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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 286x267, animas-cartridge-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4106313 No.4106313 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck this unfair capitalist world.

I've got type1 diabetes. That's the type that can't be cured and has nothing to do with being a fatass. Seven years ago I got an insulin pump which is a small device that can be programmed to give a continues supply of insulin through an IV. I've been taking really good care of it because a new one costs $7000, the warranty ran out years ago, and I'm no longer covered by my parents medical insurance.

The company that makes them has decided to force me to buy a new one by no longer producing the disposable insulin cartridges and IVs it uses. They still make cartridges and IVs, but they've deliberately made them a different shape so they only work with the new machines.

Without one I'll have to go back to injecting myself with time release insulin three times a day. Its much harder to maintain stable glucose levels that way, I was having hypoglycemic seizures often when I had to do that.

I could probably keep using a disposable cartridge, but its not compatible with the only IVs that are still made, and those can't be re-used.

How hard would it be to find someone who can make me a re-usable glass insulin cartridge that fits my machine but can connect to the newer IVs? I attached a picture of a cartridge.

Or the other option would be to find a job with health coverage, have them buy me a new machine, then quit so I can get back to school. Is this something people can get away with?

>> No.4106345

Chemistry students learn glassmaking don't they?

>> No.4106376

>and quit
Why? You're going to need to work again anyway.

If you're going to be a faggot about it, use your school status to get loans and pay for it with that.

>> No.4106390

An easier suggestion: find someone to make an adaptor

>> No.4106398

I can't finish my degree while holding down a full time job, and short student intern positions never come with medical coverage.

I don't see how being a student at a mid-level school is going to get me a loan.

I'd really rather go with option 1 and manufacture a reusable insulin cartridge. I don't like the idea of complying to such a dickish business strategy.

>> No.4106408
File: 212 KB, 847x1200, 1305946414993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty clever. Cannibalize an old cartage for his old machine to get the interface, then order a replacement interface for the new machine's cartage from the supply company if they sell them? Otherwise I suppose you could could knock out an interface from stock if you have the demisions. It should be easy to machine.

Or.. find out if someone already makes one? What pump type do you have and need an adapter for?

>> No.4106415

Send a letter to the company that makes your pump, explaining your situation and requesting help in the form of an adapter for the new carts or at least the parts to make one. Offer to pay a reasonable price for it.

>> No.4106429

Why don't you just do it manually?

>> No.4106441

When I said I could keep using a disposable cartridge I meant for maybe half a year at most. They're supposed to be used only once; the plastic and rubber will break down eventually, and there's no way to clean them. I really need one made out of glass/metal. Any idea where I could find someone with the skills to make one?

>> No.4106447

Does your school have a machine shop?

Take the relevant bits down there and chat to people. Could be they could turn something for you on a lathe, or at least make suggestions.

>> No.4106448

this. as you probably know most medical companies will help you out if you need it.

If you're in the US you should have no trouble at all getting on limited disability that'll cover the pump and your insulin. Check with social services for an application. Unless you earn more than about $30k/year you'll probably qualify.

>> No.4106452

You mean going back to injecting myself with time release insulin? I was having hypoglycemic seizures all the time when I did that. Its much harder to match your metabolism, and you've got to follow a strict schedule of when you eat and exactly how much.

>> No.4106481

>>4106398 cant finish while working

plenty of other people can. Give it a try. Many graduate schools are now requiring 1-3 years industry experience for masters. It practically demands that you are working full time while going to school.

>> No.4106491

these don't work?

>> No.4106508

Where are you located op?

>> No.4106512

OP are you using the IR-1000


>> No.4106520

Op, my GF takes 20 units of Levemir at night, and then just doses herself with Novolog at meals and whenever she gets glucose spikes. She uses the insulin pens, which I think are massively more convenient than vials and syringes. It might be cheaper/wiser to just go with that until you can afford the deluxe pump.

>> No.4106525

Those are the new model that only work with the new machines. My machine only takes the IR1000 ones.

My regular supplier is out. I'm sure I can find a few online still, but with them no longer being produced that's not going to last.

>> No.4106537

Okee doke.

>> No.4106548

Looks like animas would have let you easily upgrade at some point.

>> No.4106577
File: 241 KB, 684x1024, 1283265404234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a bunch of IR100 carts just by googleing exactly that. Have you tried.. uh.. buying them? Or asking your doctor to order you them?

Looks like they run 3.65 each or so.

>> No.4106581

Well I haven't seen any mention of dwindling supplies. Or frankly anything that indicates what you say is happening.

Anyways, you should probably just sue the shit out of them.

>> No.4106594

Also, did you try calling animas to see what your actual options are?

Or is this 4chan, where every problem can only be solved by 4chan.

>> No.4106603

I know. I got a letter from Animus warning me they weren't making them anymore in August, but I couldn't find any information about it online so I was like "this has to be a mistake". Then yesterday my pharmacist tells me he can't get them anymore because they're no longer being made.

>> No.4106605
File: 73 KB, 200x299, gtfosrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't afford something
>bawww want it to be free
>despite the fact that materials cost labor to dig it up
>despite the need for compensation of the poor factory workers
>despite the nearly thousands of people who were working involved in the process to bring you that product

So do you really think you deserve the free labor of all those people?

>> No.4106606

School doesn't provide/require insurance?

>> No.4106607

>people being free to transact as they choose is evil and why i'm not a winner
cool story loser

>> No.4106611

Well, personally, I'd stock up like a horder waiting for 2012.

>> No.4106616

I'm pretty sure OP is referring to how by not making the disposable cartidge not backwards compatible, a company is using it's market position to force people to repurchase their product.

But whatever, I'm sure you're cool with that too.

>> No.4106618

i dont see why OP doesnt just get a pancreas transplant...

>> No.4106621

No. I'm more than willing to buy the supplies I need from the company that used to make them or have someone make me some custom ones. When did I say anything about wanting something for free?

I called Animus. They just keep telling me I need a new insulin pump. I had to argue for half an hour just to convince the representative that the least expensive ($7000) model was right for me.

>> No.4106624

Well, at this point I'd suggest you stockpile as many of the carts as you can and send the company a letter, asking for some kind of adapter to allow you to use the new carts in your old machine.

>> No.4106628

He is cool with it. If you aren't, then move to a society without free markets. It's simple. These companies owe you nothing and vice versa.

>> No.4106632

My immune system would just rape it like the one I was born with. Type1 diabetes is caused by an autoimmune reaction to inslet cells.

>> No.4106633

>force people to repurchase their product.
lol forced. If consumers truly preferred compatible cartridges, a firm would satisfy this need and gain that majority market share. But apparently development and research to bring people these things costed so much that this isn't feasiable and people don't mind really
stay economically illiterate

>> No.4106640

In other words, because the world is the way it is, everyone must want it to be this way.
If jews didn't want concentration camps they would have just setup a firm now wouldn't they've?

>> No.4106687

hey op, a very close friend of mine has type1 diabetes too (diagnosed at 5 yo, 21 yo now). I don't know about any insulin brands or whatever, but until 2 years ago he had to inject himself 4 times a day (two different injections, 1 of each in the morning and night, not sure what each one did). Then 2 years ago he had this major seizure type thing and was hospitalized (it was the first time this happened). He switched whatever he was using, and now he injects a bit before mealtime depending on what he's gonna eat. It's something much more dependable cause he used to have ups and downs of sugar level so he would get dizzy but now he can eat whatever he wants and he adjusts the dosage if he thinks he's gonna be plowing in sugars. His family isn't well off either so it should be cheap. From observing both him and this chick in school who uses the insulin pump, I'd say daily injections are a hell of a lot more comfortable.

Also, he used to be really thin despite eating obese level of food but after he switched he immediately gained >10kg lol

>> No.4107700
File: 108 KB, 666x1000, 1314429736365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the big idea with diabetes treatment?

So you can't process carbohydrate? You'll just be going to have to inject insulin until the day you die; and eat largely nothing but glorified sugar.

Wouldn't a diet of predominantly protein and fat be more manageable, or even improve the condition?

>> No.4107707

My idea exactly, coming from /fit/, I have always wondered why type I diabeetus patients don't follow a ketogenic diet? It uses fat as the main fuel, rather then carbs

>> No.4107713


Because no matter -what- you eat, it is converted to sugars to power the body.

Eating high fat/protean diets means it's harder to manage insulin levels. Take insulin before a meal, then get your calories in slow to digest food and you end up with blood sugar low after you eat, only to slowly creep up as the food is digested.

>> No.4107721

Because, A) that's not how the diet works, and B) it wouldn't help diabeetus.

>> No.4107725

My mother has similar problems. The injections she uses, the company changed some stuff and increased the price.

>> No.4107757
File: 221 KB, 640x854, 1304880096054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insulin injection and diet go hand in hand. On a ketogenic diet there might not be any need for insulin.

Why not? Out of practicality. Sugars and starchs are cheap to produce, easily stored and highly addictive. It makes for a stable society and a docile population.

>> No.4107952

move to Canada, or one of many other countries which have proper health care.

America is so behind on health care it's ridiculous