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4126521 No.4126521 [Reply] [Original]

What toy had the biggest impact on your life.

For me, I'd have to say K'nex's. As I used them everyday as a kid and they inspired me to design and build things. Ultimately making me become an engineer fag.

What toy shaped your life?

>> No.4126531


K'NEX and LEGO were the big ones for me. Once I got older I got into potato cannons and other improvised weapons.

>> No.4126526

I preferred to make informed decisions.

>> No.4126532
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This gun. It made me want to be a Power Ranger.

Since that position wasnt available to me I also decided to become an engineerfag.

>> No.4126538

Hands down, Lego's.

Established creativity and helped develop problem solving skills which has helped in all aspects of life.

>> No.4126539

So you sat at home all day and made informed decisions. Sure wish I had your childhood.

>> No.4126540

Capsela. That shit was so awesome.

>> No.4126542


This guy:


Also had that gun :)

>> No.4126543

I played with other kids.

>> No.4126546

erector sets

>> No.4126554

Won't lie, my neighbor had a bunch of Capsela and Erector Sets. I was mad jelly. Had to go home every day and second guess my mother's love.

>> No.4126555

My dick


>> No.4126639
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My favorite toy, my miniature wood work set.
Had tons of legos, but loved the freedom to make what ever I want.
Need to find one of these for my nephew for xmas.

>> No.4126645


>is so fucking jealous

I am an adult and I would die for a lathe like that.

>> No.4126649

Apparently they were being sold for 99$ up until a few years ago.

Now I can't find one for the life of me.

>> No.4126653


I had a friend who recently graduated graduate school in wood working at the school of art and design at my university.

She let me use her lathe. She got it used for $200. It was about twice or three times as big as the one in your pic.

It was fun.

>> No.4126660

My elder sisters already had a considerable pile of them and with all the boxes I got as presents, I could make some pretty big constructions. One that I still fondly remember was a meter-long arrowhead spaceship with a roof that could open and which could be stood up on it's tail.

Things got even more real when the Lego Technics came along and I could add functionality.

>> No.4126677
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Think because I can't find the mini lathe, I'm going to go with a meccano set. They seem pretty fun.

>> No.4126682
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I didn't have a particular toy, I was that curious kid that was always breaking shit and trying to build new stuff from it.

Though, if I had to say one thing, I'd say hotwheel cars/tracks. I built some insane tracks back in the day and mastered conservation of motion.

>> No.4126686

I had one of those as a kid, but my parents were such assholes about it that I rarely used it. I wasn't allowed to use it without their supervision and I had to follow the instructions in the project book to the letter instead of having fun doing whatever I wanted. THIS IS A TOOL NOT A TOY YOU LAZY FUCK!!!! Still gives me nightmares.

>> No.4126688


Here. Linkin logs and hotwheels were a big deal for me too. Toys have gone to crap in the last decade or so.

>> No.4126696

I had one of those too. Fuck.

>> No.4126701

I didn't even know it had a book, never used it. My dad built me my own tool bench in the garage. Full tools to build whatever my little heart desired. Never hurt myself or others. Responsibility was pushed into me pretty hard. Came with some sweet benefits, bowie knife for my 3rd grade birthday, bow and arrow for my 4th, pellet gun for my 5th. Used all unsupervised and responsible.

>> No.4126705

I had the tipple threat of Mechano (oldschool and new), K'Nex and Lego. Eng Fag here as well.

>> No.4126706 [DELETED] 

>that feel when kids today will never express creativity with legos, knex, lincoln logs, or hot wheels

>> No.4126723


My dad used to beat me with hotwheelses tracks, I had to hide / sneak them into the garbage, he moved on to coat hangers which was actually an improvement even though it bled more

>> No.4126731

i remember some computer games being really fun.
fucking math munchers.
treasure mathstorm. holy fuck.
math blasters. godaamn

>> No.4126733 [DELETED] 


That feel when they are the next generation.

>> No.4126740

Yeah, despite Legos, I also got to play around with my cousin's Commodore 128 and friend's C64.

Later, when I was in highschool I got my own Atari 520ST. Dungeon Master, Hunter, Rainbow Islands and Mega-Lo-Mania got my undivided attention for a few years.

>> No.4126746

Only kid in a few mile radius that had a shit ton of them and loved them im sure

>> No.4126760

K'Nex. You couldn't beat the simple engineering possibilities from them. You could build whatever you imagined. I had a 4x4 truck that I built with no instructions. This sucker has a homemade steering system, shocks, a front mounted engine with rear wheel drive, and fully working doors, hood, and lift gate.

Those toys led me to my love of cars, racing, and eventually into my degree in engineering.

>> No.4126764
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I credit math munchers for my arithmatic proficiency

>> No.4126779

I credit Rainbow Islands for my uncontrollable rage.
I credit Hunter for my persistence.
I credit Dungeon Master for my unconventional problem-solving skills.

I credit many game manuals and adventure games for my grasp of english language.
For some reason, a simple word like "item" didn't occur in at least five different english dictionaries when I was young.

>> No.4126791

My dad got me my first computer when I was 2.

Being both one of my earliest possessions and my most consistently used one, I'd say it has definitely had the biggest impact on my life.

Currently studying to become a software engineer and hope to do grad studies in AI. Have an modest background in IT and networking as well.

>> No.4127206

The new Lego Technic sets are awesome. This generation has it made, robots are becoming mainstream. Lucky bastards.

When I was a kid, Meccano > Capsela > Lego.

>> No.4127231

world of warcraft

i can imagine wow having quite a big impact on A LOT of ppl

>> No.4127274


>> No.4127278

Was looking at this picture like cool, wonder what they made this space shuttle out of thinking it was mine craft.

>> No.4127371

A computer?

>> No.4127376
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>> No.4127890

LEGO was great for my imagination. also painting and building all these thing i had in my mind and wanted them to become physical.

>> No.4127914
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Building blocks.

>> No.4127938
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I'm going to have to go with the computer. The fact that there were these devices that could do all these magical things drove me to try and learn everything I could about how they worked and how I could make them do all these things as well.

>> No.4127962

Legos master race reporting

>> No.4127973

Pokemon. I now run successful cock fighting business.

>> No.4127995

K'nex for making cool as fuck working machines and lego for making cool looking shit.

Loved transformers too, but not as much as k'nex and lego.

>> No.4128014
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an 8088.

>> No.4128017
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>> No.4128019

Well, probably Lego. If you consider computers as a toy (which I played with long before I had access to Lego), then definitely computers.

>> No.4128036

yes, but did you get a drop in 21 megabyte HD?

>> No.4128038

after 1992, computers were not toys.

>> No.4128050

When I was 9, I got the Big Ball Factory for K'nex. Now I'm an engineer.

>big ball factory