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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4108939 No.4108939 [Reply] [Original]

So, what would be the advantages and disadvantages of moot creating an economics board?

I mean, /sci/ doesn't really fit as the right place to discuss economics and everything to do with money, and don't even get me started on /int/ or /pol/.

Yes, /sci/ is meant to be Science and *Math*, but
for everything that has to do with money: The stock market and stock prices, banking, ways to make money, jobs, selling and buying shit, eBay, etc...

4chan needs an economics board, but I'd like to know everyone's opinion. Hell, we might even get moot to notice. It could be nicknamed /eco/ or /mny/, etc.

>TL;DR - What are the advantages/disadvantages of there suddenly being an "Economics" board? Would it be useful? Perhaps the most frequented board, after /b/?

>> No.4108948

It would be like /pol/ except more ignorant.

>> No.4108952
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>more ignorant

Not possible, you'd end up with something like reddit's politics board.

>> No.4108953

I honestly think it would rival /b/ in terms of "pissing into an ocean of piss"

>> No.4108960

would be nice to have such a board.

>> No.4108963

/eco/ would seem too much like /pol/ whether you like it or not. I personally think a /phil/osophy board and a /psy/chololgy board would have its advantages.

>> No.4108967

I think you could connect those two together, if anything at all, because I feel like they would have very similar visitors.

>> No.4108969


>psy board
>aspie central

>> No.4108975

but anything philosophical related is more suited to /x/.
Hell, people even put philisophical stuff here on /sci/!

>> No.4108978

Possibly. /sci/ is void of psychology threads, even though the human mind is one of the most complicated things in science. Psychology is such a broad topic that I think it deserves its own board. Philosophy can easily be tied in with psychology.
I don't think it could be that bad.

>> No.4108980

every board here is just a bastardization of either /b/ (fucking nonsense, like /pol/, /sci/, /sp/, etc.), /a/ (elitist, shitty hobby board like /mu/ or /fit/ or /lit/), /d/ (porn board).

Econ would just be another /b/. No use in separating it from /sci/.

>> No.4108981

>even though the human mind is one of the most complicated things in science
True, but then the best conversations would be about proven studies and neuroscience.

The majority of the conversations would be different interpretations of research and science, and thus would be extremely subjective, which goes along with Philosophy.

>> No.4108989


/lit/ discusses philosophy all the time
/pol/ has discussions about economics/stocks/banking/ways to make money all the time.

>> No.4108995

/lit/ is the defacto philosophy board. /sci/ has taken the economics side since its relation to mathematics. But I think /econ/ would be a great board. Just make it /econ/ - Economics and Statistics, assign some nazi moderators and I think it would be good to go.

>> No.4109002

I just sent Moot an email request a /psy/ board. If he gets enough requests, I'm sure he'll listen. We need more intelligent boards on this site.

>> No.4109006

There is also the problem of the 4chan front page.
Unless moot extends the columns listing all the boards, all these new ideas wont fit.

Plus, I reckon /d/ has been screaming for a Futa board for the better part of years.
Moot still hasn't done anything about it.

>> No.4109016

I can guarantee you, you won't find intelligence on a psych board, as the other anon said, everyone will be using subjective arguments and it will eventually devolve into petty name calling.

Would you like proof? Check out /v/

>> No.4109020

How do we troll /eco/?

>> No.4109028

>Communism/Socialism/Capitalism/Anarchism is number one! Everyone else sucks.

>Guaranteed 254 responses

>Half of the front page is a variation of this.

>> No.4109029


/psy/ will be full of psy-guys from /x/ asking about telepathy and purging perverts from /d/ looking to cure their fetishes.

>> No.4109031

I have checked out /v/, it nearly fried my brain.
I think it could uphold intelligence. Just look at this board: easily trolled, but morons know they'll be chewed out if they post anything they can't find in a high school textbook. Look at /r9k/. They have practically the same rules as bee/, but they manage to keep if from becoming a haven for trolls and morons, even if they are a bunch of women-hating betas. Also, Moot deleted their board for that reason once, but that's beside the point. If something with practically no rules can maintain a board with users able to stay on topic, I'm sure a branch of /sci/ence could do the same.

>> No.4109041

Look at it this way.

/v/ is essentially: "Stop liking what I don't like"

/psy/ will be: "That's wrong, my interpretation is right"

Same basic idea, since I doubt any actual researchers will be on 4chan, it will be using different authors, research, and so on, but since everything will be secondary, everything will be subjective.

Subjective opinions on an anonymous internet board, good in theory, because you can share your most profound ideas without repercussions, but bad in practice, because people will disagree, and call you a fucking idiot or whatever.

>> No.4109044

"Soft science" questions about causes and effects in economics are acceptable for /sci/. But arguing about things like whether capitalism is better than communism, or whether we should vote for Ron Paul, should be banworthy. Not being able to tell the difference => also banworthy.

>> No.4109047

Not being able to tell the difference = death penalty worthy.

>> No.4109056

I think it at least deserves to have a chance at being a trial board, same for /eco/. The "I'm right, you're wrong" issue would be a problem, and it would definitely be more hostile than /sci/, where we can actually have intelligent discussions and not be snarled at for our opinions, unless they're batshit crazy. However, think of all the aspiring/actual psychologists and psychiatrists out there, counting myself. There would be way more intelligent discussion than retarded "fetish cures and telepathy." I think it's definitely worth a shot.

>> No.4109065

I agree, but I think it shouldn't be exclusively for psych, as I said, there is going to be a lot of philosophy and subjective opinions mixed in, and having it restricted to psych alone won't be enough to keep it at a good population.

>> No.4109067

We have the "I'm right, you're wrong" issue with every board. When has this ever been surprising?

Go to a single board and me proof of that issue's non-existence.
It comes with the territory. The basic idea with any board is to make a a good thread and hope you get some intelligent answers, while ignoring the ones you don't like.

supporting this /eco/ and /psy/ board idea.

>> No.4109071
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He said Ron Paul.

Post pictures of Paul

>> No.4109074
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>> No.4109077
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>> No.4109080
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a jewconomics board would be great

>> No.4109081

Good point. People on /v/ are going to act retarded because you get all these bitter neckbeards/"BF3>MW3" hipsters/people who are in a permanent dispute about Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo being the best. Arguments are inevitable there, and it would be hard to actually have an intelligent thread about a video game, unless it's how to program one. /psy/ would have people making stupid threads as much as any other board on 4chan, but it has the anchor of being a science. The smarter people will overrule the stupid threads as they have done with /sci/. It will be risky, so that's why it should be a trial board.

>> No.4109083

samefag GTFO.
lol'd a bit.

>> No.4109086
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Ron Paul - 2012 -

>> No.4109089

I've been wishing for an /eco/ board since I started browsing 4chan...

Maybe some day

>> No.4109092
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>samefag GTFO.

You must be new here.

>> No.4109097
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You can get it, but only if the vote for RON PAUL RON PAUL RON PAUL 2012 RON PAUL RON PAUL

>> No.4109103

>implying an /eco/ board wouldn't be exactly like /pol/

when it comes to making boards, you want to divide it into broad, general categories. The idea is to attract the same audience into one board. I'll bet many /pol/ users would also be /eco/ users, and vice versa, just like you'd have a lot of /psy/ users also go to /phil/

>> No.4109105

or how bout /bank/ as in 'making bank'

woot i vote in favor.... now lets troll moot 'til he agrees.

>> No.4109111

The "you're right you're wrong" game is happening right now.
You lose

And also my solution is: /sci/ splits from 4chan to create a new site with better rules

>> No.4109113

Watch when Moot makes an /eco/ board and it ends up being about ecology.

>> No.4109119

No. Just... no..

>> No.4109122

This is understandable.

Technically I could go into /diy/ if I wanted to know what small types of businesses or quick ways of making money exist.

Technically I could go onto /int/ and ask people what the money situation in their country is like

Technically I could ask about the long term logistics and mathematics of buying and selling stock shares on /sci/.

>But it's just a bit too.....spread out. I mean, imagine concentrating all of that into one handy spot.

I'm all for a no-overlap policy, but half of the reason why m00t made /pol/ was simply because it would remove half the faggotry from /int/, despite the huge overlap between the boards, just a Futa board would remove pretty much every futa thread that is clogging /d/.

Remember how everyone used to come to here on /sci/ or /k/ or /g/ if they wanted to build something or wanted help on schematics? Those were actually the days I was hoping there was an architecture board, or a board only for building things.
There's /diy/ for that now.

>> No.4109124

Subjective psychology is not really different from philosophy.

Government and economics go hand in hand, they're often taught together in most general education.

>> No.4109127

I say that /x/ needs to be renamed /phil/, for /Philosophy-Supernatural-Religion/
It would bring in new content and new members, and relocate cancer to where ti belongs.

>> No.4109128

Then a Communism and Nazi board would rid /pol/ of most of the faggotry. Then we could watch the two argue the shit out of each other.

>> No.4109130

I think the board would be good. Might actually be able to discuss economics instead of the watered down shit /sci/ tolerates. Even then, /sci/ succumbs to common misconceptions. I'd like a separate board, make it Econ and Finance.

Would be fun demolishing marxists.

>> No.4109134

fuck, /econ/ is soo needed here, economics threads are so spread out throughout the boards and considering how interesting current economics are, it is best time to create that board


>> No.4109136

>implying you couldn't get this exact conversation on /pol/
>implying there would be less trolls there than on any other board

>> No.4109139

moot this one gets my vote.

by my count, we now have around 200 votes, based on this thread and others. add an extra 100 to be safe and those 300 votes should be enough to start a new board.

come on moot.... 300 voters want a economics board. hook a brotha' up. don't forget... we president.

>> No.4109146
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I'm pretty sure the social market economists would be the majority.

>> No.4109164

we seriously need a fucking econ board like a skank needs a dick, i wanna listen to capitalists and socialists battle this shit the fuck out nugga. MOOT HOOK US THE FUCK UP

>> No.4109166
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>> No.4109170


Please provide the shiny happy people of 4chan with an economics board so that we can discuss matters related to finance, investing, economics, jobs, careers, major purchases such as houses, cars and other matters related to personal finance.

Happy holidays Moot!

Best Regards,

4chan anon

>> No.4109171


Completely agree. I hope econfags wouldn't mind giving investing advice.

>> No.4109187

Hey gang, lets get a list of subjects that will be discussed and centralized on an /economics/ boards. This way we can present this to Moot and convince him to agree.

Obv, econ/econometrics science related

technical quant/stats related

econ philosophy "schools" related

homework threads helping others with econ/finance homework

personal finance threads dealing with a wide variety of topics including where to save/open accounts, threads dealing with banks currently offering incentives to open savings accounts, banks currently offering the best savings rates, internet bank discussions,

threads detailing specifics of major purchases such as houses/cars/durables

stock market threads/investing

ok yall' give some examples as to why we NEED a fucking econ/money/banking/finance board

>> No.4109193


we need an economics board because these are legitimate topics asked about and discussed by 4chan users throughout the entire site. limiting it to one board only makes sense.

>> No.4109217

so is accounting included?
business studies?

>> No.4109296

Yep, all money related.

>> No.4109311

We've been asking for a money board for ages.

It'll never happen.

We also need a philosophy and religion board.

>> No.4109319

I'd join.

>> No.4109340


if we keep this fucker alive and then get this shit sticky, we have a fucking chance, if not, then all this was in vain.

KEEP THE FUCKING DREAM ALIVE, bump this goddamn thread damnit goddamnit

>> No.4109345

This is /sci/. It will stay alive a day or two easy.

>> No.4109359
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oh wait. you only posted a picture of /v/

>> No.4109364


i want a board where i can find some financial advice from 4chan users. please provide an econ board so neophytes like me can ask people for help

thanks moot

>> No.4110453

bamping before this 404's

>> No.4111150
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>> No.4111244

As with any board I could see bad advice being given about economics.

>payday loans are great!
>reward cards build up quickly!
>put all of you money into [X] or [Y]!
>when budgeting think about buying that shiny new tablet before paying bills!

>> No.4111254

If you come to 4chan asking for advice on how to invest your money, You deserve to be ripped off.

>> No.4111452

>general banking advice and money tips


>stock picks


>> No.4111473

Eco would be the plague of 4chan imagine profiteers seeing an opportunity to influence the masses via message board. The kick ass thing about ppl posting economic stuff on sci / math is they are not as able to bullshit by going to the obscure because they are intellectually more matched.

>> No.4111601
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>seeing an opportunity to influence the masses via message board.

Just IP ban the fuckers that are advertising shit.
And if you think people here are easily swayed by the media, they wouldn't be on 4chan for starters.

>> No.4111611

411601 thinks I'm referring to script kiddies. Simple ip ban could not stop the flood I am referring to and it would easily spread to the other boards as well. Let the vampires in and they will go wherever they please.

>> No.4111628

applied psychology = /adv/ and /soc/
theoretical psycholgy & philosophy = /lit/

We need economy board tho. They have some on /pol/ sometimes which can be satisfying, /sci/ also have somes.

But yeah /$/ is needed.

>> No.4112573

Isn't using "/$/" a bit, well, extreme? I mean there are plenty more signs for money we could use, despite the widely recognized and accepted notion that the dollar sign represents money, not just the US/AUS dollar.

Dont want a new board to be a cluster fuck of racist/antisemitic shit from post 1 because of that dollar sign.


>> No.4112913



>> No.4112933

There are already too many boards. It would dilute the whole 4chan. This site is not for everything.
For everything else there is /b/.

>> No.4112990


serious /bus/iness

>> No.4113000

As an Economics major I'd love to tell anons how to make fat bank on the stock market... Plus it would help myself by pushing to price up so it would only benefit me as well.

>> No.4113024

I'm disappointed to see that all people can think of when talking about Economics is 'stocks, accounting, finance, buying houses and that shit'. There's a huge load more to the field, but I somehow doubt that there'd be much more discussion about other topics than the shit we occasionally run into here on /sci/.

Quite frankly, I don't really see the use of an /econ/ board, since this website isn't frequented by many Economists anyway.