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4067022 No.4067022 [Reply] [Original]

>Principal of Locality

>> No.4067024
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>quantum gravity

>> No.4067027
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>higgs mechanism

>> No.4067030
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>ftl neutrinos

>> No.4067031
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>biology envy

>> No.4067032
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>hard science

>> No.4067035
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>english majors
>having a job or a life

>> No.4067038
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>string theory

>> No.4067042
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>holographic principle

>> No.4067045

Why do people bash String Theory when Susskind is one of its founding fathers?

>> No.4067071
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>> No.4067095
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>> No.4067104

Because it hasn't made a single novel interesting prediction yet.

>> No.4067126
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>free energy

>> No.4067131
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Don't cross that line, dude.

>> No.4067133
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>more than 3 spatial dimensions

>> No.4067134


What line? Determinism has been disproved mang.

>> No.4067138

No. It has not.

Basic description of Bell's inequalities

>> No.4067141

>Determinism has been disproved mang.
full fucking retard.

>> No.4067143
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>> No.4067147

locality and hidden variable theories have nothing to do with determinism

the fact that a star a couple billion light years away has the potential to be entangled with us does not change that fact that elementary particles behave in deterministic fashion and do not 'decide for themselves' or undergo 'randomness' at the fundamental level.

free will does not exist.

>> No.4067151

Oh my God, I can't believe I spelt "principle" wrong.

>> No.4067157


Implying that I ever said anything about "free will"

You're right, free will doesn't exist. That doesn't really make determinism true though. Statistical probabilities exist, but definite causality does not. You cannot determine by any means, even with that fantastical machine larger than the universe which knows the position and momentum of every particle in existence, the exact time it will take for a neutron to decay. It just doesn't work that way.

>> No.4067158

Motherfucking god.
Why people here are so stupid?


Deterministic universe: you are preditermined, no free will
True Random universe: you are random, you dont have a free will, let a alone a will of any kind.

In other words, Determinism is closer to "free will" than non-deterministic universe.

Fucking deal with it.

>> No.4067163

Randomness doesnt cancel out determinism.

Without determinism you wouldn't have physical laws of any kind.

People always misinterpret physicists words.
Uncertainty Principle, Entanglement doesnt have to do anything with determinism.

>> No.4067165
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>> No.4067168

So, what you really mean is that *hard* determinism doesn't exist.

>> No.4067171


Statistical probability is NOT the same as randomness, and it DOES contradict determinism. You are the one misinterpreting words here.

>> No.4067236

>locality and hidden variable theories have nothing to do with determinism
Not entirely correct, but sure. Anyway, the point was the guy made an idiotic claim, and I attempted to link him to a source that would hopefully clear up any misunderstanding he had about quantum theory.

>> No.4067247

>Not entirely correct, but sure.
how so? as stated previously, randomness/inability to measure does not imply that determinism is false.

>> No.4067260

>and it DOES contradict determinism
no, it does not. does 'statistical probability' in actuality exist? it is a mathematical abstraction and tool.

>> No.4067291

The universe may be deterministic with a hidden local variable system. Ergo, they're not entirely unrelated questions. You can have one without the other, of course.

>> No.4067308

how can hidden variables prove the existence of a deterministic universe? are you sure you know what local hidden variables are?

>> No.4067338

You need better reading comprehension, bro. I said that you can have one without the other, and thus hidden variables do not imply determinism.

>> No.4068709

Is determinism related to: If I threw a ball into a chamber with no gravity and 1 billion balls, and let them bounce around for a thousand years. Then, I repeated the experiment with the exact same number/position balls and threw one in just like the first, same momentum, direction and all, and let those bounce around for a thousand years. Would the final placement of EVERY ball be the same? Why or why not?

>> No.4068715

>Dean of Causality