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File: 106 KB, 786x417, megusta madne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4071872 No.4071872 [Reply] [Original]

American here, FUCKING WHAT.

>> No.4071883


Dont feel that bad OP, they pay about 50% income tax

>> No.4071886

leave the country once you have your university finished that you never paid for.

>> No.4071888

hey OP, welcome to recognizing that scandinavia is the best place in the world to live. unfortunately i too live in the states.

>> No.4071899

>In mathematics, the second national language

>> No.4071902
File: 36 KB, 494x706, Finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4071904

What's so strange about that OP?

>> No.4071912

You clearly know nothing about american schooling standards.

>No Child Left Behind
>"Can you read? No? Are you Black? A+!"

>Government budgeting
>"Your coursework is too challenging, you have failed too many students this year. You have one semester to turn this around or we shut you down/disaccredit you."

>> No.4071913

murrikan universities are still god tier in terms of research, etc. Sorry, but capitalism works. Sucks to be a student in America though.

>> No.4071916

True, but American public schooling is beyond horrible, with the exception of high-class school districts.

>> No.4071918

There's a documentary on schools in Finland...

As someone born on the land mass many refer to as "United States", i was gesticulating and twitching at just how much "sense" their education approaches seem to make, and frustrated by how fucking twisted and corporate schools have become here...

>> No.4071921

I don't understand why USA and Canada have such a slow school system compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.4071922

Share this documentary please?

>> No.4071927


The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System

Full documentary : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNH3u09WP-Q

>> No.4071932


Because our sort of Western societies hate the cost of education while loving the benefits of it.

>> No.4071936

But UK isn't that disimilar, but they do much more in their form of high school.

>> No.4071938
File: 353 KB, 502x700, there can be only one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why USA and Canada have such a slow school system compared to the rest of the world.
Because Canada is America's hat.
America is slow because politicians over the terms have appealed to the 'vocal minority' again and again with bullshit legislation in order to get more votes.

Let me put it this way, each election year only about 1/3 of the people in the US actually VOTE. Yes, there can be as many as 2/3 of our 300,000,000+ citizens voting if things get really heated, but generally the practice of appealing to the lowest common denominator has been done for so long that most americans have become dissafected, and rightly believe that they have no real 'say' in how things go.
Sure, their vote still counts, but will the media ever give them airtime? NO, because stupidity and outrage is profitable, whereas sensible arguments are not, and with how god-like the influence of TV is in this country, the 2/3 who never get to see themselves represented on this universal social media feel small and pathetic because of it.

>> No.4071941

>You clearly know nothing about american schooling standards.
Quite right, but I don't see how that makes the Finnish system surprising. Surely you didn't think the rest of the world does things exactly the same way as the US?

>> No.4071947
File: 136 KB, 428x510, oh my sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Surely you didn't think the rest of the world does things exactly the same way as the US?
>My American Face When
OH you have no fucking idea at all! It's funny because it's so horrifying it's unbelievable.
I can't... I just fucking can't put it into words.

Americans are raised to be so fucking unaware of the outside world, it's beyond the impossible.

Please, someone else who isn't shacking in sympathetic horror and humour, explain to this fellow just how bad things are.

>> No.4071948

The United States has much better universities than Finland. Also, the best-of-the-best -- the people who actually advance our society -- usually come from the United States. While Finland may have higher scores on average, places like Hong Kong have even higher ones without resorting to socialism.

For the record, I come from Australia.

>> No.4071957

I don't know about whether Hong Kong has standardized testing, but the interesting thing about Finland is that their students don't until they have finished high school. Yet they still score one of the highest in the world on international standardized tests. The question arises whether other countries that score high do so because students are educated on taking tests, and not on learning the material.

>> No.4071967


What the fuck are you on about? You're trying to claim, based on some misguided notion of 'teaching to the test,' that Finland has a better education system than other nations that score higher than it on standardized testing?

Do you have any clue about the education systems in any country other than your own? No?

>> No.4072698

can anyone take on this guy's request?

>> No.4072704

America education system sux
The majority of americans are ass backwards


>> No.4072732
File: 106 KB, 396x303, contimplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, GUIZE...I'm america, nice to mee you

I'm a poor struggling country, just trying to rise in the world. I encourage my citizens to be smart and achieve as much as they can. I invite citizens from all over the world to come to america and try to make the most out of life, for themselves, there family, and me. Our country must progress!

late 1900's:
I am now rich and powerful, all our hardwork (and wars that killed the other superowers) paid off. I am king of the world. I guess I can tell my people to take it easy now.

Decadance is the norm. I don't really encourage or expect anything of my citizens. I have become fearful of anyone who tries to change our way of life. I guess it is fine that my citizen be lazy, and disregard science. Maybe "magic" is more for them.

All of my citizen are dumbasses. Education is a joke, american innovation is gone. I encourage ignorance and hate science (the republican party). I think magic will fix everything, and then whine when it doesn't. I am paranoid and racist. I am fat, lazy, ignorant, and sloth like. I owe money to everyone, and I can't repay it. My time is over....AND ITS MY OWN FUCKING FAULT

I'm american btw.

>> No.4072740
File: 81 KB, 686x542, PISA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I have learned recently and want to share with you is that once we correct (even crudely) for demography in the 2009 PISA scores, American students outperform Western Europe by significant margins and tie with Asian students. Jump to the graphs if you don't want to read my boring set-up and methodology.

>The main theme in my blog is that we shouldn’t confuse policy with culture, and with demographic factors.

>For instance, education scholars have known for decades that the home environment of the kids and the education levels of the parents are very important for student outcomes.


>let us compare Americans with European ancestry (about 65% of the U.S population, and not some sort of elite) with Europeans in Europe. We remove Asians, Mexicans, African-Americans and other countries that are best compared to their home nations. In Europe, we remove immigrants.

>The results are astonishing at least to me. Rather than being at the bottom of the class, United States students are 7th best out of 28, and far better than the average of Western European nations where they largely originate from.

>> No.4072746

The reason why Finland does so well is because it is full of Finns.

>> No.4072747

I'm an under 30 Finn with an engineering M.Sc.

True, I have no debt, but I make about 50k€ gross and am left with ~2.3k€ per month after taxes. Food is expensive. Living is expensive (1k€ rent). Clothing is expensive. Everything's expensive. After all expenses, booze (which is of course expensive) included I'm left with about 100€ per month.

50m2 apatrments in good neighborhoods go for 280k€ - 400k€ in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. I will never be able to afford one.

I've been thinking of moving to another country but in order to pull it off I'd need to land a new job there first. And that simply doesn't happen anymore unless you've got a very special skill set. Gone are the days you could get hired by a large multinational in country A and they'd pay for your relocation to country B.

Moving to a new country without a job there waiting is too risky. I feel like I'm stuck here.

>> No.4072754

Hey there Fin-man.
Let me tell you how you get a job over here:
>Apply to universities/research institutes
>Get seen as educated
>Get paper proving your education
>Get hired.
America does not permit someone being hired without proof of experience, so the whole thing is backwards.

>> No.4072780
File: 83 KB, 348x347, yo-finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you liberals worship Scandinavia somewhere else?

Socialism doesn't work, deal with it.

>> No.4072785

>See Scandinavia
>socialism doesn't work

Nice logical fallacy, kiddo.
Cry more.

>> No.4072792
File: 81 KB, 776x602, 1315904207836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Progressives in America are often keen on promoting the European welfare state as an argument for big government.. They point to European countries, often the social-democratic Nordic countries, as role models, with their universal healthcare, public school system, generous social-safety net, and all the happy people who live there."


Finland has been economically stagnant for a while now. Socialism is neither productive nor sustainable.

Once again, worship Scandinavia somewhere else.

>> No.4072798
File: 109 KB, 396x478, 1318902113535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland does so well because it's full of Finns.

>> No.4072815

Best Idea:
>Grow up in Scandinavia
>Live in USA

>> No.4072816

Nothing to worry, OP.

Free market will fix everything.

>> No.4072823


Source please. The greatest scientists are from France, Holland, Germany, Scandinavia and USA. Not just USA.

>> No.4072824

This is really not a bad idea.
Oh well too late for me now.

>> No.4072825

>The greatest scientists are from France, Holland, Germany, Scandinavia and USA. Not just USA.
Yes, but they GO RESEARCH in the USA.
There's the rub.

>> No.4072831


Fine, but I am not well educated in this subject and all I can give you is my perspective.

In America, you can do anything. Skydiving, mountain climbing, deepsea diving, waterparks, tv, Internet, video games, laser tag, bars, raves, a variety of other events catered to a host of different interests...and that's the problem.

When you go Out and do all of these things, are you thinking about the problems with the world or your country? What about the universe? Science? Fuck no, you think about having fun or how much you're having. You don't think.

This isn't a bad thing, except when it happens all the time. With a tv in almost every household, along with a pc, an Internet connection, a console, (this includes the wizards who claim to be poor) we rarely get a chance to think. Well, we still have our education system to fix it.

I'd go into why our education system needs to drown in an ocean of cocks and why it destroys creativity, curiosity, and intellectual independence, but I think everyone knows about our education system so I won't go into it. Anyway, these are the problems I've noticed, maybe someone else can clean up this post.

>> No.4072841


I don't understand your post. Are you sarcastically saying, that the argument for "USA is best science" is based on, that people research in the US?

Or are you saying, that the important part is, that they are doing the important research in the US? Because there are tons of big projects in Europe.

>> No.4072842

It isn't just that.
Americans are raised only being taught the are minimum of their own history with absolutely no time spent on other places in the world at all. Most of us only know about Britain because of the Revolutionary war, and nothing else.
Seriously, ask an american about the Spanish-American war. 9/10, the answer is "The what war?"

>> No.4072845

>Are you sarcastically saying, that the argument for "USA is best science" is based on, that people research in the US?
Precisely. We may be the dumbest nation in the world culturally, but we have the largest congregation of productive intellectuals as well, and despite the failures of our schooling system, it does at least insure that no incidental geniuses get lost, with the exception of those who are socially retarded due to one thing or another.

>> No.4072851

>implying we should put an emphasis on teaching world history

>> No.4072853


I think European research is beating American pretty hard right now.

>> No.4072854


I'm glad that I had 14 years of history classes.

>> No.4072856


What's wrong with world history? World and Macro-history is fascinating.

>> No.4072860



>> No.4072871

The idea that ANYTHING should be mandated for children to learn is ridiculous. True learning is always self-motivated.

>> No.4072883

>America is slow because politicians over the terms have appealed to the 'vocal minority' again and again with bullshit legislation in order to get more votes.

I don't think that's *quite* true. If asked, I would say that in the USA, politicians and [corrupt] teachers' unions both think they own 50% of the school system, and it exists mainly for their benefit. Neither is fit to make critical decisions, but both want to take the full credit for any success.

This is the reason for the desire to privatize schools in the USA,,,, because it gets both government bureaucrats and unions out of it entirely, both at the same time.

Government bureaucrats are very limited in what they can do to stop charter schools, but unions aren't. So they wait until the charter school has bought everything and just about to open, and then they fine lawsuits to block the charter school from opening. They NEVER file the lawsuits early on, when the school still has money to fight it.

>> No.4072893

Then I want to learn how to masturbate for cash. Nothing else.

>> No.4072905

>No! Please! Don't!

I don't see your point, lol.
You think I care about your academic pursuits?

>> No.4072929

Yet you think this social democracies are something new?

They have been in the making since the beginning of the 20th century and have been stabile for at least 100 years.

Finlands economy might be stagnant.
USA:s economy is downright failing.

Stop being so blind.

>> No.4072932

wow all finnish girls in that video are hot wat is this

are they average girls?

>> No.4072933

>clearly didn't read the article in full

>> No.4072954

>comparing social democracies to robbers
>posted by a known libertarian institute
You can just smell the impartial reporting.
*snif* Ahhh, smells like bullshit.

>> No.4072967

Article without references of links to sources that cite his claims
>no thanks

>> No.4072977

I have no problem if you want to discredit the entire paper because you don't like the website it's on, but don't try to explain how it's wrong when your arguments are clearly addressed in it.

Are you just willfully ignoring the citations or..?

>> No.4072991

The thing is, the only people supporting the views represented in the article are either religious nutters, the extreme right nutters or both rolled into one.

>> No.4073012

The thing is, only niggers would be stupid enough to believe that.

>> No.4073024

>The thing is, only niggers would be stupid enough to believe that.
Yes, fortunately it's only the finnish wiggers that have been taken in by the kind of rhetoric like in that article.

>> No.4073025

>American research

There is no such thing anymore

>> No.4073032

I was just paralleling the logical fallacy if you missed that.
It's kind of subtle.

>> No.4073036
File: 25 KB, 281x291, strange-albert-einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is dead

Antiscience redneck christians killed it. Learn to speak chinese


>> No.4073043

Feel free to leave if you believe that.
You'll only hold my country back with that kind of attitude.

>> No.4073044

I got it, but apparently you missed my not-so-subtle sarcastic inversion. Which, though meant as humor, is none the less accurate.

The people most enamored by the article would probably be the "True Finns" party, or perussuomalaiset in finnish.

Appropriately, the party name has been shortened by the rest of the populace as "Persut", which is roughly translated as "Asses" as in the part of the anatomy, not the animal.

And the short version isn't just used by the public either, but also by a lot of the main media as well.

>> No.4073047

>tell people who support science to leave the country
>"why is my science getting so retarded?"

>> No.4073051
File: 140 KB, 600x387, ZZ73D20E60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words are necessary.

>> No.4073055

If you don't see why America is so great, then you probably aren't an asset to my country, regardless of your appreciation for science.

So you're saying libertarians are publicly mocked in Finland? And no, I didn't get that out of your comment at all.

>> No.4073064

The seventh chevron locked in place.

>> No.4073077

>So you're saying libertarians are publicly mocked in Finland?
Quite so, it's not exactly a new phenomenon. The recent happenings haven't exactly given much incentive to stop, either.

>And no, I didn't get that out of your comment at all.
I'm not surprised, the layer of sarcasm was only five times as thick as the cake, after all.

>> No.4073085

You really thought I was suppose to infer a fact of Finnish society I didn't know about from something as vague as

>fortunately it's only the finnish wiggers that have been taken in by the kind of rhetoric like in that article.

Shit, maybe my poor American education really has inhibited my intellectual development if I'm supposed to be able to figure that out.

>> No.4073107

No, you wouldn't need that information to realize the comment was heavy with sarcasm, only a regular skill of reading.

>> No.4073109

>that feel when going on 4chan for a few years you can actually see how warped world views and opinions of Americans are
I know I'm an idiot for deducing anything from this shithole of a site, but this way of thinking of American exceptionalism, superiority is so obviously ingrained in the mind of the average American. And anytime he sees evidence against it he gets aggressively defensive. He uses words like "socialist" as an insult.
Just look at this post:
>without resorting to socialism
99% of the time whenever someone uses the phrase "without resorting to ..." it ends with "violence". It is an inherently negative phrase, and It's obvious how McCarthyism has distorted your worldview.
And then you have people like this:
Who basically say "look, we know blacks, latinos and other immigrants score low on test scores, so we don't count them, and then we are awesome". Most of you are not part of the same nation, the racism is unbelievable. People act like there are multiple parallel USAs, which just happen to share the same geographical location and don't interact with each other at all.

>> No.4073111


And lately the thing that I've been noticing more and more is the subjugation of everything to the market. Don't get me wrong, the economy is of great importance, and having a workforce skilled in the required areas is probably the most important thing to a country. But this shitting on those people from the 99% movement with the always the same "shouldn't have got a BA in history lololo", "why didn't you get an engineering degree" arguments is disgusting.
And then you have the "super-modest, super-hard working I don't take charity from anyone" people who feel proud of themselves for working their asses of and having nothing to show for it. How many times have you seen people deride those 99%-ers with text that goes something along the lines of
"I have worked at a fast food joint through the last two years of highschool, saving everything and studying 24/7 so I could get in a good local university, now I'm about to graduate with a degree in mechanical engineering with almost no debt after working a part time job all through college, not partying, not spending any money on a car, clothes, games and eating nothing but ramen noodles". Goddamn you people, you live in the wealthiest country in the world, you shouldn't have to give up everything just to make a decent living.
Your society is so disfigured it's not even funny anymore.

Fuck what a clusterfuck of a post, but after typing it out for ten minutes at least I could post it.

>> No.4073122

and here is an example of that "American exceptionalism":
>If you don't see why America is so great, then you probably aren't an asset to my country, regardless of your appreciation for science.

Protip America: your power will decline, not tomorrow, maybe not even in twenty years, but it will happen. And then you'll be looking for something to pin the blame on, asking yourselves "where did this country go wrong", when it's just such a normal thing. You are not special in any way, not by a long shot.

>> No.4073123

Finland is tied with Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and Cuba in terms of schooling systems. So this thread could be about any of them really.

And Canada is 6th after those 5. USA is 20th. Interesting.

>> No.4073125

Here's America's problem... You're fucking lazy, "cont'd", how hard is it to write "continued"?

Are you implying you can't do that stuff in other countries? Oh god.

>> No.4073129
File: 20 KB, 420x306, FuckYeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073131

I feel a great deal of anger reading this thread. Don't know why but I'd just like to point that out and see if anyone feels the same.

>> No.4073135
File: 43 KB, 485x348, sarah-palin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's problem is the republicans.
They are anti-science, anti-education, and encourage overall stupidity.

>> No.4073137

Uh.. other then geography and natural resources, with a nearly unimaginable bounty of arable land and clean water, not to mention hydrocarbon fuel reserves that pretty much any European country would sell their children for.

Look at China, then look at the United States. Count the number of acres of arable land, or land that could be easily improved to be arable. Now calculate fresh water supplies and hydrocarbon fuel reserves.

>> No.4073141

I agree. Americians generally have quite high feeling of national pride and are used to being considered the power country of the world. So I think it kind of shocks them when they are not the best in something.

That being said, they do have good universities, I just think the way they deal with payment is quite bad because it generally is unless you live below the poverty line or come from a rich family, you have no chance in hell of going to university.

>> No.4073144
File: 17 KB, 300x224, umad-300x224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anger here bro. Why U MAD?

>> No.4073151

>uses words like "socialist" as an insult.

Well, I wouldn't exactly use the term to compliment someone given that socialism is a terrible system of oppression.

the phrase "without resorting to ..." it ends with "violence". It is an inherently negative phrase, and It's obvious how McCarthyism has distorted your worldview.

Socialism is justified violence of the worst kind.

> Most of you are not part of the same nation, the racism is unbelievable.

You don't find it ironic to generalize Americans as racists? Think about it buddy.

>poor OWS protestors, etc.
It's a pointless political movement full of people who have no clue what change they want to see in government, many of them with socialist-leaning tendencies. For that reason, I plan on continuing to make fun of them whenever I feel like it.

>You are not special in any way, not by a long shot.

Keep telling yourself that, eurofag.

>> No.4073156



>> No.4073159

Lots of countries has this. US is a third world country when it comes to education

>> No.4073164

Why are you arguing with an American? They are intellectually inferior, unable to understand even the simplest of arguments, and blinded by the retarded ideal of patriotism.

Just forget about him.

>> No.4073167
File: 16 KB, 290x290, widget_afSvvmoFrl6PgZoATEAput.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butt hurtamerifag detected

Enjoy your crumbling country buddy. Tell me how that whole collapse works out.

Also, don't come crying to the rest of the world when everything comes crashing down. We tried to warn you for years, but you decided to be stubborn and fucking ignorant as fuck.

I'll make sure to laugh extra when we are stripping your country of resoruces in order to pay the debt you owe us.

>> No.4073174

in my opinion government is a trick as in the power to our government is aligned with nasa and also our votes , as in everyday average american citizens
think they vote for the president, when really its the senate that votes for the president and we got for the senate which then means if those to parties basically do nothing its jus congress and if its jus congress were basically in rome if that makes sense :P

>> No.4073186
File: 80 KB, 500x334, ron-paul-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too worried.

>I'll make sure to laugh extra when we are stripping your country of resoruces in order to pay the debt you owe us.

Oh gawd, he actually believes this would ever occur.

>> No.4073188

Not all americans are like that, just the majority of ones in the south or the republicans.

>> No.4073200

>Implying most of america isn't owned by china

>> No.4073204
File: 136 KB, 802x780, 1320153730790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"don't make generalizations about me!"

>immediately generalizes other groups of people

yeah but no.

>> No.4073206

is owned by another place as in its all borrowed and plus we have a world economy btw :P

>> No.4073221

> Well, I wouldn't exactly use the term to compliment someone given that socialism is a terrible system of oppression.

Uh... I think you're confusing socialism with communism. I agree that socialism sucks if you are in the upper 20% but not in upper 1% of the population but you can hardly call it opressive

>> No.4073228



China owns treasury bonds. A promise that America will, when an amount of time has passed, give them money.

That's it. If America is unable or unwilling to pay China's primary resource would be to refuse to lend more money and to refuse to trade with the United States, while claiming what US possessions it can in order to make back the debt owed, though the last is an act of war and a step noone would be willing to take.

So yeah, US defaults on Chinese held debt = trade war.

>> No.4073229

Funny you should post that picture. You didn't see how your police attacked protesters in like 5 cities?
The only reason why you didn't see burning shit in USA is because everyone is scared shitless of law enforcement in US since they fire first and ask questions later. So the the same things happened in US but the violence was onesided (police attacking protesters). Police in europe is more lenient so people have the balls to ruin shit. And of course people in europe are gonna rage more since they have more to lose, having much more social care and privelege.

>> No.4073230

>Well, I wouldn't exactly use the term to compliment someone given that socialism is a terrible system of oppression.
>Socialism is justified violence of the worst kind.

You even quoted my response to this in your very own post:
>It's obvious how McCarthyism has distorted your worldview.
You will probably never realize this, but even so, try looking up the term on wikipedia.

>You don't find it ironic to generalize Americans as racists? Think about it buddy.

I actually was aware that could be seen as a fallacy in my post. I am aware that there are quite a few individuals that have risen above that tribal, petty way of thinking, but as a whole you are still a racist country.

>OWS is a pointless political movement full of people who have no clue what change they want to see in government.

Again, a prime example of one of the things that is wrong in your country. I know that your post is probably a troll, but I still respond to it because I can easily see people sincerely thinking and saying those things.
I cannot comprehend that some people believe that ows is "full of people who have no clue what change they want to see in government". It's full of idiots, largely missinformed and stupid people, that's for sure. But saying that they "have no clue what change they want to see in government" is outrageously wrong. As for the part about them being stupid and whatnot, you should know that all protests, marches, uprisings, various springs and what-have-yous happen precisely when the stupidest (due to being marginalized) part of the population stands up. Look at the civil rights movement, you think those were highbrow intellectuals protesting, woman suffrage, same thing.
You could infer from this that I think the 99% movement is something revolutionary, but I don't think that. It isn't revolutionary because there exist people that think the things you posted, because people actually believe FOX news and similar media.

>> No.4073244

Are you retarded? You think the police in France cracking down on Muslims are more kind and gentle then police in the US cracking down on collage protesters?

The US protest haven't been as bad because the primary protesters in the US have been peaceful demonstrations. The Occupy movement is a basically middle class movement. The European riot season has mostly been welfare classes facing "austerity" programs that turn them from poor to destitute while unemployment stays high and goes up to prevent them from having any way out.

>> No.4073249

A lot of the occupy movement is stupid. But a financial transaction tax is a good idea, as is getting rid of the Citizens United ruling. Do those two things tomorrow and the 99% would go home.

>> No.4073250


At least they don't shoot them in cold blood.


>> No.4073269

>Implying direct socio-democracy isn't god-tier

>> No.4075108

>It's obvious how McCarthyism has distorted your worldview.
>You will probably never realize this, but even so, try looking up the term on wikipedia.

I don't believe "treason" should even be an offense. I often respect the anti-American more than the American if they are anti-American for the right reasons.

>but as a whole you are still
>as a whole

Yeah, leave your collectivism mentality at the door please.

>But saying that they "have no clue what change they want to see in government" is outrageously wrong.

>The 1% is shitting on us!
>We are the 99%!

What do you think the politicians should even do to please them? It's funny because their entire platform, (if you want to even call it that), is an appeal to the majority. Mob rule; astounding.

>people actually believe FOX news and similar media.

What's wrong with fox news again?
Nah I'm just kidding, but why do you think Occupy Wall Street will somehow fix biased news sources?

>> No.4075114

> implying this thread was not started by a Finn

>> No.4075319

>you will never have a good education.

>> No.4075384

>cracking down on Muslims

When shit goes down in the US, it goes down badly. See L.A. riots.

> It's funny because their entire platform, (if you want to even call it that), is an appeal to the majority. Mob rule; astounding

Yeah democracy is appeal to majority. Because the common good is always what is good for the majority.
The rich don't need help to survive, no need to give them extra political power when their money already gives them more power than the common man.

>> No.4075455

ITT: Extremely butthurt europeans trying to take their anger out on America

>> No.4075470


Your country is 1day away from being declared a war zone by your country, yet your news stations and population are too retarded to care.

Your days are numbers america, evenjoy yoru final years.

>> No.4075473

thank you for proving my point, butt devastated european

>> No.4075569

>The Finnish education system is an egalitarian Nordic system
What is the point of using the word "nordic" here?

>The Nordic strategy for achieving equality and excellence in education has been based on constructing...
>instructional efforts to minimize low achievement are also typical of Nordic educational systems

alright, somebody is being a little arrogant