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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4098700 No.4098700 [Reply] [Original]

ITT thing you shouldn't say to a alien species during first contact.

>> No.4098703

>We come in peace, here, let us give you all of our technology.

>> No.4098707

It puts the lotion on its skin

>> No.4098710

>implying you exist

>> No.4098712

Just pinch yourself and wake up.

>> No.4098721

Heretical form of Satan! Begone foul illusion!

>> No.4098726

>USA in charge of first contact

>> No.4098728

Want to get a drink?

>> No.4098805


Forgot the name of Stanislav Lem's short story about the intergalactic committee gathered to decide whether to allow humans to join in; after a short and sweet (although misrepresenting) introduction by some alien, another species stands up and gives a speech on why humans are scum. Lem gives such a compelling argument I decided if I ever meet an alien race I'd be the first to barge into the militarized compound, push aside the cliche-mumbling americans and give it a copy of this book.
Also I'd play for it the music video for "Do The Evolution" by Pearl Jam.
Just to be on the safe side, I'd masturbate on it's face - it'd be a tight schedule, with the guards shooting at me and what not, but I think I can make it.

>> No.4098819

wanna have sex?

>> No.4098836

You should visit this cool website. It's called "4chan"

>> No.4098858

Deez Nutz!

>> No.4098864

So em yeah, whats this long tentacle for and why is it reaching for my testicles?

>> No.4098953

So em yeah, whats this long tentacle for and why is it reaching for my testicles?

>> No.4098965

I'd draw the visual proof of Pythagorean theory. I assume that would be fairly important for space travel, and would want the thing to see that humans are intelligent.

>> No.4098971
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I'm just gonna pick up this bit of physical evidence here.

>> No.4098973

>U-S-A! U-S-A!

>> No.4098980

Allah Akbar

>> No.4098982

>you crazy nastyass i like a good dicking you know this

>disregard this same post in /mu/

>> No.4098983

lolZz xDD u mad br0

>> No.4098990

Thank God

>> No.4099078

The worst thing we could do would be to send out a probe giving them information on our location and civilisation without learning anything ourselves. Any potential wars would suddenly be very brief and one-sided

>> No.4099090
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Ack ack ack, ack ACK ack ack!

>> No.4099096
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>> No.4099099

i have to change my dealer.

>> No.4099101


>> No.4099120


>sarcasm detected
>intelligence proven
>humans posing threat, must destroy
>call the pesticide guys, I want to stroll this planet by lunchtime

Thanks a lot, you've just doomed us all.

>> No.4099157
File: 1 KB, 150x150, texteyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying that artifact still exists in readable form

sorry, but even the slightest amount of damage is FOREVER and no matter what "reconstructive" technology the aliens use, the best they'll get is "this was a circular object" and nothing else. any damage at all? audio is now corrupted and impossible to read those sections. hell, a single fucking dust particle could make the needle of the alien-built recorder to skip... or the ridges and indentations are so worn away by solar wind, it's basically been erased by time.

as for the OP
> ITT thing you shouldn't say to a alien species during first contact.

image related.
> implying there was ever anything you could say and/or do to avoid and/or cause an intersolar war

>> No.4099170


This is also from Lem: he argues in Solaris that we could never understand an alien life form, as we cannot even understand ourselves.
Whatever alien we're confronted with, we have no reason to assume we could commence a conversation with it.

>> No.4099173
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>> No.4099177

All your base are belong to us!

>> No.4099183

Math as a universal language?

>> No.4099191

>as we cannot even understand ourselves
Bullshit. What don't you understand about humans?

>> No.4099199


Any mathematician on /sci/ wishes to confirm/deny that math is indeed an objective description of the universe, and that math developed and used by aliens will not be fundamentally different (besides things like base count)?

How do you ask in Math, "do the females of your species have a human-compatible vagina"?

>> No.4099202

this, "we don't understand... OURSELVES" sounds like pseudo intellectual post modern nonsense

>> No.4099205


How does the brain represent a continuous consciousness in an individual?

If you answer correctly I suggest you apply for a nobel prize or something,

>> No.4099209



>> No.4099228
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>You'll probably be killed

>> No.4099935

"Bubbles" of consciousness in spacetime exist in the gap junctions in your brain (Inside of neurons exist microtubials [Mini quantum computers] and inbetween microtubials are the gap junctions) When a signal "passes through" (jumps instantly) the gap junction, it allows you "access" to consciousness, which is more a part of spacetime than something else. Humans do this about 40 times a second. Attempts to block communication through the gap junction resulted in various types of insanity, which SHOULD be classified as non-conscious/less conscious (think lucid dreaming).


Penrose mofos

>> No.4099996

Have you accepted Jesus Christ?

>> No.4100001

dark matter is consciousness

>> No.4100010


>> No.4100056


He's a aspie, he can't understand people.

>> No.4100073

Tell me about your orifaces.

>> No.4100085

Can I look at your meeblorps?

>> No.4100135


>> No.4100140

have you been to 4chan?

>> No.4100147

Probe me master.

>> No.4100153

if you suck my jaggon, ill stick my finger in your thrusher