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File: 343 KB, 672x572, solar flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4075274 No.4075274 [Reply] [Original]

what will you do when the power grid goes down next year? Implying that a 2012 solar flare will take it down and it will take 3-6 months to get the grid back online in major cities, and martial law will be in effect.

What is /sci/'s readiness action plan?

>> No.4075281

>Implying there is any truth to 2012 solar flare nonsense

>Implying it can take more than a few days to repair broken transformers.

>> No.4075284

did you also have a plan for if the dead satttelite fell on you?

>> No.4075307

a few things things

the 2012 solar storm stuff is nonsense.

solar flares do not harm power grids, solar storms do which are caused by CME's not solar flares.

the solar maximum we are heading into will be one of the weakest on average if it even happens at all.

power grids are protected from solar storms now, in the only significant case where they weren't on March 13, 1989 in Québec and the northern US power was cut of to 6 million people, it was restored in 9 hours.

>> No.4075308

good news; solar flares take a (relatively) long time to get here
as soon as a powerful enough one is detected, power lines can be disconnected from substations across the country to prevent any damage.

of course this would require a thoroughly understood emergency plan such that said disconnection takes less than 36 hours across the entire country.

small electronics are not at risk, since solar flares target large metallic structures (like power lines) since they're fantastic radio receivers. the little radio in your phone isn't very good at that, and can dissipate the energy as it arrives, no burn outs.

nuclear EMPs are another story, since all that compton electrons produced so quickly will overload small electronics, but leave power lines mostly intact

>> No.4075313

>power grids are protected from solar storms now
oh, i didn't realize this. did they cook up some kind of exotic breaker that cuts connection in the case of too much incoming voltage?

>> No.4075317

>read books
>smoke weed
>do science

>> No.4075320

>>4075274 martian law

>> No.4075335

3-6 months of no power would result in so many millions without access to food that the deaths would in the range of a 3 million in the USA alone.

>> No.4075337

yes and accurate space weather gives adequate warning.

>> No.4075352


>> No.4075878

Let us say I am paranoid and I'm planning to purchase a good handgun and a generator. Will generators be effected?
Afrobro here, 3-6 months without electricity is child's play here.