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File: 21 KB, 500x334, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4103875 No.4103875 [Reply] [Original]

I got this image from a /b/ troll thread.
Now I looked all over the internet for proof and just found more people claiming this to be true.
I can't find any evidence for that
Does anyone know where this myth came from?

There apparently is a unit for pain that is called "Dol"
but I haven't seen anything about women giving birth

>> No.4103902

Bump for interest. (my money's on it all being total bullshit though, dols seem a bit useless beyond a rough guide being that pain is relative)

>> No.4103912

anesthetics etc

>> No.4103916

" They developed a pain scale, called the "Hardy-Wolff-Goodell" scale, with 10 gradations, or 10 levels. They assigned the name of "dols" to these levels."
So it isn't just a typo.

What do you mean

>> No.4103926

people are stupid

>> No.4103942

If that were true and humans only had a threshold for 45 units of pain, that's as painful as it would get for them. 57 or 114 units, it doesn't matter because their threshold is 45 units. I'm inclined to call this image bullshit because if the pain of childbirth is beyond a human's threshold, how come women who've had gallstones can confirm that they are more painful than childbirth.

>> No.4103944

>human body can bear only x
>human bodies routinely bear x-n
Sounds legit to me.

Alright... in all likelihood, some person just decided that that sounded nice and wrote it

>> No.4103955


This is instantly debunked by the existance of Gal stones.

>> No.4103967

>women reporting gallstones/kidney stones being more painful than child birth

Fuck you. I had kidney stones twice, both times I wanted to scratch my eyeballs out and just die.

>> No.4103972

well it is true that women have a higher pain threshold than usual while giving birth due to hormones

>> No.4103973

Cluster headache, otherwise known as suicide headache for obvious reasons, is thought to be the most painful condition known to man.


>> No.4103980

pro-woman bullshit

>> No.4103982

>Had kidney stones
>I still complain less than some whore that's given birth

How was it? Agony. I still don't use it as a crutch in arguments like half the mothers out there.

>> No.4103985

During pregnancy women develop an unbelievable resistance to pain.

This is just a simple evolutionary trait making possible to even give birth. As soon as labor is done the woman will go back to feeling normal pain levels.

I've heard this argument many times in debates vs feminists who try to argue that females are biologically superior to males. Sorry, this is just not true. You can give birth and tolerate the pain levels of that, but that's about it.

>> No.4103984

Still debunked because gallstones.

>> No.4103988

So can we conclude that this stuff is completely made up bullshit?

>> No.4103994

But it says "humans have," not "humans usually have."

>> No.4103999

Kidney stones: the only reason a guy would willingly have a laser shoved up his dick, have a hollow tube inserted after, and then have it pulled out a week later while still conscious.

Most. Painful. Thing. Ever.

>> No.4104000

Yeah, especially the very last part.

>> No.4104019

you dont have a soul

>> No.4104020


>> No.4104024

That's okay. No one does.

>> No.4104155

This is as stupid as 200%. If a woman can bear 57 dol or del or whatever, that would obviously be the limit to how much pain the human body can manage.

>> No.4104166

There are a number of things more painful than childbirth. Kidney stones, for instance.

>> No.4104177

guh, I dislike claims that females are superior because of childbirth.

it's nothing they have much control over.

it's hardly a skill.

either you pass the fucking baby, or you don't.

you can't just fukken hold it in indefinetely, it's not a skill, it's a process, like defecating a big turd.

the fact that they can tolerate it doesn't make them superior, because again, it's a fucking process like shitting and sleeping.


>> No.4104198

fucking headaches.

They ruined my 1-10 scale at the doctors office. "please describe your pain on a scale from 1 to 10 1 being very mild and 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt"


"Ok go home and take some ibuprofen."

"Dr, I said 5, not 2"

>> No.4104200

Fun fact: A lot of the people who claim that child birth is the most painful thing ever have never actually given birth

Also, this is such tremendous bullshit. There are many, many things far more painful than child birth. If you want pain so intense it goes over your pain threshold, you're talking about the kind of shit that will actually make you pass out from the pain.

>> No.4104216
File: 24 KB, 461x403, 123543213666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using anesthesia

Sure is Adam and Eve here.