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4087842 No.4087842 [Reply] [Original]

mfw i realized that to describe how a word in english is pronounced, the word should be written as if it was an icelantic word. Icelantic words are pronounced exactly as they are written, like for an example, if i want to explain to an icelantic native speaker how a word in english should be pronounced, i just write the english word down as if it was an icelantic word.

Like, Placebo would be written as "plasíbó"

now if the icelantic person says plasíbó outloud, then they have the correct way of saying the word "placebo" in english, verbally.

More examples:

still - sdill
troubleshooting - troblsjútting
the - ðe
remaining - rímeining

>> No.4087855
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bump !

>> No.4087883


>> No.4087899


>> No.4087905


they don´t give any meaningful thought a justifiable criticism

>> No.4087906

I think that works with most languages. (Some you have to learn some pronounciation rules first.)
English is just kinda fucked up.

>> No.4087914


plus, i didnt self bump the thread even once.

>> No.4087916

Do yu thinc in thu fyutur wee wil modifi english like so such that it is easier to learn? Or will old english teachers with buns never let that happen?

>> No.4087921


I´m no language expert, i just know that the way the icelantic language is pronounced, is highly strict to the way the words are written.

have you heard icelantic people express themselves in english? its fucking ridiculous.

and have you heard how danish people speak? its like theyre missing the tongue, its highly annoying.

>> No.4087935

And one thing is sure, french is best language.

>> No.4087940
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>Not pronouncing the second half of the word

>> No.4087950

I don't see the appeal in writing twice as many letters as necessary.

>> No.4087951

>assigning genders to inanimate objects
>"is best language bro"

>> No.4087952

It's funny because it's nearly the same in English.

>> No.4087956

>implying gender isn't an artificial construct, anyway

>> No.4087961

Yep, just not quite as bad.

>> No.4087992


Congratulations, you have discovered phonetic transcription.


>> No.4088005
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>International Phonetic Alphabet.

>> No.4088015


It's not like you've discovered something brand new, look:

Cat - Кот
Detective - Детектив
Carp - Карп

It doesn't work in every language though because not all languages have every available phoneme in the IPA.

>> No.4088023

Actually, no language does.

>> No.4088024

That's not true you cuntsmeller. Icelandic is not the language you refer to for phonetic ''accuracy''. How do you pronounce vegur? It has that unintuitive soft g which is almost omitted in pronunciation. How do you say hvað? Wait, you also say kvað? Same with every other hv word. There are plenty of other examples but I'm not as versed in Icelandic since moving from that shithole of a country.
PS. I've heard Norwegian is very phonetic but I don't have any first hand experience with it.

>> No.4088030
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excellent guess. I do in fact love the smell of hygienic vagina.

>> No.4088334

the wikipedia article is really shitty, it fails in showing some examples.
could someone fix it?