. The justification is always that someone, somewhere, might possibly be offended or feel uncomfortable living in the midst of a largely Christian society, so all must yield to the fragile sensibilities of the few. The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity. — Ron Paul

The Founding Fathers envisioned a robustly Christian yet religiously tolerant America, with churches serving as vital institutions that would eclipse the state in importance. — Ron Paul

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. — Ron Paul

Just what america needs. More christians.

>> No.4128516

Climate change denial is mainly a conservative evangelical Christian thing:





>"During the hearing, State Senator Sylvia Allen (R), the vice chairman of the committee, argued in favor of mining by saying that the earth “has been here 6,000 years, long before anybody had environmental laws, and somehow it hasn’t been done away with.”

>> No.4128522


Yup, he's a Christian. But he's a tolerant, peace-loving Christian who encompasses the Christian philosophy of leading by example.

"It is up to the moral character of the people, not the government, to solve these problems." - Ron Paul, talking about heroin and prostitution.

>> No.4128528


Nobody who frequents this board thinks that AGW is a hoax.

>> No.4128529

But he's also a creationist...

>> No.4128533

Funny how that works out. the ones most prone to heralding in the end times are also the ones who can't accept what may actually end our time.

>> No.4128535


awww,, you must be upset.

actually, he's not weaseling, he just isn't arrogant enough to think humans have a drastic capacity to affect the overall state of global climate.

>> No.4128543

his position wasn't a humble one. We may simply not know if humans have the capacity to significantly affect it but he's taking the stance that we *definitely* don't have that capacity.

>> No.4128546

It's only just if god kills us.

>> No.4128552
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>he just isn't arrogant enough to think humans have a drastic capacity to affect the overall state of global climate.

I can't think of any a priori reason why we couldn't. This has nothing to do with arrogance.

>> No.4128560

You guys are out-of-date. As of this year:

"Yeah, I think it's been around for a long time, and it's probably going to be here for a while longer. I don't think the - the ozone has settled on that yet. I don't think everybody knows everything about global warming, because you have reputable scientists on both sides of that argument." - Ron Paul

>> No.4128564


>the earth is still here

>> No.4128573

>because you have reputable scientists on both sides of that argument." - Ron Paul


>> No.4128575

Since you only say gobal warming, not specifying if it is induced by humans, then yes. That is the scientific answer to whether there is global warming. (Note: this is not the polotical umbrella term of global warming, but you came to a science board)

>> No.4128578

Heroin and prostitution should both be legal.

>> No.4128586

At UChicago we're already on break.

Here at /sci/ we tend to follow the evidence. As geosci major, I can tell you that the evidence, while not comprehensively proving AGW, provides very very strong support for it. It's irresponsible folly to refuse to take any action based on the evidence.

>> No.4128599

In the 1980s they tried to scare us with predictions that a new Ice Age was going to freeze us to death

Now they're trying to say that Global Warming will melt the ice caps and drown us all

The science behind "climate change" stinks of shit. They can't predict the weather for even a few days in advance and now they expect to be able to predict it for decades and centuries? Suck my dick.

Also FYI water contributes about 95% of the misnamed Greenhouse Effect (it doesn't work like a greenhouse at all, yet another example of ignorance from the deluded hysterical GW mob), CO2 contributes less than 1%, and this might increase to 2% if CO2 concentration quadruples, which is unlikely to happen within 50 years.

tl;dr mass media attempts and succeeds in inducing yet another mass hysteria in an attempt to gain tax dollars for "carbon credits"

>> No.4128607

I don't think anyone is arguing that the earth can be destroyed by global warming. the problem is that it affects humanity negatively

>> No.4128608

There isn't general consensus on the issue widespread in the scientific community yet. Oh well. As soon as we are as certain of it as we are of gravity (which seems OPs standard of proof), it'll be too late and we will have to face the consequences of ignoring it while pissing around.
Just imagine - people have to face consequences from which they can't hide due to smugness similar to that os OP. I think humanity is fully deserving of such a slap on the face.

>> No.4128613

It is absolutely indisputable that global warming is occurring. It is locked up tight-the world IS getting warmer. At this point, saying there's no global warming is like saying there's no moon. What's up for debate is to what extent humans are contributing to it. Some say it's entirely man caused, some say human activity is a drop in the bucket. But as the old joke goes, "what if we create a better world for nothing?" The ways of solving global warming most commonly kicked about are all things we need to do eventually anyway.

>> No.4128617

Well, let me explain it with tanks and nukes.
Shooting a gun at a tank is the same damage humans do to the planet's ozone layer and general decay of everything.
We are contributing, but we are insignificant to the real contributing factors (nature itself).
Also, it has been going on for a long time, the planet has always been changing and it will keep changing for a while.

>> No.4128619
File: 381 KB, 940x3963, climate_skeptics_960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ has been overrun by idiots because of all the race/religion troll threads. I doubt anyone here or anywhere else who actually works in science would doubt global warming is happening, and that humans are having some effect (though maybe not a huge effect)

>> No.4128623


who cares? we;re all dead anyway..

>> No.4128624

If he denies that the earth is statistically warming, he's a drooling moron who'd best be locked away.

Now, if it's about the role of human activity in global warming, things are a bit more complicated. I'm not going into the various arguments pro and contra AGW, but I'll state my personal opinion: Please play safe.

>> No.4128628


If all you care about is your ultimate survival then I guess nothing much will matter to you. Some of us hope to leave the world a better place than we found it.

>> No.4128634


'i' care about my ultimate survival? sounds more like 'you' do. the earth doesnt need our help to self-correct. it'll simply shake us off like a surface flea.

>> No.4128646

>implying he wasn't talking about humanity

>> No.4128643


>In the 1980s they tried to scare us with predictions that a new Ice Age was going to freeze us to death

Wrong. In the eighties majority of scientist was already predicting warming:


>The science behind "climate change" stinks of shit. They can't predict the weather for even a few days in advance and now they expect to be able to predict it for decades and centuries?

Wrong. Nobody is claiming to be able to predict weather centuries in the future. There is a difference between weather prediction and climate prediction.

>Also FYI water contributes about 95% of the misnamed Greenhouse Effect (it doesn't work like a greenhouse at all, yet another example of ignorance from the deluded hysterical GW mob), CO2 contributes less than 1%, and this might increase to 2% if CO2 concentration quadruples, which is unlikely to happen within 50 years.

Your numbers are wrong. Also, the CO2 contribution will not increase, instead the total greenhouse effect will increase.


>> No.4128644

Hey, question. If the temperature increased to melt the ice caps. Would the temp of the water increase enough to melt the ice that is submerged to counter act the amount of water being made.

>> No.4128659

we're part of the system. so yes the earth can go into imbalance through itself (through us) since we're part of it. !!!

>> No.4128661


Could you please re-phrase the question? I find it hard to understand.

>> No.4128665
File: 31 KB, 640x373, nixon5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think the fact that the climate may be changing or global warming existing is less important.

Developing alternatives makes sense from an economic perspective to me.

The recent push saying that the climate is changing drastically has a lot more to do with the data collection techniques getting better than anything else in my opinion.

Much like how science told us that controlling our iodine levels was the key to a healthy life, which has no been disproved but still effected public policy because the government can never accept being wrong.

I think that scientists need to understand that while they can accept being proven wrong if new data comes to light(by in large) with public policy of governments it's a much harder sell. Governments completely exist out of faith, and as a faith based institution it's non-scientific.

>> No.4128672


It'd be nice if we had no dependence on foreign oil. Then we could tell Saudi Arabia and Israel to go fuck themselves.

>> No.4128677

I hate you so much.

>> No.4128680

>The recent push saying that the climate is changing drastically has a lot more to do with the data collection techniques getting better than anything else in my opinion.

But most of the temperature measurements are continuous. Better thermometers don't make a difference.

>> No.4128685

You have iodine in your system or you would be dead.

Leave science to those that can think, not just regurgitate conspiracy shit with zero evidence

>> No.4128699
File: 79 KB, 299x295, Copypasta detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like 90% of anerobic life went extinct as a result of atmospheric oxygenation.
Small perturbations can have drastic effects in a system as complex as the Earth's climate. Let me explain how unstable the equilibrium is:
Warming leads to gases being less soluble in the oceans and accelerates decomposition of organic material, causing release of CO2 and CH4 into the atmosphere, increasing the strength of the greenhouse effect, ultimately causing even more warming.
Cooling leads to increased gas solubility and greater sea ice coverage, weakening the greenhouse effect and increasing the Earth's albedo, ultimately causing more cooling.
Either direction, you get a positive feedback loop. Global climate is driven by two opposing runaway train effects. If you look at the geological isotopic record, the Earth stays in either a hothouse or an icehouse state, with very rapid transitions between the two. (We are currently in an icehouse state.)

>> No.4128702

Melt ice above water surface to get more water and flood earth. Melting ice below water surface would decrease volume due to ice is expanded right?

>> No.4128708


No, because ice floating in water has already displaced its volume. See: Archimedes. The ice caps melting will flood the world because many of those caps are currently over land (Antarctica, Greenland), not floating in the water. The floating ones are irrelevant, they can melt or freeze all they like without affecting water levels one iota.

>> No.4128712

Read physics for future presidents it has a section on global warming that will explain it pretty damn well and is written by a Berkeley physics professor

>> No.4128718

Which is exactly why Ron Paul is the greenest candidate in 2012 election.

He will push the profitability of alternatives through scarcity allowing the market to show that they are actually profitable.
How about the collection of carbon on ice caps that they've been doing? Isn't that one of the ways they've recently pushed forward showing things are getting worse?

I know there are other methods I always see pop up showing that the climate is changing drastically.
I forget the name of the method, but there was a method developed that allowed for more accurate readings of iodine in the body.

This spurred tons of research and government policy into saying that if we regulated it that people would be healthier.

It's since been proven to have a lot lesser effect that they said, but the government not wanted to be shown up stayed steadfast exasperating the problem.

All my point was, scientists need to realize that if what you tell governments today is wrong and they make policy around your wrong science, that the publics trust will be lost on the science.

That's not something I think anybody wants, which is why government policy towards science should always be conservative. No I don't mean conservative in means of money spent but conservative in means that it should be fought for tooth and nail and only accepted because it's passed most strenuous testing.

>> No.4128723

>worthy of being elected
I mean sure, having a corrupt government is better than fuck all anarchy, but there just isn't anybody who actually gives a shit.

>> No.4128726
File: 55 KB, 1024x537, 1322137948189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolololol americans

>> No.4128729

>Either direction, you get a positive feedback loop.
If our climate really is such a ball-on-hill ultra unstable system then we're going to roll one way or another from natural forces either way.

More likely there's several negative-feedback mechanisms in both direction.

But of course painting a disastrous alarmist picture is more amusing than observing reality and thinking a bit.

>> No.4128730

Global warming is a null issue anyway. All the fossil fuels are going to be burned up until they are too expensive as an energy source. If it's not Europe or America, it's going to be practical minded African, Indian and Chinese people who don't give a shit about the greenhouse effect because they're too hungry or impoverished.

We should be working to develop more self-sufficient energy sources for the economic benefit and independence attained from them. Slapping carbon taxes on things and buying "green" consumer products is just pointless and inane posturing.

>> No.4128735

So wheres the greatest threat (if it melts we die) I doubt Antarctica is going to raise 30 degrees or so and the north pole is floating... So is it greenland... we should move greenland.

>> No.4128736
File: 64 KB, 611x443, 800000yearrecordCO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about the collection of carbon on ice caps that they've been doing?

I'm not sure what you mean. You can't collect carbon from ice caps. What you can do is drill ice cores to study the composition of the atmosphere in the past (see pic). But that doesn't tell us how much the climate is changing.

>> No.4128737

Ron Paul also doesn't "believe" in evolution. Nuff said.

>> No.4128740

What's the deal with fossil fuels anyways? Isn't there a substitute for everything fossil fuels except for production?
I mean, I'm amazed how everybody uses fossil fuels for burning when you actually get more valuable materials out of them like plastic and stuff, so why don't we burn other things and keep what's rest of fossil fuels for what really matters?

>> No.4128748

Well it's an indicator of how carbon is today vs the past so yeah it does tell you how much the climate is changing.

>> No.4128747


That picture is propaganda. I wonder why do people keep posting it here...

>> No.4128751

Yay nuclear power and solar power

>> No.4128752

Not that guy, but...
Sure, the environment is changing all the time.

But the rate of change effected by human activity is a whopping 200 times faster than anything natural, barring the ones caused by the catastrophes that triggered the great extinctions.

Even the eocene temperature maximum was attained over 20,000 years, while we're now looking at a similar rise in temperatures in only one hundred years.

>> No.4128754


Peninsular Antarctica looks like the most likely region to watch out for. And it wouldn't take 30 degrees, one or two could be enough to push us over the tipping point.

>> No.4128755


>> No.4128756


You don't need temperatures above zero for glaciers to lose mass.


>> No.4128767


But there wasn't any new measurement method introduced recently, at least as far as I know.

>> No.4128815

/pol/ is the worst board on 4chan. Please stop posting there for your own good.

>> No.4128843


I enjoy it.

It looks like /sci/ has more trolls, actually, judging from this thread.

>> No.4128852


It's the same group of people posting the same shit all over again.

>> No.4128857

Sounds like every board.

>> No.4128865


No, what I mean is that there is a small group of people (most likely /pol/fags) who post crap exclusively in threads like this one.

>> No.4128871


No evidence of this.

The entire first half of the thread, before /pol/ became aware of the threads, are people who are discrediting global warming.

It's hard to defend /sci/ and attack /pol/ using this thread.

>> No.4128874
File: 45 KB, 400x400, 3 out of 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/sci/ has trolls and it has people who know about science. They rarely post in the same type of threads.

>> No.4128880

I think global warming is definately real. I don't think it's caused by humans, we're kinda at the end of an ice age after all. Whether it's sped up by humans or if we could do anything about it if we tried is unclear. But I don't think it's worth the effort, frankly. I'd much rather spend money on fighting local pollution such as smog than global pollution.

>> No.4128885


Conjecture. This thread had hard science people in it. It also had a number of people discrediting it.

You're nitpicking. Stop it.

>> No.4128886


The same trolls post on both boards, because /sci/ was the go-to board for race "realism" and philosophy/religion trolling after /new/ got shit-canned.

>> No.4128887


>before /pol/ became aware of the threads

Oh, I'm not talking about people coming in right now, they've been here for a long time, I suspect they migrated here when /new/ got shut down.

How do I know they're /pol/fags? Well, who else would consider jabbering about liberals a good argument in a scientific discussion?

>> No.4128897


Ah, this makes sense. I just stayed on /lit/ and /trv/ once /new/ fell apart.

Sounds plausible.

>> No.4128901

AGW is a MYTH. Atmospheric carbon has a negligible effect on temperature.

>> No.4128904


>we're kinda at the end of an ice age after all.

Actually, we are headed towards an ice age right now.

>But I don't think it's worth the effort, frankly. I'd much rather spend money on fighting local pollution such as smog than global pollution.

They often have the same source - fossil fuels.

>> No.4128908

you fail to realize that most of /sci/ is actually engineers and high schoolers, not real scientists

>> No.4128911


>AGW is a MYTH. Atmospheric carbon has a negligible effect on temperature.

Really? How do you explain Venus, then?

>> No.4128914


That's cool, what research have you done on the subject?

>> No.4128922
File: 23 KB, 468x490, science is hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's fair to say most denizens are science fans rather than scientists, but so what? It's not "/sci/ - Scientists & Mathematicians Only" after all. This is a board for people interested in science, not an academic institution.

>> No.4128923



>> No.4128924

Venus is closer to the fucking sun and there is a LOT more atmospheric carbon. Orders of magnitude more.

Anyone who says the Earth could EVER be like Venus is fucking deluded. There isn't enough Carbon on the entire planet.


>> No.4128926

More than you.

Go back to Reddit you race denialist anti-nuclear FAGGOT KIKE.

>> No.4128931


There are easily enough volatiles on Earth to turn us into Venus 2.0

>> No.4128932

Fuck that picture. I've got a degree in arts and I was an A student in math and physics and love science all the way.

I'm fucking mad.

>> No.4128937
File: 20 KB, 343x361, 1323590691513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know

>> No.4128941


>> No.4128944
File: 20 KB, 456x456, cool face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all scientists are stupid liberals who follow liberal logic
>except this list of scientists who are awesome because they say things we agree with

>> No.4128949

There is no doubt or question in the scientific community that global warming is real and man made. No respectable university or research center has published one single study that disproves global warming.

To say hundreds of years is to scream ignorance. We only started getting suspicious about it in the last 60 years or so.

Furthermore, he presents absolutely no evidence to his claim. This isn't actually surprising since there is none.

This leads me to think even further that he is a complete functional ignorant, ignores science and technology almost completely, has no problem with making claims about serious issues with zero evidence and does not care for a factual base for his opinions.

Trusting a person with this with anything more than taking care of a goldfish is insanely careless, negligent and somewhat sadistic.

>> No.4128953


>AGW is a MYTH. Atmospheric carbon has a negligible effect on temperature.

Are you an expert? No? Well okay then.

>> No.4128957

>There is no doubt or question in the scientific community that global warming is real and man made. No respectable university or research center has published one single study that disproves global warming.

Wrong kike! Reported for shit posting.

>> No.4128962
File: 72 KB, 717x473, 1323591848701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4128963

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4128972

You said the word kike, but you're telling someone else that he's a shit poster? Why not argue instead of shouting racist epithets?

>> No.4128976


>Venus is closer to the fucking sun

Irrelevant. Venus doesn't get more sunlight than Earth because of its thick clouds.

>and there is a LOT more atmospheric carbon

Yes, and it is a lot warmer, too. So what basis is there to claim that atmospheric carbon has negligible effect on temperatures?

>> No.4128979


Shut up, you fucking jew. I won't let you fuckers try to control me like you do everything else.

>> No.4128980


Paul is quite strongly anti-intellectual and anti-science, it is for this reason he is at home in the GOP. For some reason *cough*stoners*cough* he has gained a kind of cult-like following online among the very people who should be horrified by his opinions on science but who can't see past their "enlightened self interest" (ie, desire for weed to be legalized) to realize what a terrible human being Paul really is.


>> No.4128986
File: 53 KB, 679x516, argpyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here is some evidence:

Furthermore I challenge you to produce a study by a respectable body of research that discredits global warming.
Simple contradiction won't do.

>> No.4128990

>deny race exists
>think sociology is a valid science


If Ron Paul doesn't become president there will be a violent uprising.

>> No.4128992

Sounds like you're letting your rage at Jews control you already :3

>> No.4128993

>hurrrrr durrrr MUH GLOBAL WARMING

There is no evidence for AGW. None. The debate is over. AGW is a myth.

All respected scientists deny AGW. Climatology is not a science.

>> No.4128997
File: 113 KB, 363x446, trollingorstupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You never know with these people.

>> No.4129007

Honestly, this thread is filled with more trolling than any /pol/ thread.

/sci/ - officially worse than /pol/.

>> No.4129013

The carbon tax is also a red herring that insinuates that pure economic strategies will work. They will not. Capitalism has completely stolen the script from governments.

I'm afraid what it will take is a totalitarian government mobilizing a high tech mobile weaponry to unilaterally enforce limits on carbon pollution.

In other words, one country has to stand up and say, "We aren't going to let you monkeys destroy the world" and send cruise missiles to destroy coal-fired power plants.

The best candidate for this task WAS the USA, but the capitalists got there first, and distributed the power and technology. The other major miscalculation was the UN. The multinational corporations control the world economy now and they don't give a shit about the future. The people at the top and all their shareholders care about is themselves.

The result is there is nothing to check progression of the carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere. Look at how easily disrupted the multi-national climate conference talks are by large economic interests. Its a joke. We're going to blow right past point-of-no-return feedback events and then face armageddon, with a chaotic array of disastrous attempts at geo-engineering.

We're so fucked it isn't even funny. Fuck Ron Paul, chirstian fundamentalist Republican ass-hat. The man is an idiot, why is he running for candidacy for the 4th time in a row for a party that makes fun of him behind his back?

>> No.4129018


What makes you think that there's any trolling in here?

>> No.4129021


I don't much like leftards of the type you describe either. Ideologues of all sorts are only too quick to try to fit reality to their ideology,their efforts are sometimes quite ingenious but ultimately all such nonsense is harmful to science.

I'm not sure wh6y you think there will be revolution when people once again utterly reject Paul's ideas, unless you mean that yourself and the three other idiots who make 99% of the pro-Paul posts online are going to attempt a coup, in which case I wish you godspeed and look forward to reading of your inevitable failure.

>> No.4129024
File: 69 KB, 599x761, 1323591155359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take heed.

>> No.4129030

Although low level trolls such as this can be spotted by anyone capable of doing other things while breathing, the sheer possibility that you just might be serious not only concerns me regarding humanity, but that people like this breed, vote and on a democracy have just as much voice as anyone else.

>> No.4129033

This is what it's all about!

You totalitarian pieces of shit use this made up crises to control everyone.

If any carbon tax is instituted me and my friends are going to start killing politicians and tax collectors and shitbag professors too.

>> No.4129034


It isn't trolling on /pol/ either, mostly.

That's the funniest part.

>> No.4129036

scientists get funding when they produce evidence of global warming. science is biased in favor of global warming, and yet they still have to change its name (climate disruption, climate change) every time new evidence showing that its fake just happens to pop up by a miracle (because science itself cannot be trusted to produce these on their own)

>> No.4129041

You need a bullet in your skull.

>> No.4129044


Again, what trolling? There are millions of people who believe in more ridiculous stuff than what has been posted here.

>> No.4129046


Holy shit you need to be shot.


>> No.4129052

>It isn't trolling on /pol/ either, mostly.
>isn't trolling
>"again, what trolling?"
did you pass 5th grade son?

>> No.4129055


That makes no sense. Why would they need to change the name (they didn't, by the way - global warming and climate change are somewhat different things) when they can just manufacture the evidence?

>> No.4129056


Simply nonsense, and prof that you have no experience of science or scientists at all. Anyone working in any field would LOVE their research to contradict the established concepts, this is how you make your name in science and how science advances over time.

>> No.4129059

>answer given here
>to get the ball rolling

Confirmed for troll.

>> No.4129061

>I'm afraid what it will take is a totalitarian government mobilizing a high tech mobile weaponry to unilaterally enforce limits on carbon pollution.
>In other words, one country has to stand up and say, "We aren't going to let you monkeys destroy the world" and send cruise missiles to destroy coal-fired power plants.

You people are seriously mentally ill.

>> No.4129063

He's a POLITICIAN, and one of the few honest ones out there at that. His scientific views are ultimately unimportant.

But yes, AGW is real and evolution is real and he's wrong on both counts. Wouldn't be the first time an elected official was wrong about something, though.

>> No.4129064


Yes but this is 4chan. I'm sure there are genuine retards among the trolls, but most are just trolls.

>> No.4129065

>I'm afraid what it will take is a totalitarian government mobilizing a high tech mobile weaponry to unilaterally enforce limits on carbon pollution.

>In other words, one country has to stand up and say, "We aren't going to let you monkeys destroy the world" and send cruise missiles to destroy coal-fired power plants.

>> No.4129068


I'm still here. Not a troll.

This is a conversation I'm starting on /pol/ also about Ron Paul. I was going to use this thread to make Paul supporters look incredibly stupid.

This thread, contrarily, ended up making /sci/ look just as stupid.

>> No.4129069

learn to read, so called "scientist"

its not about love, its about where the money goes

>> No.4129072


>You people are seriously mentally ill.

Woah there. You live in a glass house:


Maybe you shouldn't throw stones when your side believes stuff like that.

>> No.4129077

>wants the government to take over and start bombing power plants

YOU are the fucking idiot here.

You're worse than just an idiot though, you're dangerous, because there are others that think like you.

If ANY carbon tax is passed in the USA, there's going to be violence.

>> No.4129082
File: 81 KB, 800x819, control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good.

Fight amongst yourselves. Stand at odds with each other.

This is most desirable.

>> No.4129095

My side? My side is me.

Anyone that advocates taking more money from me at gunpoint is my enemy.

Anyone that advocates attacking and killing millions of people over flimsy evidence is my enemy.

You are my enemy and I would slit your throat if I had the chance.

>> No.4129096


You think I'll actually deign to enter into dialogue with you?

This isn't /pol/.


>> No.4129100

Support this with evidence.
Anon's stance appears to yes it matters no we don't have to make a huge deal of it.

You seem to want this to be a battle of absolutes. This is known as trolling.

>> No.4129103


Firstly, I never claimed to be a scientist of any type. Secondly. you really think the OIL INDUSTRY doesn't have money? There is a lot more cash to be made by anti-AGW than pro.

>> No.4129120


>Claiming a thread on global warming isn't a science thread

Are you reverse trolling, or are you just that stupid?

>> No.4129107


>using a thread on 4chan to make people on 4chan look stupid

Easy there bro, don't strain yourself too much!

>> No.4129108

The president has no control over environmental regulations. Not any more than any single person or corporation.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to protect personal freedoms.

>> No.4129110
File: 183 KB, 378x277, 1453565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is trolling in full force on /sci/ today...

not a single serious science or math thread on /sci/

keep up the good work, feggets

>> No.4129114


Enjoy dying in the next civil war, shithead.

>> No.4129121


Both a strawman and an ad hom. Enjoy your ignorance.


>> No.4129127


Good to see /sci/ doesn't know what logical fallacies actually are, or how to apply them.

I'm beginning to believe that /pol/ and /sci/ are actually the same board.

>> No.4129130

I'm smarter than you.

>> No.4129136


When you make a post of any substance I will consider replying

>> No.4129137
File: 590 KB, 488x1423, libtardnaturalselection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.4129138

Because Global Warming is clearly the most important issue right now.

Not the 15 trillion dollar deficit.

Not the endless international wars waged by the US.

Not the impending collapse (total collapse) of the US dollar.

Not the slow fight against personal freedoms by bought politicians.

>> No.4129140

Go back to Reddit subhuman.

>> No.4129142


>implying this hasn't been discussed every day on /sci/ and doesn't go anywhere

>> No.4129158


If that's true, why doesn't /sci/ have a sticky?

>> No.4129166

Because that would be fucking stupid. Now get the fuck out and don't return. Do you think this is Reddit?

>> No.4129168


Wow, that actually isn't a bad idea. But what kind of sticky?

>> No.4129171


>A sticky would solve problems of repeat threads that become troll threads

Wait. What?

>> No.4129181

a sticky about global warming?

because it would be as shitty as any other thread on global warming only it would be over 9000 posts long.

Whenever people discuss global warming on this board it's just a shitfest. No one cares about the others person argument, they only care about circlejerking their own ideas.

>> No.4129184

You should really re-think that one. A graceful upgrade to autonomy at the individual level may actually be preferable to being ruled by the guys with the most money/biggest guns.
The proponents of voluntarism has advanced quite a few decent arguments for a society without a heavy central government.

>> No.4129190


A sticky about threads, which are science, that are posted every day and become troll threads.

Then, ban the people who post those threads.

This isn't that difficult. You have a resident janitor on /sci/ I take it.

>> No.4129195


I think we should just put a bunch of science links up there, letting people post would ruin it.

>> No.4129202

That said he also doesn't believe in having the national gov't tell you what to teach your kids.

>> No.4129204


Right. He believes the states have that right.

>> No.4129217
File: 27 KB, 259x188, 599595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4129272

If you're thinking about Obama, think about this.

Obama voted to extend the Patriot Act, a direct violation of the Bill of Rights

Obama voted to keep the clause in NDAA which allows the military to detain US citizens without a trial, a direct violation of the Bill of Rights

Obama has accepted over a million dollars from Goldman Sachs for the 2012 election. Ron Paul's biggest donation group other than individual people is the Air Force. Followed by the Army. Followed by the Navy. He's gotten more campaign contributions from armed service members than any other candidate, and more than the entire GOP lot, combined.

>> No.4129418

So is it safe to assume that besides one or two anons most of the people posting here are from /pol/?

>> No.4129685