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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 33 KB, 519x612, Sci2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4114176 No.4114176 [Reply] [Original]

Challenge #2

Truth is; I'm a math techer and I want YOU guys to refresh your own minds. This might be simple for some of you guys, but I still doubt that every self-claimed mathfag knows how to solve this.

Again, no cheating. I got the answer + right calculations. Who will be the fastest to solve it?

Inb4 Douchebags telling me this is homework - that's just plain stupid.

>> No.4114177

lol thinly veiled homework thread

>> No.4114178

I am not doing your fucking high school integrals homework. gtfo.

Also reported.

>> No.4114179

stop posting your homework

and the fact that you're trying to validate your intelligence on an anonymous board is proof that you're insure and shallow.

>> No.4114184

If this really was homework, why would I ever spend so much time setting this up, instead of just looking it up in a damn mathematics book? You can learn this type of math in a matter of minutes on the internet too. Please, use your brain.

>> No.4114189

Prove it by solving a similar problem.

>> No.4114190

Reported for keeping this board alive? If you don't want to play, feel free to leave. I wont reply on any more of these rage comments.

>> No.4114193

maybe it isn't homework, but its still trivial shit that attracts high schoolers and should be purged.

>> No.4114198

I do that every day, sir. But that would create a template on How-To do the problem, which would destroy my challegne completely.

Let the game begin!

>> No.4114203
File: 97 KB, 393x571, homework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about this problem.

>> No.4114207

It's a fucking bounded integral how is this hard?

>> No.4114208

But the solution to this problem is exactly the same as the last one you posted, so that's essentially the template.

Don't tell me you can't integrate <span class="math">e^x[/spoiler]. lol, what Calculus book are they using at your community college?

>> No.4114211

they see me rollin, they hatin
did I fail?

>> No.4114212
File: 54 KB, 471x480, cant_believe_this_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, honestly forgot howto solve these kind of problems. really, i would appreciate some calculations too..

>> No.4114220

We're using a book called Gyldendals Gymnasiematematik B2 (Gyldendal's Collegemath B2) - I'm from Denmark.

American students are much smarter than mine... That's so frustrating.

>> No.4114218

You forgot your trip, OP.

>> No.4114222

This isn't me, lol.

>> No.4114227

You almost got it. Show me your calculations.

>> No.4114229

>>4114220 I'm from Denmark.

I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.4114230

gtfo seriously

>> No.4114238

>math techer

>> No.4114239

lol high school fag

>> No.4114240
File: 22 KB, 500x331, tumblr_lsq1rxjnkQ1r3scb7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jojojo!!!

>I challenge /sci/
>Is just for fun.
>not my homework

Dude... honestly... I expected more from this shit.

>> No.4114243

me again

this is just as simple as the last one. same method.

<span class="math">\int^2_1(e^x+x+3)dx=(e^x+x^2/2+3x|^2_1=

>> No.4114249

Congratulations, you proved to /sci/ that you're idiot by trying to prove that you're smart.

>> No.4114252


also, there's an intentional mistake, op. Hope you can find it before you use it in your homework.

>> No.4114250

wtf are you doing. You are the reason /sci/ sucks so much. gtfo.

>> No.4114251

>mfw basic integration
e^2 + e + 6.5

>> No.4114254

>(2^2)/2 + 3*2 = 10

>> No.4114256

Winner. Good job :)

>> No.4114259


cry about it

>> No.4114262

>Good job
>Wrong result
you know OP, you could have asked wolframalpha to do your homework anyway

>> No.4114266

thanks man, i needed that refreshed

>> No.4114267



That why we keep getting this fucking posts.. because people like you still answering the idiots.

>intentional mistake
he would probably copy it and then get less points.. but still getting away with it.

>> No.4114269

His answer is incorrect. You obviously don't know the answer yourself, lol.

>> No.4114272 [DELETED] 


are you retarded?

i'm the one giving you the answers and I know this is a poorly disguised homework thread.

Just ask for an explanation of how to do basic integrals. . . . lots of people here like to discuss math, so try that instead.

>> No.4114274

Well. I didn't want to mention that he was VERY close. He did a good job and forgot to put a - instead of a +. He was the only one trying at least. Let's see your own calculations if you're that good then. Instead of using WolframAlpha.

The results is e^2 - e + 4,5

>> No.4114281

>forgot to put a - instead of a +

Finals week is coming up. Shouldn't you know this stuff by now?

>> No.4114282

my previous posts here were
(which is the correct result according to you, lol)
because why else would you like to see my calculations. Not that this isn't pretty much exactly the same problem from the previous thread anyway

>> No.4114287

any more OP? these problems are a good challenge...

>> No.4114290


>> No.4114293

Does this involve hilbert spaces?

>> No.4114294

if you're into programming (python is piss easy), you should try Project Euler, those problems actually make you think

>> No.4114302

haha, im not OP. Nice try though

>> No.4114309

oh man... 15 years old.. are getting dumper..

>> No.4114326
File: 49 KB, 297x287, dolan no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u kno the answer to that; assume the R^n space with a calc I problem lol

>> No.4114331
File: 10 KB, 325x325, rodgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for you it's happening by the second, it seems.

>> No.4114328


>> No.4114332

I could come up with some more, but people seems to hate it.

Sorry guys, I'm actually trying to get /sci/ going. I'm not into all that space shit and such, I just like the math aspect of this board.

>> No.4114334

Bahaha your a techer? I believe that student is going to correct the TEACHER at this time :l shame, what is the world coming to when our higher educators can't even spell...

>> No.4114342
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I admire your efforts sir; let's just get people from physicsforums and 7chan to come here instead since there's a bigger population base pre-existent

>> No.4114344

That wasn't me posting there. I'm no damn teacher, just an 19 year old dude who likes math.

>> No.4114348

you could try making a list of very unrelated problems, and harder than high school shit. I mean, just integrating and evaluating is pretty lame.
btw I'm >>4114282
It would be awesome to discuss some math problems but honestly this one looks way too much like high school homework.

>> No.4114351
File: 44 KB, 497x499, brake173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Integral from 1 to 2 of x+e^x + 3
.5X^2 + e^x +3x
2 + e^2 + 6
.5 +e+3
15.4 - 6.21
9.19 units

>> No.4114356

math is fine, it just has to not be basic calc (or god forbid anything easier)
even .999 = 1 threads give better discussions on real math

>> No.4114358

<div class="math">\int_{x=1}^{x=2}\int_{y=0}^{y=x+e^x+3}dydx</div>
<div class="math">=\int_{x=1}^{x=2}\left.y\right|_{y=0}^{y=x+e^x+3}dx</div>
<div class="math">=\int_{x=1}^{x=2}x+e^x+3dx</div>
<div class="math">=\left.\frac{x^2}{2}+e^x+3x\right|_{x=1}^{x=2}</div>

>> No.4114368

Fucking quit that shit. Double and triple integrals doesn't make you look smart. Knowing when not to use them does.

>> No.4114370


much agreed

>> No.4114372

dont worry about those faggots, post science and math to make this board what it should be, not faggots dragging this board to shit

>> No.4114376

the fuck? This is just a basic integral...

>> No.4114380

im not trying to look smart, i was serious when i said that is how i see the solution.
besides, fuck you for making me reply

>> No.4114383
File: 29 KB, 560x599, Sci3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep raging guys.

If you want to play, go for it :-)
This is the last - and hardest!

>> No.4114381

r u a techer?

>> No.4114392

Thank you. I appreciate that at least SOMEONE is using their head in here.

>> No.4114397

this is a whole new level of troll

>> No.4114408

No. You're simply just wasting your time, sir.

Go teach people about scientology or something, that fits your brainactivity perfect.

>> No.4114411

integral= (x^4)/4 - x^2 + 5*x

>> No.4114418


>> No.4114417

<div class="math">\int_{x=-2}^{x=2}\int_{y=0}^{y=x^3-2x+5}dydx</div>
<div class="math">=\int_{x=-2}^{x=2}\left.y\right|_{y=0}^{y=x^3-2x+5}dx</div>
<div class="math">=\int_{x=-2}^{x=2}x^3-2x+5dx</div>
<div class="math">=\left.\frac{x^4}{4}-x^2+5x\right|_{x=-2}^{x=2}</div>

>> No.4114415

i've taken a dozen math courses since this high school level shit.

>> No.4114420

Good job! That was pretty fast. Though a lot of the calculations are missing.

The result is 20.

>> No.4114422
File: 40 KB, 800x600, mandel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


<div class="math">\quad z_{k+1}=z_k^2+\mu~;\quad z_0=0</div><div class="math">\quad M=\{\mu\in\mathbb C~|~z_k~\mathrm{bounded~for~all}~k\}</div>


>> No.4114430
File: 9 KB, 195x58, 2343254321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout this one mr. math teacher?

>> No.4114438


>> No.4114442

I'd say 7+/-3

>> No.4114446

Ah, shit, forgot to divide by 4;
So, 1.5+/-0.5

>> No.4114447


>> No.4114454

What does it have to do with astronomy?
And what's up with the CapsLock, by the way? Did you get a lobotomy, or something?

>> No.4114464

Well, I'll try.

Int(0,1) (ln(x +1) / (x^2 + 1))dx = 1/8 * pi * log(2)

= 0.27 ?

>> No.4114462

woah woah woah
If you're going to go off like that, I sure hope you can prove that the area ISN'T rational

>> No.4114472

*Slow clap*

>> No.4114478

I did mine at my paper, lol. I guess that proves I'm right, doesn't it?

>> No.4114502

Meh, off by a factor 1/2. Forgot the branch cut of the logarithm along the negative axis. Oh well.

>> No.4114505

This is easy no?

Assuminng the curved line is y=h(x)

Intergrating between the boundaries 2 and 1 of x+e^x+3 dx,
letting int(h(x))=H(x)=0.5x^2+e^x+c H(2)-H(1)=2+e^2-(0.5+e)=1.5+e^2+e
Approximatly equal to 11.6073379.

>> No.4114513

>mfw I just realized you aren't good at math - you just know a lot of cool stuff having to do with math

The King has been dethroned.

>> No.4114514

I feel like your that crazy shark guy who tried to teach spongebob to drive a car when mrs. puff failed

>> No.4114515

Show your work, Mr. Math Techer

>> No.4114535


>> No.4114546

well it's actually a hard problem so I don't blame him for not knowing it. That is a question from the Putnam and those solutions take pages you evil bastard

>> No.4114551

What would plugging in X = 2 to the function and subtracting X = 1 plugged into the function get me? The length of the curve from x = 1 to x = 2?