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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 111 KB, 402x182, buddhismscience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4080445 No.4080445 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss how Buddhism and Science are both trying to explain the same thing from a different perspective and using different tools:


>> No.4080449

the pseudoscience jargon is strong in this one.

>> No.4080456
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Zen buddhism says that pure knowledge of facts is useless.
Looks like biologists got told again.

>> No.4080465

>Implying that not all religions try to explain the same things as science
Welcome to 8000 BC

>> No.4080466

[citation needed]

As far as I know, zen teaches no such thing. The main principle of zen are simply to be alive in the moment.

>> No.4080467
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Pick one

>> No.4080471

>Implying that Buddhism isn't a religion.

>> No.4080473

>implying Buddhism isn't a school of thought
>implying anyone seriously thinking Buddhism is a religion isn't plain nuts

>> No.4080475

[citation needed]

[citation needed]

[citation needed]

>> No.4080477
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, -Citation_needed-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4080479

ITT: white hipsters espouse a religion they don't understand while autist neckbeards come down on them for it.

>> No.4080531

Buddhism is about trying to escape the reincarnation cycle in the hindu cosmology. Buddhism has so much bullshit metaphysical baggage that for it to even survive in the west it had to be watered down to the point where people think it is just a 'school of thought'.

>> No.4080538

I was just about to post something to that effect.

>> No.4080539

Still better than all other religions combined.

>> No.4080550

Culturally Buddhist here. Born and raised. I don't know why Westerners love this religion so much. Beyond the secularism involved, Buddhism is the most depressing fucking religion on earth. It practically enforces the concept that life is painful, and there's no way out of it except for more pain (asceticism). If Westerners wanted to know why the East is more secular, that's due to Confucianism, which I've heard peers call it just downright illogical and backwards. And how is Buddhism, not?

>> No.4080561

Are you trying to say that buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword? If so, I agree.

>> No.4080583

hurr my made up bullshit is better than your made up bullshit

>> No.4080593

Yeah, same goes for science. It's all made up anyway.

Buddhism is mostly wisdom. If you call it religion then you obviously have no idea what it is.

>> No.4080595


>> No.4080598

One relies on a self-correcting set of methodologies, including peer review and the cumulation of empirical evidence, the other on untestable, unfalsifiable metaphysical premises.

But yeah, they're essentially the same.

>> No.4080609

anyone who says Buddhism is a not a religion or even close to one is a faggot. If its not a religion is just by some bullshit technicality and to act like its not a religion at all is so fucking stupid.

>> No.4080627

I'm mostly a Buddhist because it correlates strongly to my personal experience with several entheogen (psychedelic) substances.

It's not a religion, and it's not philosophy. The day that it became either of those it lost its true meaning and is as good as gone.

Also, you're mad. I suggest meditation and a cup of tea.

>> No.4080640

>It's not a religion, and it's not philosophy. The day that it became either of those it lost its true meaning and is as good as gone.
Just because you don't want either of those terms applied to your philosophical flavor of the month doesn't mean they don't fit.

If you want to disagree, then at least try to actually explain what it is that places Buddhism outside of religion and philosophy.

>> No.4080650

it is a religion, mate. it is a religion

>> No.4080667

>If you want to disagree, then at least try to actually explain what it is that places Buddhism outside of religion and philosophy.
Buddhism is doing. And non-doing.

Look at it this way: if you spend your life thinking about scripts and making cults of them and whatnot, will you ever learn from those scripts what you were supposed to?

In other words, Buddhism is a number of teachings that accurately describe how your personal world needs to be transformed in order to reach nirvana. You need to actively practice Buddhism, there is no point in "studying" it.

Also the labels become unnecessary. It is not really Buddhism, it is life that we are practising.

>> No.4080679

Ive googled most of your terms and i got the basic idea of what they stand for.

I dont understand how can you label them as depressive, painful and bad... If humans followed this path, the world would know peace and humans would dedicate their lives to knowledge and speed up evolution by 1000 x and at the end maybe we'll learn to use 100% of our brain at the same time and develop new senses.
I seriously don't see what is wrong with them. Care to enlighten me?

All of this beats the lifestyle humans are endorsing now.

>> No.4080685

>In other words, Buddhism is a number of teachings that accurately describe how your personal world needs to be transformed in order to reach nirvana. You need to actively practice Buddhism, there is no point in "studying" it.
If you think that this sets it apart from either philosophy or religion, then your definitions of those terms might simply be skewed beyond recognition.
There's absolutely nothing in your post that would prevent Buddhism in general, or any specific branch of it, from being a philosophy.

>> No.4080692

>speed up evolution by 1000 x and at the end maybe we'll learn to use 100% of our brain at the same time

>> No.4080693

I like how all the related videos are porn.

>> No.4080695

did anyone at least watch the video so we can at least get some constructive criticism?
Im not a physicist so I can really tell when he is spouting bullshit theories and when he isnt...

>> No.4080697

u mad, oh entangled version of me from a different time?

>> No.4080700

That's because putting labels on it instantly robs it of all magic.

See you have this need to explain things rationally, but I firmly believe that what Buddha teaches cannot be grasped rationally. In other words, none of us is able to understand the "divine". But we are able to feel and experience it. And this is what Buddhists call nirvana.

Now point me to a religion that teaches this and I will admit Buddhism is one too.

By the way LSD teaches you exactly the same thing. When's the last time someone accurately described an LSD trip? That's right, it never happened because it's impossible.

>> No.4080703

in fact there both science so theres your answer :P

>> No.4080706
File: 259 KB, 486x289, 2011-11-29_125326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did anyone at least watch the video so we can at least get some constructive criticism?
Well, partially. I stopped at the point in the picture, because I was drowning in a see of dumb.

My constructive criticism would be that *interference* is what causes quantum decoherence, not fucking consciousness.

>> No.4080711

explain please?

I think /sci/ should make this thread a sticky and someone should break down this video because we get a lot of threads with similar topics...
this can solve these threads for once and for all as well as enlightening me...

>> No.4080710


Also, I would have actually watched the whole thing, but I kinda got the impression that the OP had been joking anyway. Is there anything specific you'd want us to comment on in those videos?

>> No.4080713

a friend of mine is an expert in religions and he says Buddhism is like ancient Scientology

>> No.4080718

Buddhism: How to achieve happiness and not reincarnate(!) ever again.

Science: How to accurately guess the chemical composition of a star.

So, OP, how does it feel to be so completely wrong?

>> No.4080719


>> No.4080722

People need to learn that "observation" goes beyond a conscious, physical thing.

>> No.4080723

I've seen this video before. Don't take the guy's word as fact, he explains Buddhist concepts very poorly.

>> No.4080725

I can completely accurately describe my last LSD trip. There is nothing magical in drug experiences.

>hippies, hippies everywhere

>> No.4080726

>he thinks he was on LSD

>> No.4080727

I never understood or grasped the concept behind Scientology.
Someone explain it to me in a nutshell please.

>> No.4080728

Cited from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080416223051AA7uK2H

>According to Sci-fi writer L. Ron Hubbard, who invented Scientology, people are infested with clusters of thetans, which cause all sorts of mental and social problems for every person on earth. By 'Auditing', these thetans can be cleared, and that will make you all happy.

>These thetans are (note, only high-lvl scilons are allowed to know this) the souls of aliens who were massacred here thousands of years ago by a galactic dictator named Xenu.

>The real point of the Church of Scientology, however, is to rape you of all your money, and make you believe everything the church says, to make you emotionally dependent of the church, and to harass anybody who is critical of the church, and to recruit more and more Scientologists who still have money. In essence, it is a cult.

>> No.4080733

(Most of the) bullshit aside, scientologists basically believe that repressed memories from this and other lives bring you down from being a sort of demi-god. They are called body thetans. By having counselling sessions (called auditing sessions), and using an e-meter (basically just measures conductivity of your skin) scientologists hope to rid themselves of these thetans.

Scientologists think that psychologists are evil. Scientologists hate drugs.

Also they happen to be one of the few religions who has conducted massive antisec operations against the american government and succeeded (operation snow white).

For everything else watch south park

>> No.4080738

>explain please?
I don't think I'm any good at explaining anything quantum, but as far as the video goes, the guy makes the claim that the philosophical "nothingness" of Buddhism, from which everything is supposed to emerge, is merely a description of quantum decoherence, the collapse of a particle in superposition into one specific state. He links this collapse to the human mind, implying that it is the *consciousness* of the observer that's causing it, even though it's merely the unavoidable, material interference of any means of measurement, conscious or not.

Basically, he rapes the shit out of the uncertainty principle.

>> No.4080745

Would his argument seem incomplete if I told you about Bell's small inequality?

>> No.4080750

alrighty then.
Reminds me of this one guy I knew who declared his religion in the states record as being a Jedi. Now it's in his records permanently and he finds it lulzy.

>> No.4080755

ok basically buddha said do not think too much of our origin and how universe began.

does this implied that we are looking at the wrong direction or might result in more frustration?

your input please.

>> No.4080757

>we'll learn to use 100% of our brain at the same time
It's already possible, if you are epileptic

>> No.4080762

but we dont know how to handle it
when we do, it will be an awesome day for humanity...

>> No.4080770


>> No.4080773

There are valid reasons for biological systems not to work at maximum capacity.
This is akin to saying it will be a great day when we can run 100% with no sleep. It's not going to happen.

>> No.4080781

We do use 100% of our brain in the normal sense, just not at the same time.
Looking at the level of indivual neurons, you do not want all neurons to fire all the time (since there would be no signals); only a fraction of the neurons should fire at any given time.
Looking at the level of structures, usually not all parts of the brain are active. But they can be.

>> No.4080801


so Buddhism is just about getting high because you're a faggot!?



>> No.4080829
File: 44 KB, 510x764, 1322404807225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr i am not literate durr

>> No.4080865

You may bump this thread only if you can list at least five testable predictions that can be made using the "tools" unique to Buddhism.

>> No.4080900

This picture gets to me. This dog hasn't moved any of his pieces, how can he claim checkmate?

>> No.4080905

Why do you think he's wearing sunglasses? He's obviously blind and was merely guessing to have won the game.

>> No.4081160

.>>4080466 It teaches alot of stuff and stuff. But I guess that to be here now and present is the main teaching because it will show the truth of things instead of the babble.

Im not sure if science and buddism is trying to explain the same thing. A good question to ask is what are they trying to explain?

>> No.4081165

You can't see the other half of the board derpshit