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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 470x300, dolphin-lanuguage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4103913 No.4103913 [Reply] [Original]


> Researchers in the United States and Great Britain have made a significant breakthrough in deciphering dolphin language in which a series of eight objects have been sonically identified by dolphins. Team leader, Jack Kassewitz of SpeakDolphin.com, ‘spoke’ to dolphins with the dolphin’s own sound picture words. Dolphins in two separate research centers understood the words, presenting convincing evidence that dolphins employ a universal ``sono-pictorial" language of communication.

What's dolphin for "Shit just got real"?

>> No.4103934 [DELETED] 


Then we gave them guns and taught them to use those guns. Then they escaped.


>> No.4103943
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Then we gave them guns and taught them to use those guns. Then they escaped.


>> No.4103940

oceans will be colonized by dolphins

>> No.4103946
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>> No.4103949

Thats pretty fucking awesome, though im not suprised.
I work around dolphins and those fuckers are dicks. They've splashed me with their tail fin a couple times and one of them always make the same loud, high pitched sound before they try to splash me.

>> No.4103959

You're just beta and they know it.

>> No.4103961

But dolphins all around the world don't have the exact same language, do they?

I'm more interested in an estimation of the zone in which this communication model remains valid.

>> No.4103964
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It's fine, we're fine, they don't even have hands so it's not like they can sabotage our subs or plant bombs, so-


>> No.4103971

Read the link. Dolphins essentially transmit 3D images to each other via ultra-sound, so at least simple things like picking up the object they "heard" are going to be possible without much training.

>> No.4103974
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Your age is at an end, landwalkers.


>> No.4103983

I could jump in and fight, but then I'd be in their territory; dolphins swim better then I do.
Plus Id lose my job.

>> No.4103987

How do you teach them things like algebra through 3D images?

>> No.4103995
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I've chosen my ocean ally.

I've gone diving with sharks plenty of times but I wouldn't exactly consider them bros.

Dolphins aren't really good for interacting. They'll check you out then run off.

Octopuses are bros, at least to me.

>The day of sea-reckoning approaches.
>Choose your side wisely.

>> No.4104013

It'd be interesting to give dolphins something they could use to record messages and recall them with keywords.

>> No.4104015

The article read like a bad pop sci garbage. It implies that dolphins are superior being yadda yadda yadda, need corroboration from more reliable sources to belkive this shit.

>> No.4104018


The source is the website of the research lab that did the study. Just check that out instead.


>> No.4104021

>Oh cool an article about dolphin language.
>typical pop sci crap
>Well shit at least the guys at /sci/ will rip it apart
>/x/ quality posts
Holy shit I hope you guys are just underage kids or stupid basement dwellers, I cant think you guys are actually fellow engineers or hard science major.

>> No.4104022

> sea-reckoning
We need a word for an ocean-based Ragnarok.

>> No.4104025

Do you have any peer reviewed article about this?

>> No.4104028


Aquageddon? Deepocalypse?

>> No.4104030

Go back to /x/.

>> No.4104031

> you can never see 3D like a dolphin

>> No.4104032



"Full results of this research are available on request from Jack Kassewitz.". Looks like he's your man.

>> No.4104039

cry moar

> deepocalypse

>> No.4104040

Well thats nice but Im not a biology major but I dont think the data will be hard to understand. Still like to read other explanations to the findings.

>> No.4104051


In all seriousness, I'm more interested in cephalopod intelligence. A 9 lobed brain? C'mon!

>> No.4104057


"The male dolphins have an opposable penis which they WILL use to grab you or your family members by the wrist or ankle and pull you under water. It will happen quickly and rather quietly, except for the terrifying shriek of the dolphins rape call. Once you are submerged they WILL proceed to bring you to their rape caves, and violently ravage you. Dolphins show absolutely no mercy and are not easily satisfied."

Secret to understanding dolphin language: Every word is rape.

>> No.4104069
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Dolphins are useless in arctic environments.

>> No.4104078
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>> No.4104087

belugas are about as far from dolphins you can get when it comes to toothed whales.

>> No.4104089



>"Beluga whale is an arctic dolphin, the closest relative of narwhal. But the beast is sometimes called the white whale (because of its fifteen-foot size) and sea canary (because of the great love to sing)."

>"Beluga whale is a large dolphin. Males reach 6 meters and weigh up to 2000 kilograms. Thus, the beluga is larger than most of the dolphins but smaller than most whales."

Now what, nigga?

>> No.4104093
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Your face when dolphins don't indulge themselves in primitive religion battles and as such are truly united.
>Sleeper agents everywhere.

>> No.4104095


>Dolphins are very intelligent, highly emotional and expressive creatures. They enjoy the company of humans, and if a relationship develops between a human and a dolphin, as has happened with me, they will, on occasion, wish to express their trust and affection for you in the most direct way; through mating, or sex-play. You see, dolphins do not use sex purely for procreative reasons. They use it as a way of strengthening the bonds between pod mates (mothers and calves included), and also for fun. Dolphins and humans share this common trait with very few other animals, so sometimes it makes me wonder when people continue to ask me "How DO you mate with a dolphin?". Easy. Let the dolphin tell you!

>> No.4104098


I see Carl's Law is in full effect.

>> No.4104104
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>mfw dolphins can't do shit, because they're water-bound

>> No.4104106


Good thing we never need to go in the water then. Especially not for vital mineral resources, food and military activity.

>> No.4104109
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> Eeek eeek ee ee eeeeeek*

(*) mfw humans can't do shit, because they're surface-bound

>> No.4104115
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The hell we are.

>> No.4104118


Not to the extent that you are water bound. We have boats and subs, bitch.

>> No.4104120

>mfw dumb tripfag doesn't know what trade is.

>> No.4104121

We should ask them about quackers

>> No.4104132
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>> No.4104133
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I'm fairly confident that we will fucking DOMINATE!!!

>humans can't do shit
Hey Flipper, remember this?

>> No.4104139

Dolphins are a superfamily in which Monodontidae (beluga whales and narwhals) are not included. They're in the same suborder though, but so are sperm whales too (and they're not dolphins).
I suppose it says doplhins in the text so people can understand better.
Take a look at the taxonomy at wikipedia.

>> No.4104145


I refer you back to the quoted text. It supports what I said. Deal with it.

>> No.4104147
File: 144 KB, 964x673, babbydolphin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the mere suggestion that dolphins are intelligent and could communicate with us turns the discussion immediately to war.

Everyone calm down and look at how cute this babby dolphin is. You can even see his tiny pingas. :3

>> No.4104149

"Soviet researchers have shown that deep sleep in bottlenose dolphins may occur in only one brain hemisphere at a time. Research is ongoing (Ridgway, 1990)."

>> No.4104150


Reading that article almost makes me whish for another Gamma-ray burst to finish the cancer that is named humanity.

On a more serious note: I really hope we will either learn to live in harmony with this planet instead of bending it, clone the shit out of everything on this earth or find another suitable planet before it's too late.

>> No.4104152
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I laugh at your naive morality.

>> No.4104160
File: 221 KB, 600x528, octopusSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one of the defining traits of the human race: violent.

I'd rather we not be violent in the way we are now-- more of a Man/Kzin wars style of violence; hesitant but totally ready to kick your ass if you fuck with us.

Who read the Uplift series? If we could get them breathing a fluid the same density as their bodies (water) then we could really have some crackerjack pilots. Not to mention that the shallow seas of a terraformed Venus and the deeper depths of a terraformed Europa will need some aquatic residents in addition to humans.

>Octopuses are still my bros.
>You know they're your bros when you've had them follow you around throughout the course of a dive--- even following you up to your safety stop to hang with you in the water column.

>> No.4104162
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>> No.4104165


Dolphins torture each other and other aquatic species to pass the time.
Intelligence is war.

>> No.4104171
File: 148 KB, 654x675, octibro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know they're your bros when you've had them follow you around throughout the course of a dive--- even following you up to your safety stop to hang with you in the water column.

:3c Oh gosh.

>> No.4104192

>The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.
>Dolphins have been trained in attack-and-kill missions since the Cold War. The US Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have apparently been taught to shoot terrorists attacking military vessels.

...What the fuck is this? Red Alert 2?

>> No.4104201

Don't forget the persistent rumors that they were kept addicted to drugs in order to more easily obey commands

>> No.4104205


That's exactly what I thought haha! Apparently red alert 2 & 3 is not as unrealistic as we thought, the developers just know more than we do.

>> No.4104209
File: 511 KB, 1230x666, taxanomy fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit being wrong about calling them as far from dolphins toothed whales can possibly be, but I'm still right about them not being true dolphins.
Here, I made this descriptive screenshot from the tree of life project, since you seem too stubborn to find out the taxonomy for yourself.

>> No.4104215
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>> No.4104220


Just trollin' bro. You're right, thanks for the info.

>> No.4104224
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What MOS is this guy then?

I suddenly want to reenlist.

>> No.4104231
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I want a clone vat.

>> No.4104241

Just posting to say that if it weren't for dolphins, we'd all be living under the rule of nazi zombies.

Source: The Illuminatus Trilogy

>> No.4104262

bubble rings

>> No.4104263


This always amazes me.

>> No.4104264
File: 46 KB, 400x616, illuminatus3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason they don't reveal their intelligence and ability to speak is because they don't want to be taxed. The Gorillas don't reveal their intelligence for the same reason.

>Shine a flashlight's tight beam onto some crabs they can eat and the octopus will pounce on it.
>Do it enough and it'll take an interest in its new hunting partner.
>Let it taste/smell you with its tentacle and it'll get really interested, following you all the way to 15 feet below the surface.
>Come back to the same site for another night dive and you'll notice an octopus combing between the divers looking for its friend

No joke. I haven't had one remember me but one time, but the following thing has happened more than a few times.

MadScientist can run off with his dolphin-keeping sea habitats.
I'll be chilling in the far more luxurious, well-funded, and cooler octopus-keeping habitat.

>> No.4104294

too bad about the short lifespan.

>> No.4104311

Yeah, that's a shame.

To me, there seem to be two schools of sea-colonization advocates:
1.) Seaquest/James Cameron types. They're all optimistic, bright, and cheery. They generally want to seastead for peaceful purposes and science.
2.) James Bond Villain/Richard Branson types. They realize the profit potential for off-shore server farms, banking services, less-than-ethical medical services, etc. that you could do with undersea colonies. They're into the science, but they're also in it for profit.

Type 1 are dolphins
Type 2 are octopuses

>> No.4104322
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Actually one of the concerns over selling the New Worlds Explorer mass produced trailerable 2 man habitat is that it would be ideal for growing pot. Plants grow better in hyperbaric conditions and DEA helicopters cannot see the heat signature of the grow lamps underwater.

>> No.4104348



>> No.4104349

The pot bottleneck isn't in the places for growing, but in smuggling it into the US. Unmanned submersibles have been used for smuggling drugs for a few decdes now, so I believe the Coast Guard is prepared.

>> No.4104354

Unless we can ask the dolphins how they feel about us colonizing the ocean, then I don't give a shit.

>> No.4104363
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>"Go back to land, dryback. Especially the one you call Carl. Your women can stay, but no fatties."

>> No.4104370
File: 25 KB, 640x480, hankventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW a dolphin kept sticking his snout in my mom's crotch during a swim with dolphins thing when I was a kid.

Turns out she was menstruating and it made the dolphin horny.

>> No.4104407


Lol amerifats

Menstruating on dolphins since nineteen-something

>> No.4104412

Here's a business opportunity for you....

A 1atm habitat with some kind of elevator or descending/docking diving bell for access.
It needs BIG panoramic windows, a location in the photic zone with a great view, and in international waters.
We'll need an attached habitat or two to grow marijuana.

We need this habitat to be large enough to play host to crowds of 200 or so patrons a night.

>Board boat in Miami
>Sail out to habitat/club's location
>Gamble, get high, party
>Charge an assload for entry/weed/drinks and make it an exclusive spot

>> No.4104425


Now all I need is a few million dollars.

>> No.4104430
File: 35 KB, 340x474, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst story ever.

>> No.4104434

There's no hookers in the bottom of the sea, unlike in Amsterdam.

>> No.4104438


Video extremely related. It's what you can expect to encounter a lot in a venture like that.

>> No.4104463
File: 4 KB, 251x200, pi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

\sqrt[]{g} \approxx \pi

discuss ?

>> No.4104465

$\sqrt[]{g} \approxx \pi$

>> No.4104470

<span class="math">\frac[34][x] \times \pi[/spoiler]

Testing, ignore.

>> No.4104473

<span class="math">\frac{34}{x} \times \pi[/spoiler]

Testing, ignore, still.

>> No.4104484

<span class="math">\sqrt{g} \approx \pi[/spoiler]

>> No.4104512

I know it is weird but must men like women.

>> No.4104523

And "must" men like thinking about their mother's vaginal seepage, right?

>> No.4104635

> oh god a typo let's panic

>> No.4104645

I didn't even respond to the typo, you dumb fuck.

>> No.4104679

Still stuck in the anal phase where you don't want to fuck your own mother, aspie?

>> No.4104690

Nah, I'm just perfectly content with plowing *your* mother.

>> No.4104702

Interesting, but I don't see anything stating that dolphins have actually been observed fabricating images, just proof that they can understand man-made ones. It could be that they just recognize them the way a human would be able to understand a message made of photographs. Seems like it'll be useful either way. The sonar imaging technology seems pretty interesting. If it's small enough, it'd be nice to hook one up to a head-mounted display and essentially have sonar vision yourself.


Just linking you to an undersea-related /diy/ thread, some guy wants to build a home in a sea cave.

>> No.4104721
File: 31 KB, 704x496, Orz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sea-bound? You've got to be joking. Oceanic ragnarok will not come by the hands of dolphins OR octopuses, but by FISH in power-suits.
Resistance is futile. Run for your lives.

>> No.4104724

As the guy that posted the disturbing story, I feel an obligation to end this.

I found this out at a later age when mom was discussing it at a party. In retrospect and knowing what I do about animal responses to human female menses, it makes sense.

No, I have no interest in my mother's reproductive system. I lost interest the moment my umbilical cord was cut, as I had no further use for it.

Here's a real CSB
>One of three embryos implanted for IVF.
>All three took to the endometrium, only I survived to term.
>Mom tries twice again, all miscarriages

That uterus was like Thunderdome.


>> No.4104731

dolphins are pretty god tier

>> No.4104736


Octopuses are the best. It was determined that they're actual tool users, they've been spotted collecting up halves of coconut shell from separate locations and closing them together around themselves as an armor to sleep in. Their brain is quite weird as well. Really good problem solvers, can squeeze through practically everything, and are very goal-driven. Definitely going for the octopuses.
Dolphins are just psychotic, sadist rapers, but new-age movements (followed by TV shows) created this beautiful false image of the friendly, good-willed dolphin.

>> No.4104754

> Dolphins are just psychotic, sadist rapers
So basically they're bros. If anyone is mislead by hippie bullshit it is you for thinking that we don't relate better to dolphins because of this.

>> No.4104776

>It was determined that they're actual tool users, they've been spotted collecting up halves of coconut shell
I saw footage of that once. I don't know how much of a cognitive challenge this use of simple tools actually is, but it certainly was a pretty impressive sight.

>> No.4104783
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They really are amazing animals.

Here's another amazing animal that I adore. They seem almost curious like puppy dogs, when they aren't hungry or stimulated to eat. Not bros by any metric, but still sweet.

We have that in common. They're quite a bit like chimps or bonobos as far as the violence and sex life (respectively) go.

Is it just me or do "proto-sapient" mammals seem to have a predilection for violence and promiscuity?

Come to think of it, our violence is just more advanced and destructive and the potential for destruction is the only thing that gives us pause. As for the promiscuity, we seem barely restrained by morality but at least we have the concept of consent.

That said, I enjoy choking, whipping, smacking, and otherwise abusing women during sex. It's always consensual and at her request, but still.

>> No.4104784
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>> No.4104796
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Go forth and destroy!

>> No.4104894


And here I went and forgot to leave the actual link:

>> No.4104897
File: 136 KB, 800x700, 1312365254414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More like this:

>> No.4105126

> Is it just me or do "proto-sapient" mammals seem to have a predilection for violence and promiscuity?
I have a hard time imagining a class of beings, maybe at the family/genus level, whose biggest irritations aren't other members of the family. You find an ecological niche and exploit it, then your biggest problem is your neighbor who is *also* trying to exploit it. Develop intelligence to take advantage of more niches? ---Only means you have to be that much better at fucking killing.

Nature is disgustingly apathetic.

>> No.4105146

This makes much more sense than I'd have thought.

>> No.4105432


The oceanic Ragnarok will be caused by the Midgard Serpent you idiots.

>> No.4105457


I'll make sure the dolphins know you said that when they decorate their throne with human entrails.

>> No.4105488

Those arent very scary dolphins they don't even go on land. But orca's man.... Those fuckers just don't give a shit and ram themselves onto land to get to you and they will kill themselves if they have to. And fuck man I'm in washington we have the biggest octopuses as well and they walk on land THEY WALK ON LAND

>> No.4105497
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> and they walk on land THEY WALK ON LAND

Lol'd heartily.

>> No.4105508


Come on they don't go on la-


Man that guys moving fast our fatties are probably fucked

>> No.4105520

We are probably looking at a textbook transitional species here. Octopi don't need much more than stronger muscles and tougher skin to survive on land for long periods, even without lungs.

>> No.4106742


>> No.4106783

"ocean-based Ragnarok."
The dolphin "word" of that is the 3D profile of a Mississippi river dolphin: Extinction.

>> No.4106796

"How do you teach them things like algebra through 3D images?"

Not sure but when it comes to geometry you don't teach, you learn.