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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4127989 No.4127989 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw matter is nothing but condensed energy
>yfw what attracts electrons to the protons is 10^38 times stronger than gravity
>yfw atoms divided electrons among them in a relatively balanced way in the early moments of the universe
>yfw after everything was still enough, molecules began to align themselves in more complex ways
>yfw it's the same principle that generated what we call life
>yfw you're just energy condensed into particles, combined into atoms, aligned into molecules, gathered into cells, grouped into colonies, working together as a living organism
>yfw your mind is nothing but the jump the electrical energy does in between two parts of condensed energy called neurons
>yfw it's the same energy that moves my fingers, that type in my keyboard, that transforms it back into electrical energy, that travels through several kilometers to be transformed into light by your monitor and that light enters your eye and activate more electrical signal "generating more mind"
>yfw I'm actually raping your mind with these ideas

>> No.4128018


>> No.4128035
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>­mfw op is 14

>> No.4128040
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>> No.4128055
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I can applaud the fact that you took the time to type it out. Good job, kiddo.

>> No.4128058

>>mfw I find out rape feels good
>>mfw all of this is right
>>mfw I have no face
>>fw when there is no I

>> No.4128073

you dun goofed

it's the strong interaction that (at our usually used renormalization scale) is 10^38 times stronger than gravity

ratio of em-force vs gravity is only 10^36

>> No.4128094

We saw what we did there

>> No.4128201
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>> No.4128495
