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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4084405 No.4084405 [Reply] [Original]

>someone trying to tell you their humanities major/field is as mentally demanding as your mathematics/economics/hard science field

>> No.4084410

can't say that's happened to me

>> No.4084412

Ha, I have a friend kind of like that. and I think he's actually dumb. He does philosophy.

>> No.4084413

Happens to me almost every fucking day. The usual arguments is that "durr x amount of people failed this class it must a lot harder than yours", fucking retards.
Don't get me started on philosophy majors

>> No.4084415

I'm convinced that philosophy majors are, like, at college due to affirmative action for special needs people.


>> No.4084422


>> No.4084428

Oh really?
They obviously enjoy mental masturbation, then they spend several years practicing just that. Then they get a diploma saying that they are expert mental masturbators.

>> No.4084439

people who choose humanities are stupid, so it's demanding for them. it's not demanding for us, but mathematics is (that is, we make it as hard for ourselves as we can)

>> No.4084451

>implying anything mentally demanding exists

>> No.4084456
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>> No.4084466

I took off my trip filter to see this post out of curiosity. And it's a posturing tripfag looking for validation. Lol.

>> No.4084485
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>someone lumping economics with mathematics and hard science

>> No.4084488
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>thinks economics is not a science

>> No.4084491
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>> No.4084494

even if you don't think it's a science, you'd have to concede that it's equally demanding mentally as the hard sciences

>> No.4084499

Nope, not 'equally'. Not as simple as history, sure.

>> No.4084505

Why would anyone get a math degree when a 5-dollar calculator can do your job better than you?

>> No.4084515

One day, quantum pocket calculators (that is quantum calculators for your pockets, not calculators of quantum pockets) might make mathematics redundant.

>> No.4084517

How do you figure, i'd say only mathematics beats it out in terms of difficulty

>> No.4084518

What if it's a quantum calculator that just tells you how many pockets you have?

>> No.4084520

implying theist studies are the same as philosophy studies.

>> No.4084525

implying either of those are at all difficult relative to real fields

>> No.4084539

Have had many such discussions with business and arts majors.

Usually they think that way because they end up writing more papers, and they really like to go on and on about how their major requires a lot more creativity or some such other bullshit.

>> No.4084544

>art major
lol wut. You can just shit on a plate and call it art and nobody can really prove you wrong

>> No.4084573

Real art is meant to be understood. Ignore post-modernism.

>> No.4084578

hard science and math - definitive answers

soft science and arts - no definitive answers

soft science and art confirmed for more difficiult

>> No.4084584

Art is meant to be appreciated is more accurate i'd say. Post-modernism is just intentionally obscure because plebians can't distinguish obscurantism and deep meaning. Notice how it's always people that failed algebra that subscribe to post-modernism, 105 IQ folks

>> No.4084586


I know that feel, bro.

Captcha : Feynman's rprioduc

>> No.4084589

Definitive answers means you can be wrong. No answers means you can spout whatever bullshit pops into your mind and no one can tell you to go fuck yourself.

The appeal of the latter is obvious, and so is the greater usefulness of the former.

>> No.4084596

>and no one can tell you to go fuck yourself.

it means everyone can tell you to go fuck yourself. you can get criticised from all possible angles.

but i wouldn't expect some simple minded engineering mind to appreciate real complexity.

>> No.4084599

when you're right, you're right
when you're wrong, you're wrong.

when i'm right, it's debatable
when i'm wrong, it's debatable.

my job confirmed more complicated than your job.

>> No.4084604

Still, if you are so good in math as you say you are you better fkn remember all of it too. unless you want to be feeling like a complete retard.

>> No.4084613
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> humanities
> science
> hard science

>> No.4084614

When you do a mistake, you can pass it of as success.

When an engineer does, PEOPLE DIE. You can't trick nature.

>> No.4086119
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I really want to learn arabic.

Does Khan Academy teach it.

Any good places to learn it?

>> No.4086284
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>People thinking that their major is a justification to look down upon other majors.
You know, I used to be a engineering major, and I always thought to myself that every major which was not science or math related was a waste of time.

But then I realized one day, "Holy shit. I fucking hate engineering. Why have I been preparing myself for 2 years to do this for the rest of my life?"

Now don't get me wrong. Math and science can be pretty fucking hard. If I had to choose between Calc and Philosophy, Calculus would win hands down for being harder. That said, though, I've never given a shit about the field, even if it was honestly one of my favorite classes. The only part about mathematics I ever actually enjoyed learning about were the new and bizarre concepts that helped me change my views of the world. I loved learning in physics about uncertainty principle and quantum mechanics.

But the fact of the matter is that I just cannot give a flying fuck about engineering. I don't give a fuck about Avogadro's number. I do not give a fuck about Planck's Constant. I do not care about Rydbergs constant. The fact of the matter is that if you ask me to memorize the value of any of these irrational numbers, or write them down, or share any findings regarding them, I just cannot find it anywhere in my heart to give a damn. Needless to say, Labs have always been a nightmare for me.

The only thing I care about in the sciences is understanding the material. And that's when I realized that people (Myself included) can simply not bring themselves to give a shit about the numbers involved. It's not that they are not smart; it's that they don't care.

Have a bunny.

>> No.4086285
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At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how smart you are. It doesn't matter what your major is. The fact is that assholes are going to be assholes, and I find intolerable and egotistic jerks coming from both humanities and science majors.

If you have to compare your major to other majors to feel better about yourself, then go ahead. The idea of "enjoying school" is lost on you from the start, and the only sense of happiness you will ever receive is the idea that you are somehow above others. Not saying everyone here does that, but I've definitely met my share of people that do.

Whatever makes you happy, go ahead. But seriously, egotistic assholes piss me the hell off, no matter what their major is. Have a kitty.

>> No.4086303

>You know, I used to be a engineering major
>used to be
Stop reading right there.
Drop outs aren't welcome on /sci/.

>> No.4086315

no definitive answers only means you were too lazy or too stupid to find a definitive answer

>> No.4086321

>Therefore a liberal arts education imparts general knowledge to develop the student’s intellectual ability to reason and argue, unlike the professional, vocational, and technical curricula which emphasize specialization.

Whats your fury level when you realize this Op?

>> No.4086346

>but i wouldn't expect some simple minded engineering mind to appreciate real complexity.

Leonardo Da Vinci would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4086350
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>received an F on his labs and couldn't get an internship

>> No.4086390

See, here you go. You don't even know how to come up with a proper response.

The only thing you're able to do when someone disagrees with you is troll and ignore. You are so concerned with your own superiority that even when confronted with an opinion you don't like, you fall back onto your own personal reality and delude yourself with grandeur.

Intelligence is squandered on you.

(As for hating labs, it helps that my TA was retarded and tried convincing me that adding salt to water raises the freezing temperature. This wouldn't be so big of a problem if this lab weren't entirely focused on manipulating freezing points to determine molarity. I imagine if he read my post, his response would have been do different than your own.)

>> No.4086438

The problem is that you care more about being right than knowing the truth. Intuition is not a proper means of determining what is logical and what is not, because the application of logic on intuitive fact results in its own self-destruction. Intuition has proven many times to be wrong, and therefore, cannot be considered fact.

Your entire view of reality is centered around opinions based on your so called "facts". And sadly, you're not even able to realize it because your own reality doesn't even check for the possibility in the first place- or it ignores the matter entirely.

Regardless of whether things are or are not definitive, that does not change the way things are. It merely means we are not %100 certain. And even science doesn't follow %100 certainty, as that is the whole point of science in the first place: To test things.

I will never be in a position to tell you you're wrong. But unfortunately, you will never be in a position to say I'm wrong either. Unable to deal with that, you resort to petty insults and declare yourself the victor by default, when in reality, the person you were against wasn't competing in the first place.

Enjoy your masturbation.

>> No.4086499
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Are you guys still doing the pissing contest thing?

This MUST be a haven of intellectuals and brilliant minds, seeing as you all still act like 12 year olds.

But really, the humanities go by the same method as mathematics/economics/hard science fields and serve a logical purpose. Just as physics try and explain our natural world, so does the humanities, except in their case its society.

Each field is as mentally demanding as the other. Your field does not dictate your personal merit.

>> No.4086514

Nothing bugs me more than people fucking shitting on other peoples majors.

I'm a 4th year EE. My lowest mark during 4 years of undergrad was my psychology elective and my english requirement.

4.0 in EE classes at a top 10 university and a fucking B average in electives.

Pretty much made me aware of the fact that if I majored in something different, I'd probably be shit at it.