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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 500x437, monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4070997 No.4070997 [Reply] [Original]

If monkeys evolved into humans, they why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans today?
Have we ever seen in the last 100 years (since humans began documenting about the animals) any radical evolution, or yet, any monkeys/chimpanzee that began a radical process of evolution ?
No. It is still a " theory " that has yet to be proven by any scientist.

>> No.4071013

>obvious troll
>268 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4071018

It took over 4 millions of years for humans as we know today to evolve from the common ancestor that we supposely share with some monkeys like chimps .

Look up australopithecus sediba - might be the link between homos and australopithecus.

>> No.4071020


>> No.4071021

We've seen birds, the same species, settling on different islands and progressively differenciating to adapt to new conditions until eventually being unable to breed between different islands population.

And this is why evolution is not a stupid theory. If you want to call a scientific theory stupid, not suggesting a better one is useless bullshit.

The evolution into human is not the golden path. It happened that one day, it was better for some apes to grow larger brains, and BAM here we are. Other apes had different conditions and evolved in different apes we know of today.

>> No.4071035

Elephants are evolving to be tuskless. Right before our eyes.

>> No.4071038

Of course there's microevolution. The thing is, there's no such thing as speciation.
Jesus christ, as long as we've not witnessed a case of evolution with our own eyes, I won't believe it. Your fossils, your geological and genetics, are nothing. Might as well be fossils of other creatures.

>> No.4071039
File: 83 KB, 541x720, wtfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a someone on /sci/ (you're probably just some fucktard, but still...) In science, 'theory' is the best recognition a hypothesis can get, for fact you need to wonder into the realm of mathematics, unless it has been observed (and evolution has, by the way).

Your ignorance is proven by : "If monkeys evolved into humans, they why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans today?" We share a common ancestor with them. And besides, thats like saying if america came from europe, why still have europe?

We RELY on evolution for vaccines and control of pests in crops. We have observed it plenty of times.

> On /sci/

>> No.4071111

Am I the only one who feels bad for Richard Dawkins? The only thing he's known for is his irrational hatred of theism, and his only noteworthy scientific achievment is the "meme theory" which no scientist takes seriously. His only legacy will be the coining of a term in internet culture.

>> No.4071134

You's be trolling.

>> No.4071154

>this thread

All trolling aside, wasn't there some experiment a while back that had something to do with observing some influenza cells in different environments?

IIRC, I think they ended up with something resembling evidence for natural selection. Did anyone else hear about that, or am I just crazy?

>> No.4071158

>there's no such thing as speciation.


a list of 9 examples of speciation.

>> No.4071210

>line up skulls on shelves
>make conclusions about the universe

>> No.4071306

None of those animals have given birth to a different kind of animal, so they haven't macroevolved

>> No.4071322

> see OP's trolling
> just a "theory" generic 0/10 troll
> i report it and not give any fucks
> move on and not waste my time like all the other faggots in this thread are doing

start doing this, and we don't have to fucking deal with it in /sci/ any more you retards