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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4117780 No.4117780 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/!
I want you to help me because most guys on /b are just retarded.
A large amount of men seem to have a large preoccupation with "young" looking women. 18 year olds are generally coveted more than 21 year olds - even though their appearances will look similarly as youthful. These men seem to like virginal women, because they like the idea of corrupting innocence. Some people seem fine with this, and it seems to have been somewhat normalized by society. Things like hollywood waxes and school girl costumes don't seem like a big deal to some - but where did they stem from? Why do so many men like women to wax themselves and resemble young girls? Where did the school girl thing come from? Only underage girls wear uniform, so why has this been sexualised??! How can that be moral?

Also, in porn, there is a trend of "just 18" or "barely legal" categories, and the girls are dressed in little girly clothes with long socks, pigtails and teddy bears and lollipops. We all know that this is typical of children, so how and why has this been sexualised? Does anyone else think this is wrong?

>> No.4117790
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Thanks for saying we're not retarded. Dunno about girls so I can't answer.

>> No.4117799

I'm no biologist, but it seems fairly obvious that the younger a woman you find, the longer you have to make babies with her. So obviously being attracted to younger women is going to be selected for.

>We all know that this is typical of children, so how and why has this been sexualised?
Because of people who are aroused by it.
>Does anyone else think this is wrong?
Not me. Anything that serves as a replacement for child porn is a Good Thing.

>> No.4117832

you're gonna find people on both sides of this. it is natural for men to have preferences for women who are just becoming fertile and at their fertility peak. People used to really sexualize fat women since that meant the woman was getting adequate nutrition and then some. It's all about fertility. so some people argue that it is ok as long as it is natural (some of this group is thinking mainly with their penis for better or worse).

others take your side. society is meant to protect resources, including reproductive resources (women's eggs and child bearing abilities being the more scarce) and promote good structure (i.e. having children in a structured family). Some people in this group operate not from their penis but still some other basic emotion or desire to follow religion blindly.

It's rather personal where that line of what laws should enforce and promote are.

On a side note, if you've wondered why things like high heels are sexy. I've read that it comes from the Industrial Revolution times. A woman put in non-productive clothing (revealing, hard-to-wear), was a woman who could afford to not work hard. She would be someone able to raise children or a trophy for a man to show he was wealthy enough to provide for both.
Hope that helps.

>> No.4117845

ok thanks so far

>> No.4117884
File: 160 KB, 400x400, 1320684774445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once read this on /b/:
"The main cause of child molestation is sexy children".

I think it was intended to be a joke (or I hope so), but the guy had a point: have you seen high school girls lately ? They look like prostitutes. What can a penis do?

No But seriously, girls are developing early is only natural that men star feeling aroused early too, righ?

>> No.4117892

maybe because younger girls are better developed than fucking saggy tit grandmas ya retard. it has nothing to do with corrupting innocence, thats more of a pedo thing

>> No.4117907

Perky tits -> saggy tits
Tight pussy -> loose pussy
Pretty face -> weathered face

Younger women are more attractive. In porn; yes they do sometimes over emphasize the image of youth. I don't think it's wrong it's just like role playing with your girlfriend. Taking it past that would be wrong. Having said that I will leave you with this.
Keep your thoughts clean, for your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words clean, for your words become your actions.
Keep your actions clean, for your actions become your habits.

>> No.4117939

Analysis concluded:

OP is an unattractive female, who cannot win the attention of males

>> No.4118006

I think I saw a documentary once on the lifespan of humans in paleolithic. Survival rates for children were very low, maybe 1 in 4 or 5 newborns survived past 1 year. So, to get a chance at reproduction women had to start as early as possible. They found evidence that the average age of first pregnancy for women was much lower than today, below 18. So they concluded it was very likely that girls started making themselves available to men as early as 11 years. I couldnt' believe that, but that was their conclusion, based on bones evidence and pelvis structure.

This is an example of how a few factors (lifespan and child mortality) can lower the age when girls start having sex. I don't think this is new, by evolutionary standards.

In the meantime, lifespan increased, and humans spend much more time in education instutitions than they probably did at any point in history. So now it's considered that they are not fully mature before the executive functions develop. Because of this the environment is way more diferent than 15000 years ago.

My speculation would be that younger women are more sought after because of increasing rates of autism, which probalby has a subclinical effect in the entire population. Younger women are a lot easier to control/dominate than older ones...

>> No.4118274

> A large amount of men seem to have a large preoccupation with "young" looking women.

That's because by their mid 20s, American women have already put on an obscene amount of weight. Folds of fat around the midriff are REPULSIVE.

By the time they his their early 40s American women have turned into OGRES. A rational man may as well pick a chimpanzee to have sex with.

We like the young ladies since they haven't had time to develop the sad laziness and poor diet of most American females. They are sexier, just like a painting from a classical artists is sexier than some fingerpainting by some schoolkid. That's how far off you older women are in the USA.

Stop eating like niggers eat. Stop laying around like Jabba-the-Hutt. Or learn to like adultery, since even if a man hangs around you, he's gonna look elsewhere for a satisfying fuck for once.


>> No.4118296

The question was why men's interest shifted to much younger women everywhere, not just real life. Also porn, anime, lolis, jailbaits, etc. `That doenst have much to do with US women getting fat imo. In fact, no one said this is a topic about Americuns.

>> No.4118344 [DELETED] 
File: 676 KB, 2920x1616, blade_runner___rachel_by_maxhitman-d39c7r5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I certainly understand the appearance perspective of this trend.

Women are most attractive when they show the least amount of aging pathology; early on this can usually be seen in skin elasticity, slight wrinkles and skin defects. Think about it, humans are pretty good when it comes to guessing a person's age. Next time you guess (rightly) that a girl is in her late 20's or early 30's, how did you know? Is her skin wrinkly? No. Is she missing her teeth or have significant buildup of melanomas on her skin? Of course not. Then how do you know? You know because we're pretty good at telling the age of someone based on their skin.

Now, what is one of the most important features that figures in to the physical attractiveness of a women? DING DING DING. SOFT, SMOOTH, SKIN.

Younger girls have better skin. It's just a fact of nature. This I understand and, as a man, I understand the significance of great skin when it comes to attracting me. Perfect skin is irresistible and 18 year old girls are sporting it in spades.

You also mentioned men liking "virginal" girls. This is the part that I don't understand. Neither "virginal" or inexperienced, whether in sex or in life, women are attractive to me at all. For the most part this means that you can keep your 18 year olds because their also sporting naivete in spades, unfortunately. I just stay on the look out for attractive women with more life experience, and there are plenty of those in the 25ish range.

Pic related, a drop dead gorgeous woman not in her teens.

>> No.4118350

By young-looking, do you mean, clear skin, physically fit, full of energy? Men have always found younger women attractive, it's just now that society is trying to make us feel bad for it.

>> No.4118352
File: 676 KB, 2920x1616, blade_runner___rachel_by_maxhitman-d39c7r5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I certainly understand the appearance perspective of this trend.

Women are most attractive when they show the least amount of aging pathology; early on this can usually be seen in skin elasticity, slight wrinkles and skin defects. Think about it, humans are pretty good when it comes to guessing a person's age. Next time you guess (rightly) that a girl is in her late 20's or early 30's, how did you know? Is her skin wrinkly? No. Is she missing her teeth or have significant buildup of melanomas on her skin? Of course not. Then how do you know? You know because we're pretty good at telling the age of someone based on their skin.

Now, what is one of the most important features that figures in to the physical attractiveness of a women? DING DING DING. SOFT, SMOOTH, SKIN.

Younger girls have better skin. It's just a fact of nature. This I understand and, as a man, I understand the significance of great skin when it comes to attracting me. Perfect skin is irresistible and 18 year old girls are sporting it in spades.

You also mentioned men liking "virginal" girls. This is the part that I don't understand. Neither "virginal" or inexperienced, whether in sex or in life, women are attractive to me at all. For the most part this means that you can keep your 18 year olds because they're also sporting naivete in spades, unfortunately. I just stay on the look out for attractive women with more life experience, and there are plenty of those in the 25ish range.

Pic related, a drop dead gorgeous woman not in her teens.

>> No.4118397


Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Americunt. Keep avoiding the real reason: Your repulsive flab.

No wonder men are turning more and more to pornography. It's infinitely better than having to deal with your sickening, awful fatness.

>> No.4118435

You do realize that for thousands of years men in their twenties would typically marry girls between the ages of 14-18 right? Even just a hundred years ago a single woman in her early twenties was seen as "running out of time" in terms of getting married and bearing children.

If you think about it then it does make some sense an older male is typically much better able to provide for the woman and a family. While a younger female is typically much better able to produce a greater number of healthy children.

>> No.4118465

You are framing this like it is some increasingly prevalent problem and represents a decay in western society. Child brides are still common in many other societies. Saying that something is morally correct because it is natural is a logical fallacy, but being attracted to youthfulness is not unnatural.

>> No.4118487

You are a bad troll.
Please go away.

>> No.4118534

In a historical context (mind you, this is a span of ~200k years,) males are fit for reproduction after they have demonstrated the ability to provide for more than themselves. This can only happen after they have learned how to hunt in full, which is, like, what, mid 20s at best? Women are most fertile between 13 and 30. Age discrepancy is par for the course, in this context. Modernity is a recent development, so what the fuck do you expect, exactly? In evolutionary history, old habits die hard.

>> No.4119619

unemployment effects men more than women.
increasingly men are subordinate to women supervisors at work.

this conflicts with their attitudes about "what it means to be a man".
in an impotent attempt to "get back" they masturbate to woman-humiliation and woman-domination.

young women are dumb and easy to manipulate. men think that they are easy prey for sexual exploitation.
in reality these women actors make more money than their male counterparts. and increasingly men feel ashamed about their isolated-maleness.

tl;dr: men won the gender-wars and feel real bad about it. aww <pity>.

>> No.4119632

OP: Baaw why do humans have the instinct to reproduce they should be asexual robots

I wish I could be an asexual robot.

>> No.4119633

Personally I think 18 is way too old.

>> No.4119678

You're confusing your own subjective tastes with objective reality. At a glance at any porn site like xvideos I count only 2 or 3 that could be considered "teen" videos out of 40 on the front page, teen/teenager/teenagers get around 50000 tags while blowjob alone gets 200000 and anal gets 100000, at a glance it would seem it is significant rather than dominant. I would speculate that the psychological aspect of sex is under-rated, men who like raunchy women who do anal are attracted to 18 year olds, however they have been conditioned to associate 25 year old sluts with sex and find their stimuli resonates with them stronger. You have simply been conditioned to find "long socks, pigtails and teddy bears" accessible.

>> No.4119824
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It is definitely wrong. I also think that men who want a "barely" 18 year old and like them young dressed with long socks and pigtails, have pedifile tendencies.... They want a young girl so they can "train" them like they want them. It's sick and disgusting if you think about other reasons why they want them young...

>> No.4119841


>They want a young girl so they can "train" them like they want them

Or maybe that's just your sexual fantasy.

>> No.4119894

>trend of "just 18" or "barely legal"

I would say its a category not a trend

On a somewhat related topic

Why do some girls just want/like to give bjs, not constantly and not to random strangers, and not every bj is like this.
But I found it perplexing how for example my gf will just want to give me a bj, when I ask her why, she said she likes to, why ? No prior foreplay or anything, so its different from that "i'm horny let me suck you off' type bj.
I've heard other girls saying they like giving bjs as well (I'm assuming they get that feeling for their partners) or is it females being submissive to their males. Not saying this is the case for all girls,

>> No.4119910
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>implying you wouldn't

>> No.4119917
File: 140 KB, 804x1200, schoolgirl-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, you're right, it's not moral, and it may contradict the values of society, but it's legal and it's turning me on, and being ashamed of that won't change it. As long as males don't cross the line, we can deal with it. if you find a magic pill that will make me feel attracted to woman in my age i will take it, but as long as there isn't, I refuse to be ashamed of something that is encoded in our nature.

>> No.4119922

eww that woman has an ugly face

>> No.4119925

I met her at a donkey show, she was minutes past thirteen, sucking on a cherry yoo-hoo reading "Nugget" magazine. Cum splattered tube-top. Scrawny pre-pube tits.

That's when I saw she was quadraple-chick.

And I said "Baby you're looking good," that's when I noticed her legs were wood. I grabbed a stump and dragged her out the door.

I need a hole, I don't need no hips. I laid a line of coke on her tits---That's when I ripped off her dirty shit-filled drawers...

Good, should, could, I think it feels pretty good. So good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good

It wasn't nothing pretty, she took my genital germ.
Her limbless body thrashed about filled with infected sperm. I criss-crossed with the cables, I smashed her face through a door... They found her in a plastic bag down by Highway 64.

And I said "Baby your looking good," that's when I saw her legs were wood, and all you people... You just can't understand. I need a hole, I don't need no hips, I need the taste of dick on my lips....

I fucked her asshole with a piece of frozen shit.

>> No.4119926




>> No.4119928

Don't make this thread 404, it's interesting!

>> No.4119934

ITT: bitter lesbians

>> No.4119937

> bitter "lesbians"

>> No.4119942
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>> No.4119947

mmmm. Gwar, good band.

>> No.4119946

ah, these daffy young innocent musicians... ;)

>> No.4119960
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>> No.4119961 [DELETED] 


>> No.4119967


lol mezmerized much?

>> No.4119980

for anyone who has ears:

>> No.4119989
File: 50 KB, 378x478, 1321108881411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is derailed now

>> No.4119993

/b/ mentioned

>> No.4120000


No i would say it is still on the subject.
A picture is worth a thousand words,dear boy.

>> No.4120008

nice quads bro
I would say that the thread started out derailed and has just now found its way to the tracks

>> No.4120015
File: 277 KB, 640x853, 1289195498949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its pretty obvious
youthfulness = fertility

Whats the outcome of us wanting to plow these women six ways from sunday ? sperm, sperm everywhere.

Too bad no one has given any insight on that bj thing i mentioned earlier, I can't ask any girls I know right now without coming off as a creep.

>> No.4120017

OP as far as I know, "barely legal" porn is nothing new. This infantilization of girls became widely popular around the 1990's, when the internet came around. In Japan the same thing happened in the 1980's. You should ask a Japanese how society deals with it.

>> No.4120033

>Does anyone else think this is wrong?

Nope. and This is not science related.

saged and reported


>> No.4120041
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Funny thing you mentioned Japan. Up until 80ies age of consent was 14yo and it was under pressure of USA moved to 16yo.
Actually the most butthurt about all this under 18 sex are conservative Americans.

>> No.4120043

why do people buy kittens and puppies?
why is an original Rembrandt worth more than a poster?
why do new cars cost more than used cars?

are you similarly confused about these issues, OP?

>> No.4120045

maybe, but she's batshit crazy too

>> No.4120059

Young women are cute, old women are ugly. That's all. Men want fertile women, not worn out ones. The age of fertility and the age of which is is considered appropriate to sex have just drifted apart over time.

>> No.4120066

Sex in America, the internet age, is a disaster.

>> No.4120064
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>corrupting innocence, thats more of a pedo thing

What? Fuck you. Pedophilia is the attraction to beautiful children, like gayness is attraction to men, it has nothing to do with "corrupting inocence". If anything, a true pedo wants to PRESERVE the childhood of children. Why would a pedo, attracted to children, like kids that act like grown-ups?

>> No.4120069

Me and my mate(a non 4channer) see this all the time, Sexy bitches are getting younger and younger and its getting harder and harder to tell, it isnt fucking fair.

>> No.4120070
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>they do sometimes over emphasize the image of youth.

>> No.4120071
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>> No.4120075
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>> No.4120076


>If anything, a true pedo wants to PRESERVE the childhood of children.

so like all of the ones that sodomize them and ruin their lives just havent gotten the memo yet orrr....

>> No.4120079
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1268522538082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the ever living fuck, who the fuck is dressing their kid like this, if my wife brang my daughter home like that, i would just wreck her shit.

>> No.4120082


What? Child rapists are not pedophiles, just like women rapists are not heterosexuals.

>> No.4120081
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>> No.4120088

fuck off /lit/

weren't you banned for this, too?

>> No.4120089


none of your beeswax

>> No.4120091

You're nothing like Richard Feyman you're a disgrace of a human being and you're a pathetic Faggot stop trying to imitate someone and be your own person.

>> No.4120092

he got banned for making a thread, EK posts shit every day in threads and she doesn't get b&

>> No.4120096


a rude dude makes an ad hominem post on 4chan, details at eleven

>> No.4120097

I know its fucking wank.

>> No.4120100

blackman (i believe) at one point rationalized that mods may be personality constructs, as well

this would explain how the scottish man shitposts every day yet is unable to ban himself because of common IPs

>> No.4120103

so you thing ther is some kind of relationship between the internet and this infantilizing trend?

>> No.4120112
File: 42 KB, 404x480, 1317387544854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue OP is average
From what I see the younger the age (the lower limit is puberty, below that they could be just be lumped together as 'cute') group the less uglies it has, but that could be my man bias for younger women rationalizing this.

Guys are just crippled by fear of rejection and what others will think of them, meanwhile the some of the guys we label are douche bags are the ones doing what we would like to do, ok maybe we won't be using some lame ice breaker, but you get the point.

>> No.4120117


"hey guys heres my anecdotal evidence on why teens are smoking hot" - /sci/, 2011

>> No.4120142

I think the question has been fully answered: the skin part rings true with me for sure.

But I'll just drop in to say older women are far less bullshitters than the young ones. They get to the point more readily, and have had enough time to get over social insecurities and hangups. Just straight up no bullshit, good sex, and someone who might be bright enough to be interesting after you've blown too many loads in her front and back side to go at it again immediately. What I mean by "get to the point" is not only in terms of sex, but generally as well.

>> No.4120151

nope. Honestly I've found teens more like that than the adults around here.

>> No.4120156

I saw a friend just the other day, he didn't have too much to say, he looked crazy, he looked ashamed, he couldn't talk because his tongue was inflamed. And then he tried to run away from some chick that was coming this way. I think I thought I knew who she was, a little junkie whore that's a big ugly scuz. I didn't have to go too far, flashed 20 bucks and then she got in the car. Tried to talk to her but she called me a fool, I tried to give her money and put her family through school.

Cause she's a real tough mama when she wear's women's clothes, everybody knows she she's got a bone through her nose. She's really hot, he's hawking snot, but when she gets home Daddy's all over her twat: Preschool prostitute. All the drugs that you can shoot. Preschool prostitute, slave to the brute.

I finally gave up, let her do what she please. Wouldn't have sex with her cause I got a disease, but she told a sad story 'bout a family in woe. She was getting fingered by her Daddy's big toe. He was the first. It was the worst. She came in a limo and she left in a hearse. She became five. She's still alive. Better call the bug man cause your twat is a hive.

Preschool Prostitute: all the drugs that you can shoot. Preschool Prostitute: tried to talk to her but she called me a fool. I tried to give her money and put her family through school. She's a real tough mama and she wear's women's clothes, everybody knows she she's got a bone through her nose. You're barely out of diapers and you're wearing a wig. You might be a baby but you smell like a pig. She got to five, she's still alive... better call the bugman cause your twat is a hive.

>> No.4120157


This is hardly a new thing. Men have been fucking teenagers since mankind was mankind. "Barely Legal" porn has been around longer than the internet, hell, longer than printed magazines. Sexual tastes are not suddenly dropping lower, they're exactly where they've always been. The internet just makes it easier to see what others are doing (and therefore thinking).

>> No.4120182

but why wouldn't woman realize this before, if it was always present? we aren't that dumb we would have seen it.

>> No.4120190


Youth tends to hide flaws. Age will bring them out.

>> No.4120193

what ?
How do you think cosmetics have been marketed since since marketing was invented.

>> No.4120201


social constructs ahoy!

>> No.4120232

because woman were not in power until the last years. They were not upset about it because it was normal.

>> No.4120242

You say you're not ashamed. Why does it sound like you have to explain yourself?

>> No.4120244



>> No.4120248


if you lived in a different time or place the things you consider "flaws" would not be considered so and you know it

your "no" is in bad faith

>> No.4120304


The flaws I'm talking about are universal across all cultures. I don't think any culture considers Huntington's disease to be a blessing.

>> No.4120311



captcha: whoril expect

>> No.4120361

ha, it will be interesting to watch what happens when the chicks realize what really is going on.

>> No.4120523
File: 390 KB, 574x331, ponponpon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Japan, the future of mankind!


>> No.4120869

Well here's my two cents:

You know how people says that once you start with a drug eventually it will lead you to harder stuff?

Well same shit with porn. When I started fapping it was all imagination, then model-like pics, then softcore porn, then lesbian, then hardcore orgies, then fetishes .... etc

So far I've never got down the road of fapping to CP, simply because I don't want troubles, but to be honest there are few porn sites that get me going.

I think is possible that the easy acces to porn of nowadays have made us "insensible" somehow and we need harder stuff such as "infantilized barely legal bitches"

>> No.4121112

> You are a bad troll.

Not even a troll. I'm only saying the full truth. By the time you femcows hit age 30, yet let yourselves go so badly that it's like trying to sex up a 50-yr-old of the bygone age. You're in the garbage bin since you drink and smoke and eat like niggers. No wonder nobody wants you anymore except as a fucking RENTMOUTH.

>> No.4121174


OP, if you've got a Netflix watch-instantly account watch "Lets Talk About Sex", i think it offers some really good insight into your question

in a nutshell, i think the problem you mentioned (which is more pronounced in the US then elsewhere, at least IMHO) stems from sexual repression. sex in this culture isn't something that's normal and healthy, it's this weird taboo act that's naughty and wrong. parents don't feel comfortable talking about it with their kids, so kids grow up learning about sex from their friends and from watching porn

>> No.4121962
