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4103525 No.4103525 [Reply] [Original]

Even if we colonize Mars, we will never have instant communication between Mars and Earth, due to the cosmic speed limit.

>> No.4103531

>no interplanetary games

>> No.4103534

You couldn't communicate with Marsfags with IM, you would have to use texts or forums. ;__;

>> No.4103539

>implying neutrinos aren't faster than light
But yeah, 4chan is safe for the future.

>> No.4103542

The Message will just be Jumbled. Get crackalackin. (Crackling is the Sound fire makes...it wants you to crack the code.)

>> No.4103544

That wasn't confirmed, not until they at the very least test it with the GPS clock difference accounted for.

Even then, they as so similar in speed, your brain couldn't tell. At all.

>> No.4103557

>implying we won't have a worm hole between earth and mars, the earth port being stationed in Sri Lanka

>> No.4103565


>> No.4103573

How can this be that the world flipped its shit when the neutrino went faster than light, when this has been in the news for over 2 years?


>> No.4103597

not this shit again, this must be some of the worst reporting ive ever seen. THE SIGNALS DON'T TRAVEL FTL! what they do is they have a FTL polarization current in the device that generates radio-waves, these waves travel AT the speed of light, the polarization current doesn't contain any information, and the electrons don't really travel faster than light, its like shining a laser on the moon and then moving it and claiming its moving FTL on the moon. he reason why this can be used for communication,m is because the radio waves can be squished into little packets that dont decay like 1/r^2 with distance like normal waves, but decays like 1/r. meaning the original signal doesn't have to be so strong and can be transmitted farther and faster (but not FTL).

>> No.4103600
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Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

>> No.4103605

So...we're still stuck with slow as fuck transmissions?

>> No.4103611

yes, but now we have extremely efficient slow as fuck transmissions.

>> No.4103644
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quantum entanglement begs to differ

>> No.4103648

>Quantum entanglement

>> No.4103647

That shit is so jumbled and unstable, I doubt we will have enough of a grasp over it by the time we make it to mars, if ever.

>> No.4103651

> cosmic speed limit

You mean that one that was broken?

>> No.4103654

>car can only go 10 miles an hour
>"looks like it will take really long to get to NYC, sorry guys."

>speed increased, now it can go 10.000000000001 miles an hour

Yeah, no. Sorry, broseph.

>> No.4103656

Just because you saw it on Mass Effect doesn't make it real guys.

>> No.4103657

we're not limited in scale though,
just send over a copy of your brain and have it forward the relevant experience

>> No.4103658

could someone explain this guy why there is no FTL communication with quantum entanglement?

>> No.4103659

There is, but all they managed to do so far, if I recall correctly, is manage to get one atom to do it, over some miles.

>> No.4103662

is still light speed

>> No.4103663

should say, maybe it cannot be "technically" FTL "communication", but it is still changing shit over distances instantly.

>> No.4103669

no its not, you need a classical signal along with it so send information, the classical signal is still slower than light. when the classical signal gets there then the rest of the information if sent "instantly" but the whole proses still takes the same time it would have if everything was sent with a classical signal.

>> No.4103675

Over long distances, point to point between the entangled particles, it is instant. It is at light speed on either end, not in between. It's like erasing the whole part of the trip between the entanglement.

>> No.4103686

Just entangle two electrons and move one to mars and leave the other here. Now all you have to do is flip the one on mars up and down to instantly transmit binary messages!
>people totally believe this
>rofl indubitably

>> No.4103712

so public still doesn't understand quantum entanglement

>> No.4103717

if we could phone mars how far behind or a head would they be to us in time wise.

Like am from the uk and I think america is like 9 hours behind us,how would it work if I was trying to phone someone on mars ?
WOuld they be a a few days a head or behind me ??

>> No.4103723

Why do I feel a little bit sceptic about this?

On the subj: i would be really interested to test some marsearthchat.com thing.

>> No.4103731

troll i hope .__.

It doesn't even have the same time frame for a day

>> No.4103774

"Voice of the Distant Star" is an anime dealing with this.

Basically boy/girl are friends, girl gets selected to join the space army. Years passby on Earth, while only months pass in space. They however meet each other again, only the girl is still the same age and the boy is now a man.

>> No.4103784
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and this is because longer waves have less momentum, less mass, and therefore live longer, right?

>> No.4103785


err, don't transmit momentum externally that is. just not as much, anyways

>> No.4103790

lol The Pedo Files

He is still legally.... what ever he was on earth? LOOPHOLE! Speaking of holes, his adult cock would.... never mind.

>> No.4103791
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No, not that one.

>> No.4103789

>mfw due to the neutrinos travelling trough the slipspace we master the technology of wormholes and use wormhole-net.

>> No.4103794
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They don't understand the theory's current practical limitations, either.

>> No.4103797
File: 83 KB, 1050x787, Universe 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time could be set so both planets are on the same page..it's best that way.

>> No.4103798

no am not a troll(not a science guy though) and I know that I just mean how would we work out that shit.

>> No.4103801

> implying all humans don't share a tiny part of our consciousness

>> No.4103804

The 360 was heavier when you added in the AC pack, which was built into the PS3. I always thought that was rather disingenuous of the Xboxfags saying "lololol xbox heug? whos big now!" when they still were when you added that in.

It's like taking the motor out your car and saying it is lighter than your friends. And yes it is a fair analogy, you can't use the car without the motor, you can't use the console without the power brick.

>> No.4103803

You can't send information over entangled particles.

You can measure one and know the measurement of the other, but disturbing one particle's charge/spin/whathaveyou breaks the entanglement.

>> No.4103800
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Time could be set so both planets are on the same page..it's best that way. haha, silly :3

>> No.4103805


space-time (so time) is relative and no one area of space-time seems to be ahead of any other. Also, the dispersion of galaxies in the universe is more or less, well, disperse.

>> No.4103807

For anyone thinking this comment came out of left field, look at the top right of the pic in the post I replied to.

>> No.4103813
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I love analogies but when we discuss physics we must be specific and technical.

Because matter doesn't exert momentum onto photons, and we know this because of Einshtein's special relativity. As far as I know, relativity is pretty sound.

>> No.4103817

I was just replying to the pic with the PS3 in it .__.

>> No.4103818


I think you mean top left, right? It's a fucking picture, I took it off google, and grow up?

>> No.4103820

Don't get all pissed, faggot. I didn't direct that at you.

>> No.4103835
File: 10 KB, 325x325, rodgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it looks like we have ourselves a misunderstanding. I'm sorry

>> No.4103840

Fuck yeah, Mr. Rogers.

>> No.4103867

>on mars you will never get more than 720000 ping to the central server from mars

>> No.4103889

Quantum entanglement can't be used to send data guys. If you measure one, you change the other. So you can't know the state of both of them at once.