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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4069187 No.4069187 [Reply] [Original]

Well shit, lol. I guess that answers that. Genuinely because I was curious, I went to
to see if I could calmly and civilly talk some sense into these people. I assume I was just perma-banned while doing so. They're unfortunately rude enough to not even set a ban message when they ban you.

It was fun. One of the admins started up a thread saying "omg omg, this species of bacteria can change its environment to suit its needs, this is totally against evolution which says the species which best adapts is favored".

I attempted to calmly and clear point out his fundamental misunderstanding of evolution. He had none of it, accused me of evo-babble, and the next thing I knew I was banned.


Well at least I have a better idea of how these people think and act, which was actually my main goal in doing this exercise.

>> No.4069199

I'm still kind of curious. I suppose my small sample size is not terribly indicative, as I ran across a mod with a complex who didn't enjoy being told flat out, but civilly, that you are wrong and you are missportraying the views of evolutionists.

Anyone know of a better web site?

>> No.4069202
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>mfw OP's link

>> No.4069217

Yeah, it's pretty good stuff. I spent a couple of posts in another thread trying to explain how the tree of life of taxonomy and the tree of life according to genetics, being the same and all, is good evidence for common ancestry. He was like "nuh uh, you need to assume common ancestry". I was like "wait what? That's not how science works, dude."

Also, any other fun stories of talking to actual young earth creationists? I did get a better taste of what they think. A lot of them actually think that the evidence is on their side. How laughable. The hard part is demonstrating that. Half of the shit they had on their was shit, but the other half involved isolated studies in specialized areas of research, making it quite hard for a relative layman like me to rebut.

>> No.4069225

Wait ... the site is serious?
I thought it was an too obvious troll.

>> No.4069230

I think it's serious. There forums there with a shitton of posts, all seemingly legit. I had a couple conversations with some of them. They're too involved to be just parodies I think. They probably actually mean it.

>> No.4069241

Me: "If Adam and Eve were the first two people, why did everyone forget about god? Why did Abraham have to be "reminded" and why does the Abrahamic God not appear anywhere else in the world's history (China, North/South America etc.)? Why does no other culture seem to remember the Tower of Babel?"
YEC: "They all forgot due to Satan's trickery!"
Me: "Where in the Bible is this?"

>> No.4069258

That's good. I'll have to remember that. Thanks.

>> No.4069271

If you could reason with religious people, then there would be no religious people.

>> No.4069556


Anyone actually able to explain the cleaner fish?

I mean symbiotic relationships do in a manner of speaking disprove survival of the fittest.

I mean like for real how the fuck did they evolve to have that symbiotic relationship?

Also how the fuck did we get genders?

>> No.4069803


>Have farm.
>Have two horses.
>One horse helps carrying sacks of grain, it gets fed and a stable for it.
>Other horse shits into your water supply and fucks your wife while you are out,, gets caught and shot later.

Survival of the fittest = best adapted to a given set of environmental pressures.

>Be cleanerfish.
>Bond with other species for a long time.
>Both form an instinctual relationship eventually.
>Don't have to feed on the ocean bottom and evolve camouflage and poison.


>want to challenge scientific theory
>don't go out and do research using papers on said theory and try to disprove it scientifically.

Come on...
This is like saying "God doesn't exist" without studying scripture and then trying to find empirical evidence for the existence of the deity that matches the one of said scripture.

>> No.4069807

*and not finding any..and only THEN saying...

"Well I don't think that god of the scripture really exists."

>> No.4069814

Also, I'm too delirious for this...this website might have trolled me..satire...

>> No.4069868

>why did everyone forget about god?
It's easy to ignore God and make up your own fun Gods, which people did. In essence God wasn't forgotten, just considered no longer fashionable. You forget how dumb humanity tends to be when their comfort or social power is on the line, so he only exists as a shadow of himself as a classic Creator god, which all cultures have in one way or another.
>Why does no other culture seem to remember the Tower of Babel?
A good question. The Bible only records it because it claims to know the actual reason for this bit of insanity in human history. In anyone else's history it would be some strange magical nightmare where everyone woke up one day all speaking a different language, resulting in war and chaos that would have most likely destroyed the records of the day and forced all the survivors to down-grade to caveman level as all the specialists could no longer communicate.
>"Where in the Bible is this?"
It's >implied. God is a tricky fellow, and if it weren't for the fact that it was God doing these things we would have to call him evil.
Unfortunately Evil = Not Good = Not Godly = Not of God, therefore anything God does is Godly and cannot be Evil.

Christianity is not complicated, but you have to realize God does not play fair.

>> No.4069886

You're an idiot if you actually believe any of those justifications.

>> No.4069888
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Also, lol bible.

Genesis, quite early in the book:

A bit later in Genesis:

"These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God"

Blameless, perfect..walked with god....


>> No.4069893
File: 3 KB, 50x50, glee3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that was back in the day, now you have to give your 10%, accept Jesus and brainwash yo kids.

Sucks to be a Christian.

>> No.4069899

You're an idiot if you can't support your claims.

>"These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God"
Good point. I'll look into this.

>Sucks to be a Christian.
It does. The only thing worse is to be a Jew.

>> No.4069909

Referencing your post was enough to validate the IF in my statement IF you believe those are valid justifications for believing that those events happened you are an idiot.
Theology is literally just putting a spin on the bible to convince the new generation of potential pigeons and quell whatever investigations or skepticism they may have.

If all else fails tell them the bible is a metaphor! and doesn't conflict with science! in which case you lose all the miracles and literally everything in the bible minus already established philosophies and piss poor ethics.