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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4101818 No.4101818 [Reply] [Original]

>claiming to be a scientist
>not having a beard or mustache

>> No.4101827
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>> No.4101830
File: 561 KB, 1076x1654, dontbelongsci2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4101850

>Implying most scientists aren't science fiction fans

>> No.4101865

>sci-fi fan before becoming a scientist
"Wow this shit is amazing, I want to go into such fields where this can be possible!"
>sci-fi fan after becoming a scientist
"What the fuck!? None of this should would work or be possible in the slightest! Have you guys not done your fucking research!?!"

>> No.4101870
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>implying that's true at all
>implying real dedicated scientists who actually accomplish something waste precious brain glucose on reading trivial nonsense

>> No.4101874


>what is hard science fiction

>> No.4101884
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>science fiction

>> No.4101888

>isn't aware there's a genre called 'hard science fiction'

>> No.4101894

Hard science fiction: 2001, Gattaca, Woman in the Moon... and that's it.

>> No.4101899

>can only name films

>> No.4101901
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>Gattaca and 2001 being examples of "hard science fiction"

Wow, I'd hate to see the soft science fiction.

>> No.4101908

>artfag that doesn't belong on /sci/
Take your unintelligent BS elsewhere.

>> No.4101911

>implying all worthy scientists have autism
One day you will know what work is, and you will need to waste your brain glucose.

>> No.4101928

>hurr if it's not science it's not worth talking about

Shut up.

>> No.4101932

But... they aren't worth talking about, especially on /sci/.

>> No.4101947

SCIENCE fiction is worth talking about on /sci/. Particularly hard science fiction (as opposed to 'sci-fi').

>> No.4102998

source on these? seen a few

>> No.4103003

>Claiming to be scientist
>Spends time on 4chan

>> No.4103012

MFW I have a wife im 26yo and currently getting my Phd on math about quasingular mappings.

I attend parties few times a month and my social life is great. is this bad?

>> No.4103020

Science fiction that doesn't involve biology?

>> No.4103041

Got a whole beard. I use it for thermal insulation. It reduces convective heat loss up to 50% and reduces my thermal signature by about 70%.

I have also added special dye to my beard for thermal stealth.

>> No.4103051

>still hasn't finished his PhD

This is what wasting time on your social life gets you.

>> No.4103052

Are they math, science, or engineering parties? And you ever play star trek drinking games or Drink and Derive?

>> No.4103053

Living proof to the dangers of socializing.

>> No.4103086


What kind of third world shithole are you from?