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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4074729 No.4074729 [Reply] [Original]

Any non-prescription drugs like Vyvanse?

Vyvanse made my speech much much much more fluent and made it easier to connect and talk with people.

>> No.4074733


>> No.4074736


Is that oral lube?

>> No.4074740
File: 20 KB, 289x287, placebo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one know about Placebos, in this day and age.

Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.4074744


It's definitely not a placebo. I took it the first time without knowing the effects of it. Shit felt like a very mild but no-downside version of adderall first time I took it. However, I stopped after the first week since it stopped working.

>> No.4074757

im seriously considering trying piracetam, but many report that the effects stop working after like 2-3 weeks

>> No.4074763


Stopped working after a week for me.

>> No.4074764

Piracetam is pretty much as effective as fish oil, but with more side-effects. I tried it for a while and it impaired my memory and wide-recollection. I browsed through pubmed to find evidence of its supposed effectiveness, but there really are mixed results. Mixed doesn't mean good. It's most effective on rodents, but doesn't seem improve human cognition.

Don't waste your money on it. There's a lot of hype about Piracetam, but it's mostly people who have enormous powers of self suggestion. They would get the same results from calcium tablets...

>> No.4074770


how the fuck can it just stop working?

maybe its still working, but you just dont appreciate the effects as much as you did when you first used it?

>> No.4074772


*word recollection
Fucking mobile phone

>> No.4074776


>side effects

Choose one.

>> No.4074777


so are there any nootropics that actually work long term?

or is it all just a bunch of bullshit?

>> No.4074783


Choose one, and you chose the other.

>> No.4074785


Just cause it didn't work for you doesn't mean it's a placebo.

>> No.4074794


Isn't that the generally accepted definition of a placebo?

>> No.4074799


Is placebo bullshit?

There is very little evidence of it working on humans for other purposes than a form of epilepsy despite being known for many decades now. Many studies find it has 0 effect on cognition and the studies where there appears to be some positive effect are tiny and apparently aren't up to all modern standards (the older studies).

So yea it's bullshit.

>> No.4074807


I offer anecdotal evidence only, so you may interpret it as you will. However, you can't refute the objective evidence of its effects (or lack thereof).

>> No.4074819


I noticed strong effects from pramiracetam but Piracetam either is supposed to have a long-term effect or it doesn't work on me. But from user ancedotes, it seems to work stronger on other people than others which might be as you said, power of suggestion. But my own usage of pramiracetam has definitely increased my focus, motivation, and mental energy.

Expensive as fuck though.

>> No.4074822

>Vyvanse made my speech much much much more fluent and made it easier to connect and talk with people.

Where can I get this?

>> No.4074845


I don't know about pramiracetam, but the other racetams like piracetam seem all a bit...meh.

I use mph daily to treat my add and it's just on another planet in terms of effectiveness. Even a cynical btard like me can't deny its power. I've also taken modafinil and that too is really effective. You can stay awake on it for a week, though I slept very well while on it.

>> No.4074862

from the amphetamine shop

>> No.4074909

only drugs which actually help concentration / intelligence / learning are amphetamines

these can only be gotten if you are stupid or have ADHD

what a fucking catch 22

also more then half of students in med school use amphetamines illegally

>> No.4074942

>also more then half of students in med school use amphetamines illegally

I've heard this as an urban legend, but I have yet to see it at my (pretty competitive) school.

>> No.4074945

They need to inject some chemical with a long half life in with vyvanse and drug test med school students for illicit use. I'm serious. These are our future doctors and I want them held liable for anything they ever do wrong in life. Plus they're always fucking pricks.

>> No.4074967

talking with people at med schools (here and in germany) it's pretty common. maybe not 50% but sizeable

You actually are smarter on amphetmaines. (Well, you're more concentrated which is an aspect of intelligence and learning)

I think it's a good thing - the only bad part is that not everyone has equal access to it

>> No.4074973

it's most likely an excuse drug addicts/sci/ uses to convince themselves tthat the risk is worth taking.

>> No.4074979
File: 100 KB, 461x683, paul-erdos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using amphetamine to be the best you can be
typical intellectual drug user.jpg

>> No.4075007

>using rumors and innuendos to confirm your risk taking choices

Stay classy /sci/ and don't worry about your lack of scientific explanation for your personal choices.

Remember, science should only be conducted on other subjects, not yourself.

>> No.4075023

i wish i had access to amphetamines :(

>> No.4075030


You can get them from certain online indian pharms but be prepared to pay out the ass for them lol.

>> No.4075031

Are you disputing the fact that adderall / Vyvanse directly result in the ability to focus & concentrate, and thus result in better learning?

>> No.4075035

>non-prescription drugs
>drugs that work

Pick one.

>> No.4075041

Why can't you post the url?

how much are we talking?

>> No.4075054

the only downside to amps is possibility of addiction and possibility of cardiovascular damage

properly used neither will occur

>> No.4075063

>Are you disputing the fact that adderall / Vyvanse directly result in the ability to focus & concentrate, and thus result in better learning?

It depends on the person. It's normal effect is to induce ADHD in non-ADHD people. I've experienced this first hand.

In ADHD people, it somehow increases their ability to concentrate.

>> No.4075062


Like $60 for 30 x 10mg and $360 for 360 x 10mg. ($2 a pill down to $1 a pill)

>> No.4075081

that's EXTREMELY cheap.

i was thinking at least 1000$ for a years supply

>> No.4075086

ah nevermind - didn't see the dosage. is that vyvanse or adderall?

>> No.4075102

>onlyl downside ...

>if properly used...


Stay irrational /sci/.

>> No.4075123


Wait.. so does this mean that if you don't have add/adhd when you take it then you will act hyper and shit?

Cause when I took it, I felt really chill and I could focus.

Does that mean I might have add/adhd?

>> No.4075128


Because in ADHD, the dopamine in the brain is absorbed faster, and there is also less blood flow throughout certain areas of the brain. What the ADHD amphetamines do is slow down the reabsorbtion of the dopamine (it acts as what is called a 'dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor'). it also increase blood flow, and thus brain activity in the desired parts of the brain.

Now, I don't know how it induces ADHD symptoms in non-ADHD people though.

>> No.4075252


bump for answer

>> No.4075273

>implying add/adhd is real

>> No.4075336
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>> No.4075381

So if you take adderall or vyvanse and it works... does that mean you have add or adhd?

I felt very mellow and in the zone.

>> No.4075423
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>thinks adhd is a real disease

>> No.4075420

anyone know where u can get this stuff online or tor?

>> No.4075433

>In ADHD people, it somehow increases their ability to concentrate.

Stimulants STIMULATE, amphetamine increases concentration in everyone.

>> No.4075442

I can't for the life of me remember her name. Anyone help?

>> No.4075453

ampheytamines are not dopamine or norepinephrine in hibitors and you are wrong about what they do they inhibit reuptake which means that the dopamine sticks around longer before being reabsorbed so as more dopamine is released you have more stuck to receptors than you normally would
063 is an idiot hes probably underage b& who tried adderall and acting like an idiot because hes 12 years old amphetamines increase concentration in EVERYONE

>> No.4075465

Right, that's why people smoking methamphetamine have a very easy time concentrating on anything.

Because methamphetamine is a stimulant and stimulants stimulate, amirite?

>> No.4075479

He did say they were reuptake inhibitors you illiterate fuck.

Time to get your ritalin from mommy and get off this board.

>> No.4075481

the meth horror stories you hear are about overdoses , over dose as in a very high dosage more than the daily recommended amount (for you because i know your knowledge of pharmaceuticals is completely fucked) methamphetamine is the same chemical as amphetamine but with a methyl group so its more easily dissolved in water which brings up its bioavailability and makes it easier to pass the blood brain barrier i dont feel like looking up the bioavailability of meth and speed so lets just say oral for ampethamine is 60% and oral meth is 90% that means you only need ~20mg of meth to equal 30mg of speed (these numbers arent real) so its alot easier to get to the point where you are completely out of your mind

>> No.4075487

yeah i know thats why i told him that they ARE NOT reuptake inhibitors you illiterate fuck

>> No.4075515

woops sorry for the explanation i read your comment and mixed it up with another one but amphetamines dont inhibit reuptake they just make your brain release more than it normally would like cocaine does

>> No.4075528
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But they are. And if you had studied any real pharmacology beyond an internet meth cookbook, you'd know this.

Seriously dude, listen to yourself. You can't even write a coherent sentence.

You're the perfect example of why NOT to use drugs.

>> No.4075541
File: 64 KB, 800x558, 1320814773546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, meth addicts disassemble household electronics because it decreases concentration.

>> No.4075546

do you realize that picture proves me right?
they put amphetamine under a bold title of AMPHETAMINE LIKE which they explain in the first paragraph as the classification of amphetamines that DO NOT inhibit reuptake but rather "enter the sympathetic nerve ending and displace the stored satecholamine transmitter" maybe you should stop trying to prove a pharmacist

>> No.4075552
File: 137 KB, 888x1468, amphetamines2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a community college graduate with a meth lab in your basement doesn't make you a pharmacist.

Try again.

>> No.4075555

prove a pharmacist wrong*

>> No.4075557

I'm glad someone pointed out that everyones arguing about whether or not they should take meth.

>> No.4075562

>not realizing the people who smoke meth are unintelligent feral animals of human beings
erdos would have done just as many proofs on meth as he did on amphetmaines

same way that hemingway and joyce were drunks

>> No.4075580

there is a difference between a reuptake inhibitor and a drug that completely blocks reuptake a reuptake inhibitor reabsorbs a drug something like cocaine or amphetamine completely blocks reuptake which is the reason depression and anxiety are common side effects alot of drugs block reuptake of the transmitters they effect AND NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS CONSIDERED A REUPTAKE INHIBITOR

>> No.4075581

Thou shalt not cite anecdotes as evidence of general outcomes.

>> No.4075590
File: 51 KB, 915x486, amphetamine3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should stop trying to argue with Katzung's Basic Principles of Pharmacology, Mr. Pharmacist.

You aren't going to win.

>> No.4075616

maybe you should work on your reading comprehension that says it inhibits transport not reuptake
seriously this is getting old real fast if you are in school for this stuff i suggest going to your local pharmacy and asking the pharmacist or your teacher if it acts as a reuptake inhibitor you arent going to prove yourself right with pictures that are telling me things i already know and proving MY point more

>> No.4075625

ITT: No references

>> No.4075649

>inhibits transport not reuptake
>transport not reuptake

Haha, this clearly reveals that you has having no formal training in pharmacology whatsoever.

>asking the pharmacist or your teacher
>your teacher

And this clearly shows you've never completed any education beyond high school.

>seriously this is getting old real fast if you are in school for this stuff i suggest going to your local pharmacy and asking the pharmacist or your teacher if it acts as a reuptake inhibitor you arent going to prove yourself right with pictures that are telling me things i already know and proving MY point more

And this long rambling sentence clearly shows it's time for you to put down the crack pipe before you smoke yourself any more retarded.

I'd love to stay here all day to play with you, but I can't waste any more time on this thread, so I'll let you get the last word in. Do your best to impress me.

>> No.4075679


you somehow make yourself sound dumber and dumber everytime you post

english isnt my first language but somehow i understand it a whole lot better than you do

maybe you might have heard your teacher (because that is your professors profession) say dextroamphetamine acts as a reuptake inhibitor and got confused

bye bye sexii call me 6O9-385-8...496

>> No.4075732
File: 40 KB, 500x375, meth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I just started Adderall 40mg (legit script from doc) and now this keeps happening. Wat do?

>> No.4075737
File: 24 KB, 333x500, methwebmontana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw I received my pharmacological training on the streets, where it counts

>> No.4075746

stock up on cookies

>> No.4075760


haha there is so much TOLD in this post I almost shat myself.

>> No.4075803

I've got abour 40 5mg dexamphetamine tablets left after my exams.

might just rail some and read wikipedia for 12 hours or something.


>> No.4075827


take them all and try to learn LISP

won't regret it.

>> No.4076523

I started an ADHD thread of /b/ once if anyone wants to read it. I asked people's ages, genders, and what their lives are like. It's pretty interesting. Also, so many trolls #_#


>> No.4076546
File: 42 KB, 320x351, lulzsec2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amphetamine (Adderall)
Methylphendiate (Ritalin)


Other racetams
Ginkgo extract
All vitamins (they are good, but aren't nootropics)
All herbs (lol)


>> No.4076848

ok.. lemme ask /sci/ this.. After reading this whole thread, whats going thru your mind?

Serious question.

I read the whole thing. Understood it (for the most part), Got what I needed from it (The bickering back and forth I will leave out since I couldnt quite tell who I should take as correct)

... but i just cant remember WTF i read.

so... A guy with ADHD just asked you if you can walk away from your computer and take what u just learned with you (and remember it after 5 minutes)?

BTW on concerta 36 Bumping up to the next higher dose soon.

>> No.4076852

shameless bump..

Trying to go to bed but i wanna know

>> No.4076883

Fuck you /sci/ gnite

>> No.4076909

>GOD TEIR: Cocaine

Haha you fucking moron

It goes like this:

God Tier: Methamphetamine,

High Tier: Amphetamine, Dextroamphetamine, Mephedrone, Lisdexamfetamine

Medium Tier: Ephedrine, Modafinil, Methylphenidate

Hilariously Expensive and Worthless Teir: Cocaine

Medium Teir

>> No.4076913

I agree. Except I'd swap meth and amp if we're talking about study aid.
Meth's just too 'good' (I'm not saying it's a worthwhile drug, just a very euphoric one) to study on.

Also, for those interested in buying stims online, check out King of Pharma - they sell ritalin for reaosnable prices.

>> No.4076919

How is amphetamine better than dextroamphetamine?

>> No.4076927


It's not. In fact Adderall contains a mixed salt of both Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine. Dexedrine is all Dextroamphetamine

>> No.4076934

Nope, dex is the more potent stereoisomer.

>> No.4076940

Have you ever tried a threshold dosage of meth? Perhaps it would be more appropriate of a study-aid if you took a more moderate amount.

>> No.4077083

transport is the neurotransmitter entering the synapses uptake is it leaving

>> No.4077102
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Reuptake is just retrograde transport.