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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 786x501, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4067475 No.4067475 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, how can anyone score lower than a 12?

Test your mettle, /sci/.

>> No.4067480

link: http://pewresearch.org/sciencequiz/quiz/

>> No.4067488

>For each statement that follows, please indicate whether it is true or false. If you don't know or aren't sure just skip to the next one.
if you take this advice you deserve a 0/12.

>> No.4067491

The mars question is fairly ambiguous, but yeah this test is a cake walk.

>> No.4067503
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>> No.4067508
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>> No.4067513

Eh, I didn't know that about asprin.

>> No.4067517
File: 36 KB, 640x610, 1312618662784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more than half the test is complete bullshit a third grader could answer

>> No.4067519
File: 33 KB, 762x499, yiiiiiii3f2783hqy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look, im 10 years old and here are my reuslts

>> No.4067530

Fuck the water one.

They discovered water decades ago. Recently should not apply to it.

>> No.4067533

11 out of 12.

and fuck you, ill enjoy my perfect disease free genetics without having to worry about what medication i have to take for heart attacks or wtf ever

>> No.4067577
File: 21 KB, 337x294, How high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 53% of adults think lasers work by focusing sound waves

>> No.4067592

aspirin? shit, learn something every day i suppose. still smarter than 80% of americans though, like that's an achievement.

>> No.4067597


You need to brush up on your biology / physiology, retards. Physics isn't the only science.

>> No.4067600

>implying every American has taken this test
>implying these 12 questions are a very good indication of overall intelligence

You're right though, Americans are as dumb as a bag of shit. 53% think lasers work by focusing sound waves? Really?

>> No.4067601

The only one that matters.

>> No.4067604
File: 41 KB, 462x377, troll-face[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I drop out of college 10 years ago on the 1st year of it and got 12/12. Oh and it wasn't even a fucking science major...

>> No.4067609

i suppose that includes knowing about the effects of every drug on the planet, or at least some arbitrarily chosen ones? It's not like they asked what acetylsalicylic acid was.

that's not a quote

>> No.4067611
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>mfw old people don't know shit

>> No.4067615
File: 172 KB, 1225x671, Your Results_1322271528654..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've completed high school, you don't have any learning disabilities and you follow science news then there's no reason not to get 12/12.

>> No.4067616

Why did you even post this?

This was some elementary shit. Nobody posting here should get anything less than 12.

>> No.4067619

im with these people
we're thinking too hard for the first one

>> No.4067623


Taking asprin is actually only helpful in prevention of heart attacks if you have already had a heart attack or are at risk of having one.

>> No.4067628

Hey. Fuck you.

You're going to be old one day. Your toddler grandkids will be doing five dimensional vector physics in preschool and you'll be shitting your adult diapers and whining about how computers back in the day weren't integrated into your neural network. Also you'll be calling everyone under the age of 65 pussies for not fighting in WWV against the Negro war machine.

>> No.4067631

I'd like to meet the 2% who got 0 or 1 correct.

>> No.4067639

>>4067615 science news
but water on mars was news in 1999

bullshit question

>> No.4067640


>grandkids will be doing five dimensional vector physics in preschool


>> No.4067644
File: 201 KB, 682x1023, My sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your whole post

>implying I won't get that fancy reverse aging treatment

>> No.4067648
File: 63 KB, 698x245, iamalsoahugemoron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i consider myself to be a complete idiot

>> No.4067653

is that daria in the background?

>> No.4067659

Nah, it's just some random character on BnB.

>> No.4067672

I got 11/12. I do not know what medication can help prevent heart attacks; I am not very interested in the circulatory system.

>> No.4067680
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>> No.4067685


>Autodesk Inventor


>> No.4067691

also missed only that one. I knew it was a guess when I did it anyway and I really don't care that I didn't know that TBH.

>> No.4067695

All GPS systems rely on magnets to some degree.

>> No.4067696

asprin is a blood thinner, yo

>> No.4067712

dat connection strength

>> No.4067715

>>Autodesk Inventor
what a babby program

>shitty applications
>autodesk bullshit
>sony vegas
confirmed for engineer

>> No.4067721
File: 139 KB, 1365x729, straight six injon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jelly

>> No.4067725

>not having a lifetime free supply of autodesk and solidworks products.

>> No.4067733

What is this, a straight 6 engine for ants? Those pistons are fucking tiny and the rod length is way too long.

>> No.4067736

>What is this, a straight 6 engine for ants?

Mister, did you post just to make that joke?

>> No.4067748

It's a miniature engine.
Bore is 1.125in
Stroke is 1.000in

I drew it for the lulz and to get a feel for the program. It's nowhere near being an actual prototype.

Although I do want to make a real one someday.

>> No.4067752
File: 209 KB, 361x361, aged_wb20111116051913971406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw almost 50% of people think lasers are focused sound waves.

>> No.4067761


Yes, because which scientists knows the answer to the first question?

>> No.4067766

I got 12/12 but I could see the anti-biotics question getting alot of people.

>> No.4067769

I cot the first one wrong, the one with the highest average...

>> No.4067805


Same, got 11/12. Feels bad man.

The Mars one was easy; none of the other ones seem remotely existent on Mars.

>> No.4067831
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>> No.4067845
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>> No.4067846


>> No.4067855


Before taking the quiz:
>wow OP is such a pretentious douche

After taking the quiz:
>wow OP was right

>> No.4067866
File: 35 KB, 638x472, 1277505435397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What gas do most scientists believe causes temperatures in the atmosphere to rise?

How many temperatures are there in the atmosphere?

>> No.4067872

lots. different temps at diff places and heights

>> No.4067915
File: 125 KB, 1006x703, ScreenShot00150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waz da problem?

>> No.4067924

I really did not know what the scientists had discovered on mars, and also had trouble deciding which drug prevents heart attacks, but then it came to me as memory-retrieved, not logical inference

All the others are extremely easy even without a hard scientific background

>> No.4067943

temperature varies in quite a surprising way.
Not really CO2 related though

>> No.4067949

I already took this quiz when I went to the site from a thread I saw on /pol/.

>> No.4067967

Didn't know that about aspirin. It's not very surprising seeing as I'm healthy and in my 20s, and have has no immediate relatives or friends with heart problems. Didn't expect to learn something from this.

>> No.4067997


The first question got me lol.

>> No.4068129

it's funny how this seems to be happening to a lot of people here, yet overall it looked like that question was most successfully answered. (up around 80, 90 percent)

>> No.4068131


Neither. Got 11/12

>> No.4068147

same thing happened to me.

over the counter drugs are extremely popular with the plebians

>> No.4068157

Got all 12/12

>> No.4068162

aspirin is an irreversible cox 2 inhibitor.

it works by inhibitng thromboxane a3 stopping blood clotting and thus stopping cardiac embolism.

A physician would NEVER EVER give you aspirin to prevent a heart attack. They will give it to prevent a second heart attack. Statins are way more effective at preventing heart attacks.

>> No.4068167

>you got 11 questions correct, along with 10% of the public
>10% of the public
>20% of the public got 11 questions correct

>> No.4068178

funny thing is, radon, being radioactive, actually actively excites molecules in the atmosphere, incontrovertibly warming it - far more definitely than carbon dioxide. I mean, it's like, no fuck, it actually GENERATES heat energy.

>> No.4068186

Aspirin inhibits both cox1 and cox2. cox1 is the one found in platelets.

Aspirin is indicated to prevent a first heart attack.

Aspirin is also indicated for acute MI settings (everyone who comes in the emergency dept with chest pain "meets MONA"), since it will prevent a clot from growing any larger.

Statins are also wonderful drugs as well.

>> No.4068209

>itt faggots trying to justify getting something less than 12

>mfw they are part of the problem

>> No.4068210



Is that really what you call common knowledge? Fag.

>> No.4068212
File: 9 KB, 459x377, 1301177124831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop denying global warmer, you evil nazi conspiracy theorist denier.

>> No.4068215

Honestly, what is it with science people having a smug sense of superiority.

>> No.4068217



>> No.4068218

... And I thought there's be a challenge involved.

>> No.4068228

>scored 9/12
>don't give a fuck

>> No.4068459

10/12, time to kill myself

>> No.4068465

I don't know what doctors give for heart problems.

>> No.4068476

12 out of 12, and I could also tell you why the questions were dumb.

>> No.4068484


>Didn't know the aspirin one.
>Fuck it.

>> No.4068495

mfw noone knows the aspirin one

>> No.4068504

Bayer commercials must be complete white noise. It's basically all they say, generally in all caps.

>> No.4068523

This stuff was actually insultingly simple. Is there anything more comprehensive?

>> No.4068528

That was quite possibly the dumbest quiz I have ever taken.

>> No.4068529


the heart attack one stumped me

all i knew is that it wasnt antacid.

>> No.4068534
File: 10 KB, 250x250, bentley-prosteel-v8i-for-autocad-2004-2009-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


autocad prosteel up in this bitch

>> No.4068535
File: 467 KB, 270x203, carl-sagan-youre-awesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep. same here.

>we are the 9%

>> No.4068539

Agree with OP here, not even interested in a career in science and math and got all 12 right.I also have shit long term memory.

>> No.4068540

Got 12. Easy shit.

>> No.4068542

This isn't really a how good can you science test so much as a how many scientific things have you heard about and remembered test.

That said, 12/12 is easy if you've seen the information before. And it's pretty common information.

>> No.4068548

How the fuck people do not know that a GPS uses satellites, when every time you use a GPS it says CONNECTING TO FUCKING SATELLITES.
The global warming one is a bad question, the pluto one the stem cell one and the tsunami one are just whether people pay attention to popsci news, the aspirin one is whether people pay attention to Bayer commercials or aspirin labels, the rest are basically just gauging quite how completely retarded people are.

>> No.4068578

I got the heart attack one wrong. I also wasn't sure about the antibiotics one but I got it right.

>> No.4068584

The heart attack one is the only one you can miss and not be an idiot(because biology isn't a real science).

>> No.4068585

my grandmother told me that aspirin fucks people up so I blame her

>> No.4068588

I got 12 as well.

>> No.4068597
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>> No.4068608

and 73% of females think lasers are focused sound waves

>> No.4068614

11/12, only the first one wrong because I don't get heart attacks so I had no idea

>> No.4068620

yeh true "recently" is very objective, not appropriate for a science quiz. dickheads

>> No.4068624

>how can you have a score less then 12?

You are a christian/mentally retarded.

>> No.4068634


>Not weighted according to how many people responded in each category (age, education, gender)
That's a nice average you have there, Anon...

>> No.4068635

I thought that asprin was some sort of cough medicine or something. Asiafag btw.

>> No.4068639

what program is that? not solidworks

>> No.4068640
File: 38 KB, 387x505, srsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying pharmacology is a science

>> No.4068644


i got the mars one wrong; because afaic the water was found quite a while ago and "recently" doesn't really apply. so i assumed it was something else and guessed

>> No.4068652

Also asprin one.
Seriously, if you know the asprin one, you are a fucking faggot that's into biology and should kill yourself. I'm proud of my 11/12.

>> No.4068655

ITT underageb&s who don't know common knowledge about common drugs.

>> No.4068659

knew the aspirin thing from a commercial lol. but either way it was easy, antacids, cortisones?

>> No.4068665

lol'ing at all the butthurt "/sci/entists" saying 'hur dur biology doesn't science!"

>> No.4068667

>biology is not science

Therefore it is acceptable that I don't know under what circumstances I should take tylenol of TUMS.


>> No.4068669

all 12 :P

>> No.4068675

12/12 fuck yeah

>> No.4068691


Fuck biology, I'm not answering those.

>> No.4068800


Srsly. Sour grapes, mang!

>> No.4068807

12/12 easily. I've seen the aspirin thing being repeated again and again everywhere, it's common knowledge nowadays.

>> No.4068813

why was this so fucking easy? they should make a harder version for people who aren't retarded

>> No.4068815
File: 16 KB, 750x500, well fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knew everything except for the first.

I am a schoolboy, and non of those subjects ever got discussed in school, so I think everybody on the planet should be able to atleast get an 8.

>> No.4068823

It's probably the most practical knowledge out of all the questions too, which is why it's hilarious that most of /sci/ missed it.

>a useful science

>> No.4068837

I don't think that in Europe doctors advice people to take aspirins against heart attacks, so obviously it would also have much less general attention and much less people would know about it. as showed by:

>> No.4068942

Lol at the aspirin question

>> No.4069116
File: 201 KB, 520x783, wtf Im looking at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11. Electrons are smaller than atoms. True Correct 46%

It's True/False choice. Seriously, even random answer will do better.
mfw 99% of dumb uneducated masses it's just gimmedat, wasting resources and will never contribute to human race
I wept for humanity

>> No.4069130

The last grade of school I completed was 4th.

I got 12/12.

Anyone scoring under 12 on this test is a retard.

>> No.4069137

>Seriously, even random answer will do better.

You can't say that if you don't know how many people have taken the test.

>> No.4069138

Notice how women tend to do better than men on the biology questions. And you still call biology a science?

>> No.4069142

Got 12/12 and I'm a meathead from /fit/

>> No.4069145
File: 39 KB, 753x522, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4069161

got 12/12 and im a history major.
also im brazilian.
br es #1

>> No.4069169

fucking tsunami question got me. What the fuck, huge glaciers melting could totally cause that shit.

>> No.4069186

Because they tend to melt almost instantly? That's genius.

>> No.4069194

12/12, what else did you expect?

>> No.4069200

>I didn't.

>> No.4069205

The chunks of ice breaking off can cause massive waves. People, insane fucking morons of people, have surfed these waves. Apparently they're awesome.

>> No.4069208

How can anyone be that stupid?

>> No.4069212


>> No.4069234

Yes, I can. It just means that for any number of people with taken this test, random answer should do better.

>> No.4069236

Looks like someone failed basic statistics.

I'm sure you'd claim a coin coming out as heads twice in a row to be loaded, as well.

>> No.4069237
File: 19 KB, 258x306, 1263840457657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butterfly effect causes tsunami
>but underwater earthquake not

>> No.4069238

Is /sci/ actually discussing a test for elementary school kids?

>> No.4069245

Shit, I changed my answer from aspirin to cortison.

>> No.4069252

Actually he's right. They often melt in the form of large chunks falling off into water. If these are big and falling from enough height, they cause tsunamis. They tend to have a much smaller range than earthquake caused tsunamis, but they can be a lot higher too.

Here's an example.

>> No.4069257

>a hormone your body produces due to stress

>> No.4069259

cortisone is a steroid, aspirin thins blood

>> No.4069260

I said random answer will do better, but didn't claim for same number of people. You can make script answering for this question randomly 100 000 times and results should be better than actual results of humans taking this test.

>> No.4069308

Everyone who got 12/12 got the electron question wrong. This test is retarded.

>> No.4069441
File: 862 KB, 500x500, 1319808835467.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know about Mars having water, apparently.
Except I did know that and clearly just have a different interpretation of the word "recently".
This is exactly what keeps me from having perfect scores in all sorts of tests.

>> No.4069471


So you think part of an atom is bigger than a whole atom?

>> No.4069492
File: 84 KB, 359x359, 1314488742400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so easy i thought it was a screamer

>> No.4069515


Me too.
What did you put down as an answer? I picked platinum

>> No.4069519

An electron is much smaller than an atom, dipshit

>> No.4069520

Apparently antibiotics don't kill bacteria. Fuck the police

>> No.4069522

I think results were made up to make people feel better about themselves.
46% correct: True or false, electrons are smaller than atoms.
There's no way people can be that dumb.

>> No.4069533
File: 118 KB, 988x618, 6213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire family is healthy as fuck and so I don't know shit about medicine.

Answered cortosine and true for anti biotics

>> No.4069540
File: 14 KB, 354x352, 1321584190130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all radiation is manmade

>> No.4069546


What? I think you must be confused, I got 12/12 and selected that it kills bacteria, not virii.

>> No.4069554

I clicked on demographic breakdown for exactly this. I honestly expected a HUGE gap.

>> No.4069558

Just to clarify: I got this question right, but I'm baffled that this is a scientific misconception.

>> No.4069559
File: 106 KB, 353x438, 1225745728617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading comprehension is one of the best tests of intellectual competence

>> No.4069563

I got the antibiotic question wrong... I feel as though I have failed at life!

>> No.4069581


You are worse than Hitler.

>> No.4069589


anyone being in anyway proud of this result can fuck himself.

>> No.4069594


11 or less untermensch detected. Being proud to score 12 on a test this easy is retarded, but FAILING to score 12 is much, much worse.

>> No.4069608

12/12 was my score, dipshit. Still, some people here just seem too proud about achieving the "highest" score.

>> No.4069612


So you're just a self-hating retard?


>> No.4069627

I am not a retard! I am the 12/12!

>> No.4069655

Yeah. That confused me too.
I almost put mold even though I was pretty sure it was wrong.

>> No.4069669

Wow I don't know shit about science and I still got 12 ... depressing to think that 90% of the population knows even less than me

>> No.4069687

>decades ago
>first evidence in 2002
>actual confirmation in 2008
>implying ~10 years is not recently