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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 500x421, house-money-500x421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4101256 No.4101256 [Reply] [Original]

Should've gone into engineering. You guys make a lot of money and it's easy to find jobs, right?

>> No.4101274

not if you graduate with a shit gpa

>> No.4101284

implying employers look at GPA

>> No.4101298

Have never even been asked for GPA, and it doesn't reflect how well you'll do in a job much anyway. Engineering programs are half math, but you'll never be asked to solve an ODE during a job interview.

>> No.4101303

do not become a civic engineer.

most of the jobs i've seen are for mech, electrical and computer.

/nb4 gay sex

>> No.4101304


Only if your the best of the best but then again you wouldn't be an engineer. I know here they give you a government approved diploma. Somewhat of a little extra sticker that goes on your thing saying you meat the school expectations and also can work for the government which is around a 75%+

>> No.4101349

I should've become a slave and gone into engineering. Do something you like they said.

>> No.4102427


Looks like someone didn't get the sticker!!

>> No.4102436
File: 167 KB, 500x635, 1292730533713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an engineer working at power plant, because TRY TO OUTSOURCE THAT SHIT, YOU NIGGER CEOs, YOU CAN'T, CAN YOU

Feels good. Overworked though.

>> No.4102437


>> No.4102445

For who, exactly? I've been thinking of trying to nab an internship with GE, for similar reasons... but I'm not sure if they're the best company to go after for that.

>> No.4102453

unemployed engineer here cant find work and it sucks

>> No.4102456

>sup brah

>> No.4102460
File: 9 KB, 469x428, Troll peeking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what it is you're doing wrong so I can learn from your mistakes.

>> No.4102469

> tries to troll
> image file of trollface is corrupted

lol fail

>> No.4102472

get industry experience while in school. academia doesnt count

>> No.4102476
File: 8 KB, 469x428, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102484

Will do. Thanks, wasn't expecting any actual advice.

At the moment I'm helping restore a biplane from the late 1920s... would that be worthwhile experience for a mechanical engineer? Or would something more focused (i.e. an internship) be a better use of my time?

>> No.4102488

what about working with faculty on their research?

>> No.4102504
File: 57 KB, 624x480, 1315184554364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical engineer here, every job I look for asks for several years of experience while I'm still in the middle of college. What are some entry level jobs? I'm losing faith here.

>> No.4102505

I'm going into aerospace engineering next year, any advice or insight as to what I should expect?

>> No.4102515

Employers want specific skills even for entry level shit. The bi-plane thing is something nice to put on your resume or talk about in an interview but you will get much further with an internship.