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4110962 No.4110962 [Reply] [Original]

What type of engineering should I apply for?

Exclude chemical, please. Chemistry bores me to no end.

>> No.4110965



>> No.4110972

What do you enjoy?

Mechanical engineering is fun, big machines kick ass.

>> No.4110973

Master tier electrical

>> No.4110976

How the fuck are we supposed to choose your major for you if we don't even know your interests? Google each discipline and find out for yourself faggot.

>> No.4110979

wait, I don't need you shitting up my field.

>> No.4110984

Thing is, I haven't taken much classes about electronics. Mostly focusing on mechanics and kinematics in class. I'm not sure if I'd enjoy electronics more or mechanical. How different are they from each other?

>> No.4110985

Electrical is for neckbeards

>> No.4110987

chemical engineer here. in terms of hardest to easiest (at my school at least):


in terms of which i think is best:


>> No.4110996


You usually do some level of electrical related classes in mechanical, my course included ac / dc circuits and PLC programming. Both can get you practical jobs working with your hands if you want and most projects require both mechanical and electrical specialists to work together.

>> No.4111001

Ah well. I guess I can switch out if I ever find electricity more appealing than mechanics. For now, I guess I'll apply for mechanics first.

>> No.4111021
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Mechanical, it's broad.

I'm doing ME B.S. and Aerospace M.S. and it's tight.

>> No.4111045

wow you gona be a astronaut ??

>> No.4111050
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all in one
at worst you change your mind but you did an year in all of them

>> No.4111073


That would be amazing, but probably not. I want to work on rockets and be a part of what I think is the most noble venture around.

>> No.4111323

Mechatronics = mechanical + electrical + CS

problem is.. it can be hard and not recognised by all industries... career wise.. you may be better off choosing a more specialised stream, unless of course you robotics. i recommend this if youve got the balls since you can *potentially* go into any industry you want when you finish your degree..

mechanical if you just want a board engineering background (i'm mech + sci w/ 2 math majors).

or... civil if you wanna LOL through uni.

>> No.4111327

I'm curious as to the opinions people have about nuclear engineers.

>3rd year nuclear engineering here.
>It's a lot like mechanical with boatloads more physics and chemistry.

>> No.4111740

ChemE here, I personally think its god tier, but there's no nuclear program at my uni, so i'll grab a minor and i'll go for a M.S. if it interests me as much as i hope it will

>> No.4111854
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It's my 2nd BS (first was biochemistry) and I'm hoping to get into the MS/MBA program for nuclear engineering. So far, it's pretty fun.

It's also nice starting a new degree but having credit for all the basic chemistry, physics, and calculus. Since my humanities crap is also all satisfied, I'm in my 3rd year at this point- I'll just have all engineering or nuclear physics courses instead of mixing things up.

I might take Arabic. We do cooperate with the Saudi nuclear power project and if Iran gets the bomb, they'll be building more "peaceful nuclear power plants" with US help. I've heard stories of engineers on various projects making in the $200-300k range as just low level engineers. Mangers (the type with MBA's) make double that over there.

A 2-3 year stint in the Kingdom and I'll have enough money to build a proper nest egg for retirement. This isn't to mention that I COULD (theoretically) put my money in a hawala bank or keep it as stocks of gold, platinum, palladium, or silver in some off-shore bank.

Then there are possibilities like establishing a bearer share corporation held by a foundation in somewhere like Panama or Guatemala so I could invest without incurring capital gains.

>> No.4111894

Slightly related since this is an engineering thread, I'm a final year chemist who'll be starting a PhD in carbon capture for gas/coal powerplants next summer. The supervisor says I should just read up on "general chemical engineering" as preparation, and I have no fucking idea where to start. Any ideas?

>> No.4111902

Material and energy balances

>> No.4111913

I have the perfect fucking book for you, hold on.

>> No.4111933

Brilliant, much obliged anon!

>> No.4111952

If I could only bloody find it in my currently unorganized e-library. In the mean time: The book is "Chemical Engineering for Chemists", by Richard G. Griskey. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780841222151.do
You should be able to find a free download link somewhere. I'll upload it if I eventually find.

>> No.4111959

How was your biochemistry? I am interested in taking this.

>> No.4111968

What you guys think of materials engineering? I'm about to start an MS on it

>> No.4111972

>wants to be an engineer
>can't into chemistry
Why don't you just go get a liberal arts degree that sounds a little bit more your speed.

>> No.4111977

Doesn't matter you can't find the download, I find it difficult to work off a computer screen so I'd have been buying the hard copy anyway. Cheers

>> No.4111993

though holy fuck £93 for it 2nd hand...maybe I'll hunt for that download after all.

>> No.4112008
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My focus was on the evolution of biological mechanisms and pathogenesis specifically.

There was A TON of memorization but some bits you had to intuit given what you know about chemistry, physics, and biology. I did a lot of research actually, much of it having to do with evolutionary biology and the evolution of venom and toxicity.

If the minor details of how life works fascinates you and you just can't brush by with a general overview of how it works- biochemistry is for you.

I ultimately found myself working as a microbiologist for a pharmaceutical company, eventually taking over a production cleanroom. I did some testing, but almost nothing about that job really stimulated or satisfied me. It was like bad sex.

I got bored, started reading more and more about nuclear technology and talking to dad (aerospace engineer) and eventually arrived at the decision to go back and become a nuclear engineer.

The world needs power and wind/solar/tidal/geothermal isn't going to cut it. We'll need to build nuclear plants to fill the gaps and there simply aren't all that many younger guys in the nuclear engineering field. Couple that with the fact that not many places outside of the USA and France churn out competent nuclear engineers and you have a pretty solid global market for a rare skill set.

>I will NEVER understand liberal arts types

>> No.4112061
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>look at this motherfucker's smug little face.

>> No.4112082

Hey if OP is still here,
What about Electrical/Computer engineering or CS as some one said before?

>> No.4112145

Just want to point out that they don't speak Arabic in
Iran. And also that the Arabic you learn in uni is mostly
useless unless you want to watch Al-Jazeera.
There's a lot of different dialects which are not mutually
>mech engineer here with a hardon for languages

>> No.4112181

Saudi Arabia bro, not Iran.

And yeah, I figured as much with dialects. I'm sure it'd have some use when working with academics/financiers/local government.

I can already read/write Arabic script and carry on extremely limited conversations. Since Arabic would be my 3rd language, I figure it can't be too terribly difficult.