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4067894 No.4067894 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys seen the movie Limitless? It centers around this guy who takes a drug which apparently lets him focus better, and generally makes him smarter. My question is, is there some sort of combination of drugs that will let me be hyperfocused, and access some deep, dark depths or my mind? And how safe are these drugs?

>> No.4067921


>> No.4067922

It was a good movie about cognitive enhancement, and I think the first I've seen. Go try some combination of nootropics.

>> No.4067926

in my opinion spice :P

>> No.4067937


>> No.4067951

That movie was basically a documentary on adderall, he forgot to eat, had blackouts with alcohol and was super focused, cept adderall doesn't make you go into a coma

>> No.4067968

Actually, yes. They're called 'nootropic drugs.'

Here are some links.


>> No.4067972

the premise was "human mind can only use 10% of its brain, what if you could use 100%?"

however the human mind uses way more than 10% of its brain

>> No.4067975

sorry guys didn't know what they were called. I'll leave now.

>> No.4067983


Yes you can 'access' 100% of your brain (But not in the "I can see my synapses" LSD-using Timothy Leary kind of way) but only 10% of it is firing <span class="math">\text{at any given time}[/spoiler].

Even with a silly pop-sci premise nootropic drugs still work though. Though I don't think treating the brain as a soup where you just pour the chemicals, instead of the circuit that it is, will get you the kind of performance the guy had.

>> No.4067986

Actually i do have a few more questions. I'm assuming you guys have used Adderall before. Could you give me a description of what it is like. What did you feel?

>> No.4067990


>Unknown control sequence '\text'

Oh for fuck's sake.

That's supposed to say "at any given time" in fancy italics.

>> No.4068043

If we made our brains as active as the movie says they are on NZT, we would just flat out die. It would be like cloning everyone in San Francisco to cause the world's biggest traffic jam.

>> No.4068084

I feel like everyone in this thread has seen limitless

>> No.4068090

If i combined Ritalin with Adderall would i be a god?

>> No.4068110


It doesn't really feel that much different, although you get this great sense of clarity. Like, everything just makes sense, even things that confused you before. And your mind moves a lot faster, as in, you have more thoughts in a shorter amount of time. (or I guess you could say time slows down, though that's not really what it feels like, you just have more thoughts. You don't really notice it). You also focus on things without really noticing and you're more observant of your surroundings.

As far as physical symptons, I was really thirsty and just kept drinking lots of water. And I could not shut up. I just kept talking to myself about. You know how you have a little voice in your head? Well I had to verbalize almost every thought that entered my mind. I just kept talking to myself.

>> No.4068115

How do I get my hands on this?

>> No.4068124

It's fucking great, you don't want to eat, you just super concentrate on everything, and get really aggrevated at stupid people

>> No.4068135


Get a perscription. Or have friends. I got mine from a friend who got it from her friend.

>> No.4068134


...what if I already do that, y'know, without drugs?
Will I transcend into another state of consciousness if I took these drugs you speak of?

...or, would I crash and become retarded? Y'know, some kind of negative anti-effect or whatnot.

>> No.4068133

Bump for this. Do you need a doctor's prescription? If so, how can you bullshit it?

>> No.4068136


you would become a god

>> No.4068141

I have 3 perscriptions

Be careful as fuck, if you take too many, you just get super lucid, everything makes sense

Not sure of possible health effects, but it is an amphetamine

>> No.4068144

Same poster, but question: When a perscription gets filled, is the doctor who perscribed it notified?

>> No.4068373


>> No.4068455


Don't try to forge prescriptions.

Either the pharmacist calls your doctor to confirm (for drugs with abuse potential), or there's some kind of online system that the pharmacist can use to check that a real doctor issued the prescription.

Alas, in the old days you could steal a doctor's script pad and write yourself hundreds of prescriptions, each for massive doses of painkillers or whatever.

>> No.4068469

>>Do you need a doctor's prescription?

It's Schedule II. That's just one rung below OMGEVILBANBANBAN stuff like LSD and heroin. So yeah, you need a prescription.

>If so, how can you bullshit it?

"can't concentrate, can't sleep." It helps to claim you work the late shift or swing shifts. Say you have lots of racing thoughts in your mind all the time on every topic under the sun (note this is not the same as claiming "I have voices in my head" like a paranoid schizophrenic), to the point where you can't even get through a single paragraph in a book without having to read it two or three times. And say you've had it for a long time and just can't take it any more; don't claim it just started out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago.

Unless your doctor's a nazi, you really shouldn't have much trouble getting a script. The stuff is quite safe as long as you're not a moron that tries to down 15 pills in one shot or something.

In any case, if you don't really have ADD, you don't want to be taking it every day, as it IS addictive and getting off it will not be fun. Just dabble.

>> No.4068475

> It helps to claim you work the late shift or swing shifts. Say you have lots of racing thoughts in your mind all the time on every topic under the sun (note this is not the same as claiming "I have voices in my head" like a paranoid schizophrenic), to the point where you can't even get through a single paragraph in a book without having to read it two or three times. And say you've had it for a long time and just can't take it any more; don't claim it just started out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago.

Oh wow. I honestly have been like this ALL the time. I have to try VERY hard to concentrate. It's almost like the harder I try to concentrate on something, the more my thoughts race on something else "more fun".

>> No.4068498

>>Same poster, but question: When a perscription gets filled, is the doctor who perscribed it notified?

Depends on the state. In New York, Schedule II prescriptions have to be written on special triplicate pads with all sorts of anticounterfeiting technology on them, and you have to fill them within 72 hours of them being written; they're total statist nanny government cocksuckers. I forget which copies go where, but the doctor is informed in some fashion at some point. IIRC, he gets a printout once a week or once a month listing all his SII scripts and when and where they were filled. And he does have to pay attention, because the New York Nanny State Gestapo will come after him if a lot of discrepancies start showing up under his name.

Meanwhile, in my home state, the doc can use his usual script pad and there are no special rules at all, beyond those which are federally mandated, the only one of which really matters is that he can't put any refills on it or simply call it in. (You have to physically pick up a new script once per month.)

But the other poster is right: don't even THINK of trying to forge one of these. Script forgery is bad enough if you're merely trying to fake a script for some harmless allergy medication; trying to do it for a Schedule II drug will get you in serious fucking shit, and you have an extremely high chance of getting caught.

Like I just posted, say the right things and most docs won't have any problem giving you a legit script for Adderall.

>> No.4068505

Im not one for innate smarts, but how can you tell truthfully if you arent innately smart enough, or you just arent working hard enough?

Also if you only develop one aspect of intellegence all the time, is it possible to bottleneck yourself?

Really want to take it to the next level and need advice on doing so.

>> No.4068530

>>...what if I already do that, y'know, without drugs?
Will I transcend into another state of consciousness if I took these drugs you speak of?

No. It's just amphetamines. If you don't have ADD, it's "speed", just as the nickname says. You'll think faster, talk faster, and have a ton of energy, for roughly four hours or so. If you DO have ADD, it'll chill your brain out so you can actually concentrate and accomplish stuff.

If you take enough of them at once, you'll be a nervous wreck and possibly get really paranoid for a couple of hours (and it's not good for your heart, either) but that's it. You're not going to meet God on this stuff.

>...or, would I crash and become retarded? Y'know, some kind of negative anti-effect or whatnot.

No, but the comedown isn't always fun. A lot of people go through an hour or two of serious depression as it wears off. Many doctors will prescribe a moderate dosage of something like Xanax or Valium in those patients to take in order to smooth out the comedown. But again, it's just a mood thing; it's not going to alter your consciousness.

>> No.4068553

I remember awhile backing finding some brief details on a nootropic "discovered" in the early 70's, patients were reported as experiencing "Greatly" enhanced cognitive abilities, short and long term memory. (Even in the elderly.)

The guy working on it died, then the company owning the patent locked it down or something.

>> No.4068555

nice! my granny uses Lucetam (which is based on piracetam, the same as nootropil). Will help me get past my incoming exams cause double major is gonna be pain in the ass.

>> No.4068562

If your only sources are hearsay then I'm skeptical, to say the least.

>> No.4068587

is there any way to get a hold on adderall without doc prescription? like presumably buying it straight through other dealers or from factory? or even making your own?

>> No.4068593


Any college dorm will be full of Adderall-toting bimbo girls who are more than happy to sell by the pill. I don't know what the going rate is, though.

Any route other than that is going to a thousand times more complex and risky than it's worth.

>> No.4068626
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LSD is mostly safe(mostly), dex is pretty hard on your body.

>> No.4068638
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i lol´d