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File: 36 KB, 520x390, progressiveafrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4116245 No.4116245 [Reply] [Original]

If you had political power, which strategies wuld you use to develop Africa?

>> No.4116248

pretend strategies

>> No.4116252

Make it stable through security. Then build out roads, irrigation canals, and infrastructure in general.

>> No.4116253
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>> No.4116251

Agriculture, Industry, Education

>> No.4116272
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the problem about agriculture is the diffuse distibution of people. they cannot sell their products for good money in central markets, cause the transport roads are too long. what do?

>> No.4116308
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i hoped /sci/ was more interested about the outside world

>> No.4116314

I'd send people from the first world to steal all their resources.

>> No.4116317

africa is hopeless

>> No.4116321

It depends on the countries. There isn't just one solution for all problems of every african state but you could start with teaching the basics of agriculture to african farmers.

>> No.4116324

money in exchange for sterilisation

>> No.4116326
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Put whites or Asians in charge of all operations.

Either that or nuke the place and start over.

>> No.4116349

Introduce a number of successive generations of white women for interbreeding purposes with the aim of diluting the nigger gene pool which is ultimately the root cause of the problem.

>> No.4116354

Legalize cannibalism.

>> No.4116358

>Asians in charge of all operations.

China is already taking charge of Africa.

And when I say "taking charge" I mean China is exploiting dumb niggers to get their raw materials at knock-down price.

>> No.4116375
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These make me regret to ask bout Africa, i hope you're trolling. Strilisation for food or money is possible but ethical problematic, i wouldn't consider it progressive.

>> No.4116377

They're also buying land in Ethiopia in preparation for the climate change.

>> No.4116381

The only way to fix the problem is to completely cut Africa off from the rest of the world for ~10-20 years. After this, the population will have greatly diminished to more reasonable levels. Organize an overthrowing of all the African leaders, installing European ones. Then, press the surviving Africans into work gangs, who will work on improving Africa's infrastructure in exchange for regular food and housing. At the same time, get numerous countries' militaries to set up divisions that would work together to patrol Africa, destroying the warlords and any insurrections. Following this, we set about developing other aspects of Africa, such as healthcare. Leave education for last, lest the Africans get ideas about resisting. Finally, we leave democratically elected leaders behind and let the continent run its own business. Ideally, they will realise that our actions were tough by fair.

There, Africa fixed. Next?

>> No.4116382

Switch to Libertarianism. The free market will fix everything.

>> No.4116386
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Decentral energy production would solve the distribution problems

>> No.4116396 [DELETED] 
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>Strilisation for food or money is possible but ethical problematic, i wouldn't consider it progressive.

Awww, we upset the little liberal?

Go the fuck back to reddit where you can whine about how oppressive "the system" is to your beloved niggers and homosexuals.

>> No.4116417

>>4116349 here, I never mentioned sterilization. With my solution, African men can think they're getting back at the white man by mating with their women, and trashy white sluts can get the black studs they're always drooling over. You don't even have to mention the gene pool improvement thing so no accusation of racism. Everyone wins.

>> No.4116421

Are you going to post the rest of that series?

>> No.4116428

Probably, but this solution seems far too easy...


Also this, but 10-20 years is far too much.
Shit will fall in 5 years easily. But I'm a bad guesser and my age leaves me without much experience.

>> No.4116459

I see, but there are already successive white women in
African countries and as we know they don't interbreed.
I would be thankful if this discussion was more about
technology education and infrastructure, not about genes.

>> No.4116467


Africa doesn't need technology, what it needs is good government.

>> No.4116469


>> No.4116481

basic infrastructure. roads for trading, agriculture. and definitely build up the education system so we dont have to babysit forever.

>> No.4116509

Africa is not alien to the institution of free market. A study of African traditional system reveals that there were free markets, free trade and of course free enterprise before the advent of colonial institutions. However, shortly after independence many postcolonial African leaders imported a development pattern that favored central planning.

>> No.4116523

Kill everyone there with some virus.

10 years later come and colonise it.

It's proven that only white and asian societies make shit happen.

USA killed all their natives and shit happened.

Latin America and Africa mixed with their natives. Nothing was done. Same with India.

>> No.4116527

Kill them all and repopulate the continent with someone who is already civilised. I'd consider slavery, but they'd rebel sooner or later. Or attempt to kill each other, since they appear to love it so much.

>> No.4116536

ITT: why sciducks isnt in any position of political influence

>> No.4116539


>> No.4116540 [DELETED] 

Catholic Church out of Africa immediately, force all nations to either restructure all African debt or forgive it, begin establishing infrastructure and educational sysmtes. The Church especially just has to go-as long as they continue to falsely teach that condoms do not prevent AIDS, AIDS will continue being a problem in Africa. It'd be one thing if they just said "it's against our religion", but they claim condoms actually cause AIDS, which is demonstrably false.

>> No.4116541

The only thing that can save that place is a strong eugenics program/killing everyone.

>> No.4116548
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>> No.4116552

>Latin America and Africa mixed with their natives. Nothing was done. Same with India.

Your butthurt is showing.


>> No.4116553
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First Africans have to grow older.

>> No.4116561

Remove Muslims from their pedestal and then let the Africans stand on their own feet. You'd be surprised what they can do.

>> No.4116588

German fag here. I´m not really racist or nationalistic but my country and my people rebuilt everything after two fucking world wars! After world war two there was no food and no men to work. Do you know what my forefathers, or should I say foremothers started to do? All the women worked and hauled stone. Within a few years and the help of America we were a strong country again and nowadays we are the leading exporting country.

The reason why we were able to do this is our spirit and mentality. No matter what you do in Africa, people there will not accept it. Even rich countries with oil are shit because the leaders abuse it. I´m not saying that blacks tend to be more criminal, but Africa has a high number of rape, bribing, murdering and not to mention the aids problem.

It´s the same as people trying to build girl schools in Afghanistan. They spend millions on it only for a small group of Taliban to burn it down and kill the teachers two weeks later.

It would be interesting to see what happens if we separate a part a country to form a new one where we make the law and everything, and if someone doesn´t follow he´ll be kicked out. Everyone can join and come in but if you don´t play along you are out.

>> No.4116593

No, it needs to be 10-20 years, maybe 30 to be certain. Enough for a whole generation change and for the new generation to be sued to the harshness.

>> No.4116613

2 things hold africa back. Rape and HIV. The solution is to obviously castrate the males.

>> No.4116616
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That's actually the current plan for the Technocracy, a city-state to be built in Africa where lawlessness is the order of the day, and where we can impose order and law without concern of outside forces.

>> No.4116623

Interesting what you say, but you got this Germany thing wrong. Germany just had to rebuild its infrasctructure, but a lot of the machines and engines were intact. also you had powerful companies who still owned their patents, so they had no barriers in development.
In Africa you have to plan the infrastructure from scratch, and have to pay for every patent if you want do develop something.

>> No.4116628

Pay people for sterilization. Then strip mine the continent.

>> No.4116635

>Pay people for sterilization.
Africans are stupid and ignorant. Just say "Want to never have to worry about knocking up a ho'? Come in today! Ten minutes and you'll never have to worry again!"

>> No.4116641
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we will see in 50 years

>> No.4116646

Not to mention that the Berlin wall only fell in 1989.

>> No.4116650

Free water for everybody.

Then put ricin in it.

Wait until their corpses disintegrate.

Start over with white people.

>> No.4116654

Also, the women would be interested as well.

>> No.4116660

except black guys are proud of their fertility. and of their dick size. its part of their primitive masculinity. So there's no way they'd ever go willingly for sterilization.

>> No.4116668

That's why you don't tell them its sterilization.
Hell, you can tell them it's temporary or some shit.
It's Africa, what could go wrong?
If they attack, I've got professionals.

>> No.4116670

Those two problems especially HIV are blown way out of proportion by the media to make Africa look like the hopeless continent. truth is you can fuck a prostitute in africa and chances are you won't get aids. due to irreversibility of hiv in any continent though, i wouldnt recommend it.

>> No.4116673


No, really, it benefits both parties. The niggers get huge improvements to their infrastructure and authorities, which (should their society change enough over time to embrace them) would linger after their rich-country colonists leave: the latter would enjoy the profits obtained from developing industries in the area.

Only neoliberal faggots and useless faggot-infested bureaucracies like the UN and its plethora of councils would never let that happen.

>> No.4116675

There's also a chance that you *will* get AIDS, and that chance is significantly higher than elsewhere.

>> No.4116676

The problem with Africa is the people of Africa (I.E. genetics). If we want Africa to be a better place, we would basically have to get rid of all the Africans and replace them, or do genetic engineering/eugenics.
It isn't a pretty solution, but it is the only viable one.

>> No.4116677

not telling them is unethical. fine if you cant to override ethics then I might just decide to do the same in order to shoot you in the face.

and professionals? you mean those guys who screaming black hawk down after underestimating the resistance once again

>> No.4116678
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you may be right, the woman would feel like liberated from oppression.
but you cannot force them, you have to make propaganda for birth control.
you also cannot name it propaganda. you have to hide it in the humanitarian aid budget.

>> No.4116682

and those chances are what I said was exaggerated in order to perpetuate the myth of the feckless continent.

>> No.4116687

That makes more sense. The women would be all for it, even if the men are not.

>> No.4116692

>The niggers get huge improvements to their infrastructure and authorities, which (should their society change enough over time to embrace them) would linger after their rich-country colonists leave

I have one word for you: Zimbabwe.

>> No.4116693

It depends on the scope of that political power. I'm an American and I don't believe that even the US president is in any position to help develop Africa.

>> No.4116695


solution: withdraw any and every funding including all organizations providing africa with any goods whatsoever. give them education. anyone who wants to learn can join, the rest will die as they should. in a couple of years, africa will have cleansed itself from within.

problem: by giving them food and medicine, we not only support their inability to learn, we effectively encourage and nourish it. i mean, what interest or motivation do i have to change, if those pesky westerners just keep on bailing me out. after all, you dont grow stronger if someone else keeps on lifting the weights at the gym!? and you dont learn when someone else keeps giving you the answers to your questions, no? same thing. let them face the challenge that they should have faced ages ago. and stop masturbating your crippled self-esteem, youre not a better person for helping anyone. there is no selflessness and there is no goodness. its called helper syndrome and you should start helping yourself.

growing up is a difficult time but no one can do it for you. africa has to do this on their own.

>> No.4116700

again, most men were killed, everything was bombed and destroyed and people had no food. Before WW1 we had something like a King, before/during WW2 Nationalsozialism/Hitler and after that democracy.

I can´t proof that but I´m quite sure nobody gave a fuck about the patents of a country that just lost a war.

>a lot of the machines and engines were intact
In East Germany (or as whatever the area which was controlled by the Russians is familiar to you) pretty much all machines were stolen and transported to Russia. Happily this did not happen in West Germany, but it still happened, everything was bombed and the people who could use them dead.

The help of the Americans and England was crucial, yes. But more important was the will of the population to get back to normal conditions
What you seem to ignore is that Africa gets a shitload of money from Germany, America, EU and charities. Yet we see next to no improvements. If they had some smart people down their they would steal the anti-aids drugs, reverse engineer them and help their people. They would use their oil to power tractors, build roads and powerful trains that could easily cross this huge continent (well, maybe not exactly cross but you get the idea)

It´s certainly not only the fault of the Africans. That we interfered there in the first place, brought them aids and other problems and that we are now exploiting the hell out of them isn´t exactly helping either.
But my point remains, they have to pull on one string, fight crime (all kinds of it, like politicians stealing money and so on)

In the end they´ll never accept our help. The same thing must happen what happened in my country. Someone has to help them and they have to want it.


>> No.4116701
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>> No.4116703

>math is the root of all science
>science fixes everything

Teach africans advanced mathematics. Have that their entire curriculum. They will be studying topology while amerifats are learning what squares are.

>> No.4116706

i would confiscate the money sent in to fight AIDS, and install plumbing, sewers, and irrigation. without those, no society can flourish.

>> No.4116707
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don't worry, the trend is on your side.

>> No.4116720

>brought them aids
Doesn't aids originated from Africa?

>> No.4116721

>It's proven that only white and asian societies make shit happen.
lol, what the fuck has Asia done? Anime and vidya? GTFO weeaboo.

>> No.4116724

More than that, teach them Programming, it'll teach them logic and math at the same time.

>> No.4116731

Do your research before making stupid comments like this.


>> No.4116735

Touché. But hey: if things don't work out and the blacks just turn all the whites' hard work to shit, we still ended up improving ourselves out of the whole venture; it's a win-win situation for us.

Or, permament colonialism could be applied. Combine that with tougher justice and things should be okay all-round.

Sudan must be avoided though. There's nothing to exploit.

>> No.4116737

Asia has produced the longest lasting and most consistent empires, in terms of culture and history.

>> No.4116740
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>> No.4116754
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After we finish pulling out of the middle east, we'll need some way to justify the cost of all those unamnned drones.

>> No.4116764

>"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger"
>say something bad about Asians

Name an Asian country that doesn't favor Western culture over its own. Oh wait, you can't. Asian "culture" and "history" is shit. I bet you watched Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and really believe Gooks used to jump around on trees and shit, lol. Go fap to Jap tentacle rape porn.

>> No.4116770

>tentacle rape porn
There you go! A major contribution from asian culture that we couldn't part with!

>> No.4116771

Of course they love us, we have individuality, something that asians have had bred out of them over millenia.
It's that lack of individuality that also made their culture stable, albeit not very innovative.

>> No.4116774
File: 31 KB, 500x395, african_population_558595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already knew this article, but thanks

>> No.4116776

Hey guise whats going on in this thread

>> No.4116782

You might wanna look that up on youtube. I saw a documentary which says it was brought to them by us and spread by vaccinations. Something with monkeys (not the niggers, the monkey monkeys) and polio I think. Look pretty legit, but that´s a pretty "hot" topic. You might find a lot of bullshit and propaganda about it. Both, things that might speak for or against what I said.

>> No.4116788

and our enormous penises

>> No.4116794

That's not particulary odd.
Every 'race' contains the entire human genome, with so many people of course there will be throwbacks, assuming this wasn't the result of racial intermixing.

>> No.4116797

>scientific consensus regards the hypothesis as disproven

>> No.4116813

haha, thanks

>> No.4116819

Whenever I read a thread about Africa, it dpresses me.
Not because of the starving children, but because of the nature of their race.
They can't gorw.
It's horrifying. They will always kill themselves.
It's as if humanity was a single unit int he past, and bred itself specifically for different roles in this universal society, only for some schism to occur to split them apart, leaving the humans bred for strength and docility behind.

>> No.4116855

just tried to find the real source of AIDS and it says that more than 50% of all pregnant women in Botswana have AIDS. Shit, that´s a lot.

However, I have not found a good other theory what the source could be. Do you know it?

>> No.4116870

Apparently, the most likely theory is that it comes from the SIV ( Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) and the most plausible cause for ape to human transmission would be bushmeat practice.
New factors in the late 19th/early 20th century, such as urbanisation, vaccination campaigns using unsafe practices would have helped it spread.

>> No.4116890
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>HIV spread by vaccinations

Disproven, but I do recall hearing about Islamic Imams spreading shit to stop people from receiving vaccinations, with the result that polio rebounded with gusto.

>> No.4116901

Actually, many researchers think vaccination and other medical practices using unsterile equipment have played a role in spreading the disease.

>> No.4116933

>applies to colonial era
>the push on polio vaccination didn't swing into action until the 1990s

fascinating story nonetheless, brother

>> No.4116950

I wouldn't be amazed if they did it with full knowledge of the consequences. Religions strengthen when people suffer.

>> No.4116951

Never said it was related to the polio vaccine. By then I assume they had heard about sterilization.

>> No.4116955

Full knowledge? In the late 19th/early 20th century? You give them too much credit.

>> No.4116964
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aids crushed progress indeed.

>> No.4116968
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If you want to take the red pill:


>> No.4116988

>on 4chan
>taking the red pill

we are here to escape reality.

>> No.4116990

The real questin is why should we help them they don't want to develop and they cant react to their situation

>> No.4116995

because, they're bringing us down with them

>> No.4116997

We shouldn't help them.
But we are, because there's money to be made off of aid scams.

>> No.4117004

Free school meals. Education. Warehouses to hold food in the villages. A promise to buy food at set prices from local farmers around those warehouses. Basic infrastucture. Security. Microfinance provided to anyone with a good plan. De-salination and irrigation.
Also what part of Africa? It`s a continent not a country.
An end to agriculture subsidies in both the EU and USA.

>> No.4117010


>> No.4117013

whose fault is that?

>> No.4117017
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>> No.4117019


why, ITT, there's an idiot that thinks the 50% of AIDS infected Botswana women is accurate

>> No.4117052

Mandatorize cannibalism.

>> No.4117132

Yeah, gapminder! I love Hans Rosling. You like devolopment a lot, don't you?
So here is something for you to fap to:


>> No.4119111

>>4116695 said it all.

>> No.4119134

> the rest will die as they should

Nope. Your logic is sound ideally, but let me tell you right now Day 1: mugging, robbing, raping, looting, theft, murder, mobs, vandalism, sacrilege and all out civil war.
Day 2 is like something out of Jumanji.

There's a delicate balance at hand here, you don't want to fuck that up by seeing who can snap first. I have a few ideas myself, but most require infinite funds, resources and a few miracles.

>> No.4119202

Frankly?? Genocide.

>> No.4119206

Heart of Darkness is required reading.

>> No.4119211

OK.. I'll a give a peaceful alternative: Isolate Africa and let evolution do the rest, ie let the population find its balance based on the local resources. I bet hunger will go away in less than one generation, when the mindless retards which fuck in the bushes will be forced to control their own reproductive behaviour based on what resources they have to support it (like the rest of the world).

>> No.4119225

I'd use white millitary to take away all blacks weapons, that first of all, they can't handle their shit and just end up killing echother and that's proven over and over. then I'd force them to go educate themselves since knowing is being aware of yourself and what possition you are in. knowing ones limitations is really important so you won't waste time thinking you are king of africa while you are king of fucking shit. second I'd kill the aids-carriers or atleast isolate them and dont let them go out and rape everything as they are now.
then I'd just put up a shitload of companies that I would own, hire the africans that I have now schooled to be humans, let them work for me in my company helping them to harvest their own resources, give them money to buy back those resourses and create an economy. later I would use africans to front for my companies to make it more legit not looking like the white hitler is taking over all of africa but honestly if I was to do this shit and get those monkeys out of the trees I'd fucking want a huge ass cut for putting in the effort of saving a continent.

>> No.4119259

#1 - agriculture reform
#2 - throw more money into OLPC and internet infrastructure

>> No.4119281


this is what i meant >>4119211
after the dust settled, you pick up the pieces and start fresh. also, right away there needs to be a child-per-capita-limit.


dude, you dont understand that those 'monkeys' are just the same as us. the difference is education and mentality (which is not hereditary lol). even now, with all your blacks living in the u.s., they get that competitive, barbarian mentality instilled in them from early on. no wonder they think gold chains and big cars are symbols of status and prowess. put a white guy in thta mindset, and hes gonna act the same. this whole bigger-is-better way of thinking is a reflex based on the values that they are facing.

>> No.4119344

So in other words: Let Africa crash and burn for a decade or two, then begin full-on colonial imperialism?

That sounds good.

>> No.4119357

No. Let them support themselves like any other region in the world.

>> No.4119402


no one said anything about colonialism. yo give them education without imposing your own culture on to them. thats why i said internet schooling might be a good option. besides, interacting with computers not only requires a certain minimum intelligence, but it also supports intelligence growth. just as a side note.
point in question is: you gotta break an egg to make an omelet.
people will not challenge themselves to become smarter or stronger unless they have to. with helping them all the time youre not actually helping them at all. they say: the worst thing you can do for your children is to do things for them. same thing.

>> No.4119406

Sub-humans should die in fire!

>> No.4119414

Actually, this also came to my mind.

MY proposition, because it evidently worked:
a) Long Phases of isolation from the rest of the world.
b) Since the land is that big: Long phases of isolation phases from states in south Africa to each other.

I know this is almost impossible, and in many cases unethical due to the fact that some states have a chance to crumble/starve/whatever.

The advantage of this approach is however that this WILL enforce an outcome. Nations that were raided / raided other nations will have to undergo phases of war, AND afterwards stabilize themselves or cease to exist.
I base this approach on the theory that the people of Africa were in fact "discovered too early" by higher developed nations.
One may argue that other nations, even those that are already extinct, were able to pull off cultural development in way shorter time. These nations however didn't have the problem of dealing with the land of Africa. The hardships of the land and climate itself are a real damper on any form of development. Think this over, please

>> No.4119489


well i don't agree with the fact, that the country itself (geologically/meteorologically) makes such a big difference on the behavior of people. however, i have noticed how countries in 'southern' regions - meaning warmer climates with an extensive supply of sunshine - have been statistically less productive than countries in colder regions or with less sun exposure. if you look at south america, africa, arabia, south east asia or even australia - they have not really had any impact on world history. in contrast: if you look at countries like britain, france, germany, netherlands, russia, china, japan or most of north america - these countries seem to have a high productivity rate, which in turn leads to progress in human history. this could be a contributing factor to africas failure. however, countries like greece, portugal, italy or spain seem to defy that theory - especially in the antique era with egypt and persia and such..
but again, this is not an explanation nor an excuse as to why africa never has seem to developed beyond barbaric/nomad level.

>> No.4120133

The only way to school them electronically in order to prevent imposing culture would be through 'Hole in the wall' schooling.

>> No.4120159

raise two armies. throw them at each other.

a nation is build on ideals. and you won't know what you believe in unless you got a gun pressed against your head.

>> No.4121283

The plan so far
>Isolate Africa from the outside world
>Give them a few decades
Then two choices
>Go back in with full on Imperialism
>Attempt non-provocative self-directed electronic education.

>> No.4121302

> in fact "discovered too early" by higher developed nations

Africa is where humans originated (in a manner of speaking)

If they havnt developed now, they are never going to develop, think about it.

They have had more time than anyone.

I mean while our scientists are working on colonising mars, their scientists are working on how best to fit discs in in the bottom lip.

>> No.4121359

That's not entirely true, there have been events of empires of admirable levels of civilization in the history of sub-saharan Africa.

I don't know so much about actual inventions, though.

>> No.4121385
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>Something with monkeys (not the niggers, the monkey monkeys)

>> No.4121856

Does anyone know something that Africans have invented or discovered? How far they ever got scientifically?

>> No.4121865
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I'd bomb the shit out of it then use the land to make an awesome giant water park. Bitches love water parks

>> No.4121880


What kind of fools come here?

>> No.4121882


>> No.4121908

Education, political reform, increase industry, work on an infrastructure back bone, trade with them for their raw materials, kick out missionaries, etc.

Also, give them a proper education in hygiene and try to manipulate it so that they pass it to their kids.

>> No.4121912

So hardcore Imperialism, Britain Empire style.

>> No.4121926

Whatever works. It's about getting the job done. If imperialism is what it takes, so be it. Africa is an utter mess, and they would be a good ally. They have things we need, we have things they need. It's a relatively fair trade off. Rare minerals will lower in price if we can take advantage of their resources and they can use the money going into their economy to help boost other important areas. That probably won't happen though, sadly. I see Africa having the potential to be a very strong industrial nation, geographically.

>> No.4121932

If you had Trolling powers, which strategies would you use to sucker other trolls all the time?

Champion niggers?

Yep it never fails, guaranteed 200 replies every time.

>> No.4122126

I'd give the population a ton of guns and let them wipe themselves out over 60 years when we can come in and start anew with a clean conscious.

>> No.4122201

annex the entire continent, then privatize everything.

>> No.4122367

That might work. Let the Fires of Industry light up the Dark Continent!