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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4104865 No.4104865 [Reply] [Original]

okay /sci/ What is the difference between a Roman Catapult and a Roman Onager? from what I've researched, an Onager is a form of Catapult so I'm quite confused. In return, the nipple of Olivia Munn

>> No.4104872 [DELETED] 

the onager uses torsional pressure from a twisted rope, to store energy for the shot.
a normal catapult just uses direct linear tension as elastic potential energy for the shot.
slight difference.

>> No.4104878

Cool Wikipasta hatchet job, you dumb cunt.

Take your pills.

>> No.4104879

Thank you EK, that makes more sense, is there any way you can help me with providing a diagram illustrating the normal Catapult? The only pictures I can find have the torsional pressure depicted.

>> No.4104884 [DELETED] 

i did take my pills
and wikipasta? im pretty sure this isnt on wiki
is about the animal, and there is no disambiguation page for the catapult.
nice try tho hun ;)

>> No.4104887 [DELETED] 
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..there is a an 'Onager (siege weapon).' page

>> No.4104910 [DELETED] 

onager is a type of catapult, i think it is the main one that the romans used.

>> No.4104911

>and wikipasta? im pretty sure this isnt on wiki

Wiki says:
>The Onager is a type of catapult that uses torsional pressure, generally from twisted rope, to store energy for the shot.

You said:
>the onager uses torsional pressure from a twisted rope, to store energy for the shot.

You even left in the comma, even though it's useless in your butchered version of the sentence. Lie harder.

Oh, and take your pills.

>> No.4104920

Well I have a project where I have to build a Catapult, but variations like the Onager will not be accepted, and I'm having trouble finding somewhere to start, like a diagram

>> No.4104926
File: 181 KB, 1366x591, 2011-12-05_222228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have deleted this shit sooner, hun.

>> No.4104934

could you build a trebuchet instead, perhaps?

>> No.4104938
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>> No.4104943
File: 452 KB, 1280x800, Screen shot 2011-12-05 at 3.32.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No :/

>> No.4104949

shut up you stupid second generation personality construct

>> No.4104967

oh right.
got access to any willow-wood?
make the 'neck' of the catapult out of willow (nice and springy), and have some very stretchy string connected to the top of it which is attached to a crank.
twist the crank to maximum stretchyness, and then just cut the string with scissors when you are ready to fire. (its only a model, fuck realistivity)
will definiteky just be a catapult, and is neitehr anager nor trebuchet.
problem, judges?
there shouldn't be

>> No.4104989

>definiteky just be a catapult, and is neitehr anager
Take your English pills, hun.

>> No.4104991

* definitely
its dark here and i cant see my keyboard.

>> No.4105021

You clearly need pills.

>> No.4105058
File: 140 KB, 370x351, 434839842226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitamin C pills to help me see in the dark? =p