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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4110194 No.4110194 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone take the putnam exam recently?

>> No.4110208

rephrasing the question: Do any of you have actual skill at math?

>> No.4110217
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>undergrad competitions

>> No.4110224

even pro mathematicians can't solve a complete putnam

>> No.4110230

I took it last Saturday, it was quite difficult :/

I did get the one about the spiral tho

>> No.4110239

>Do any of you have actual skill at math?
No. I'm not even a /sci/entist, I'm just a /v/irgin strolling through /sci/ checking for any threads on geology or agriculture or other such stuff to help with worldbuilding.

>> No.4110241

no one has skill like that on 4chan.

Succeeding at math competitions are for >>proactive<< people

>> No.4110250
File: 250 KB, 660x495, putnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.4110251

you're full of shit. it's designed for semi-decent ivy league undergrad scum.

>> No.4110257
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>no one has skill like that on 4chan.
>he thinks there's just high school/first year community college students here
>he is obviously one of them himself

>> No.4110255

Then why haven't you won one?

Butthurt pleb detected.

>> No.4110266

except i have. why would i release a school/year/date when names are released publicly? the entire concept of the imageboard revolves around anonymity. if i wanted to circle-jerk i'd go to pf/stackexchange.

>> No.4110276

I took it. It was slightly harder than last year's, especially part B. Part A wasn't too bad though, I got at least 3 of those (A1 was stupid easy, and the question about dot product of rows of an n x n matrix was easy, and the one "find a c such that blah blah = L"). I spent too much time trying to remember some analysis definitions on part B and only fully answered B1, though I put in some good work on a few of the others.

>> No.4110278

are you asian?

>> No.4110279

I won a Field's medal too bruh.

>> No.4110292

I thought the hardest one was the one with the probability distribution(?) B5. My head asploded

>> No.4110307
File: 254 KB, 652x774, yurop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally legit.

>denigrate a math contest
>later claim to have won it

No one would insult a contest they have won.

>> No.4111093

How about you post some of the putnam problems here, OP?