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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 176x171, feeeeeeeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4103841 No.4103841 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you thought today was Tuesday so you got 2 hours of sleep and went to lab at 8:40 for no reason

This happens every other week.

>> No.4103845
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>That feel when you decided you could sleep in and skip lecture because your professor doesn't take attendance and all he does is read powerpoints.
>that feel when today wasn't a lecture day, it was a lab day.

>> No.4103861
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>that feel when classes are over
>that feel when I don't have class until 10:30 anyway
>that feel when OP can't remember his schedule

>> No.4103872

I want those feels to become mine

>> No.4103877
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>that feel when you have a timetable
>that feel when you don't come in when you have no class
>that feel when you sleepily press snooze on your alarm clock, and then have to complete your morning ritual in 3 minutes, run for the bus, and burst into class late, apologise, and join the lesson

My feels aren't that interesting

>> No.4103882
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>that feel when finals week
>that feel when i don't have to take any finals

>> No.4103887

>That feel when you wake up with a sharp pain in your ass and when you reach to see what's happening you find a black dragon dildo lodged in there coated in a thick layer of dragon cum

No one else on /sci/ knows this feel.

>> No.4103890

>that feel when you forgot to turn the heating off last night and you sleep in because your bed is so fucking comfy.

>> No.4103899

go away teabag

>> No.4103907

Why yes, I would like to tell more about my dragon dildo.
I bought it a few days ago, it arrived yesterday. It's a medium sized black dragon dildo with a cum pump and I love it. It's so fucking fun to pretend the dick is a volcano.

>> No.4103909


>> No.4103914

You're just mad because I can take more dildo than you.

>> No.4103921

i thought they don't sell/ship those to scotland?

>> No.4103925

How does one get that lucky?

>> No.4103929

They ship them to Europe. Fortunate thing that I'm not in Scotland, uh?
Actually, I'm going to go get my dildo and play with it while browsing /sci/.

>> No.4103941
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>> No.4103948

>play with it while browsing /sci/.
please kill yourself

>> No.4103950
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Says the 3rd generation personality resultant from a black man's sperm.

>> No.4103951


>that feel when you refuse to get out of bed and face the cold world of reality

>> No.4103957
File: 59 KB, 211x204, 1322970207674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel bro

>> No.4103958

1st - I'm pretending it's a volcano of dragon cum.
2nd - What if I want to masturbate while browsing /sci/? Maybe math turns me on.

>> No.4103962

Lol, fucking hell

>> No.4103965

sperm lodges in frontal lobe? wtf?

do you even know what a frontal lobe is?

>> No.4103966

Go have imaginary sexual intercourse with GL why don't you?

>> No.4103977

The sperm travelled Scot's body from his ass to his frontal lobe and lodged itself there, all while EK controlled Scot.

>> No.4103981
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>> No.4103996

do you even know where in the body the frontal lobe is?

>> No.4103991

I'm a fucking zoologist, I know my animal biology and this is entirely possible. Aren't you an engineer? Go have gay sex or something.

>> No.4104001

Behind the face, inside the head.

>> No.4104002
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1314108615248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you get up in the middle of the night because you have to piss, but then while pissing you feel lightheaded and pass out on the bathroom with your dick hanging out of your pants only to wake up 10 minutes later wondering what the fuck happened then go back to bed and wake up in the morning with the worst pain in your back because you feel on a hard floor
Seriously, what the fuck happened to me?

>> No.4104005

That's wild dude. At least you didn't fall in the toilet and drown with your dick hanging out

>> No.4104007

It would have been really fucking weird if I just laid there the whole night and then my roommate tries to go to the bathroom in the morning to find me passed out on the floor wearing only boxers with my dick hanging out

>> No.4104009

You passed out, then you fell on the floor, and then you got up again.

>> No.4104026


You're never going to keep him down

Pissing the night away
Pissing the night away

>> No.4104036

Ga ga ga ga oh la la
Want your golden shower
Ga ga ga ga oh la la
Want your golden shower
I want your piss, I want you disease
I want your every fluid, as long as it's free
I want your piss, I want your piss

>> No.4104042

You were going for a music chain about piss, weren't you?

>> No.4104043

Too far man, too far

>> No.4104058

Okay, let me try again:

Scenery: A typical house in London, where Scot lives. Scot is just getting up and dressing as a woman to go pretend to be Blackman.
Another person (a figment of Scot's imagination), dressed as a woman, comes in from the kitchen and starts singing:

Hun, let me tell ya!
I want to break free!
I want to break free, from these lies,
Scot's so self-satisfied, well, I don't need him!
I've got to break free.
Scot knows,
Hun, he knows I want to break free.

I've fallen in love,
I've fallen in love for the first time, and this time I know it's for real,
I've fallen in love.
Scot knows,
Scot knows I've fallen in love.
It's strange, but it's true,
I can't get over the way /sci/ loves me the way it do,
But hun, I've got to be sure
When I walk out the door
Oh how I want to be free!
Oh how I want to be free!
Oh how I want to break free!

-The figment of Scot's imagination is now Teacup, and is being carried around by several other gays-

-Back to EK, who enters the living room and sits next to Harriet, represented by an old, bitter woman-

But life still goes on,
I can't get you still living without, living without, living without you by my side.
I don't want to live alone,
Scot knows,
Got to make it on my own.

-Personality becomes Blackman-


This piece represents Blackman accepting himself as a personality of Scot.

>> No.4104064

>Scot is just getting up and dressing as a woman to go pretend to be Blackman.

Should be

>Scot is just getting up and dressing as a woman to go be a transvestite.

Blackman being there shouldn't have made it to the final version.

>> No.4104070
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>> No.4104086


>> No.4104100

what the fuck

>> No.4104111
File: 153 KB, 396x385, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when banned for posting that feel threads on /sci/

>> No.4104113

I've posted countless that feel threads on /sci/ and won't ever stop because /sci/ is my personal blog

>> No.4104116

What's the problem?

>> No.4104127
File: 199 KB, 872x351, mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw mods are bio majors

>> No.4104131

I'd laugh so hard if the mods were zoology majors.

>> No.4104134

that would signify mods are also personalities

>> No.4104136

Which would be great.
I like /sci/ mod, actually. He's not like that no-fun /v/ mod.
Hey, /sci/ mod, what's your major?

>> No.4104137

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4104141

>implying Teacup could have even a fake personality

>> No.4104144

I gave birth to Pifag. He's like Blackman's nephew.

>> No.4104156

>that feel when you usually get up hours before classes at 7am even on weekends.

feels good to have finally converted to god tier morning person.

>> No.4104180

>god tier morning person
lol NOPE