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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4066783 No.4066783 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, whats the deal with this EK? Does anyone have the backstory?

Inb4 lurk moar, i've tried, i find nothing.

>> No.4066790

You haven't lurked enough then.

>> No.4066801
File: 66 KB, 1062x696, stupidekcunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4066804

fat scottish cunt living in his mother's basement who does not have a life.

has dissociative identity disorder, paranoia, and is borderline.

known for having three dominant personalities that post here: EK, Harriet, Teacup - although there are others that come and go.

teacup is the dominant personality, and the one that is seemingly most aware of his state and conditions

they all shitpost, nonetheless, and bring cancer to the community with skitzoid-like bullshit.

>> No.4066815

Isn't EK female?

>> No.4066818


I'm almost tempted to ask, ''you cereal?''

But, I won't. ._.

>> No.4066827

Male or female? This is why i get confused, i get different stories depending on where i lurk.

>> No.4066832

EK is a he that uses image macros of a girl who is a youtube fag.

>> No.4066833

Its a girl.

>> No.4066838


>> No.4066844

Why can no-one ever agree on this? T__T

>> No.4066856

Because some like to believe EK is a girl who will date them.

>> No.4066861


Proof from any of you's??

>> No.4066866

the closest thing we have to proof is the facebook page of that slut, who is highly similar to how EK has described herself.

>> No.4066867

EK claims its female

Anon claims its male

I claim its a tripfag

>> No.4066870

I've been here since /sci/ was created.
I lived everything.
And remember EK, she is definitely a girl.
I have a sister i know when someone is pretending.

>> No.4066877

>implying he's pretending
There's a difference between consciously pretending, and believing yourself to be female.

>> No.4066878

>This looks shooped
>I've seen a few in my time.

>> No.4067202

Why do you care? She is just a poster, and no different to anyone else who posts here, you should not be concerned with her back-story.
She likes science, and studies zoology.
You do not really need to know anything else.

This is untrue.

That is personal, do not post it.

The youtube girl is not EK.

>> No.4067219
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>> No.4067223

I am not upset, I was just calmly trying to explain, seeing as there is a lot of inaccurate information in the thread.

>> No.4067233

>This is untrue.
no, it is not. you have not provided any evidence to discredit it. there's plenty of evidence to support the other side.

>> No.4067239

No, facts such as her being Scottish were made up.
Please present the evidence if you have it.

>> No.4067245

the thing is, you shouldn't have to defend EK, there's no point because ultimately we don't know who EK is and it won't change how we see her opinions (whether good or bad) and how we see her as a person, this is why trips add unnecessary crap to anonymous boards. There really isn't any point in this entire thread other than it's funny.

>> No.4067255
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>EK and Harriet

EK fb:

>> No.4067261

Ultimately we do not know who anybody here is. They are all either anonymous, or have been free to create their own names and are therefore still effectively anonymous.

You should just ignore the name field and focus on what it is that the person has to say.
EK is actually very intelligent, you will realise this if you give her a chance.

>> No.4067284

EK is a cunt

>> No.4067287


EK is not intelligent in the least. The same goes for you.

>> No.4067300

>still anonymous
you're still different because we know who you are every time you post with a name.

I never said EK was not intelligent and I don't really care.

My question is why you even bother posting in these obviously troll threads questioning a trip's identity if someone's identity doesn't matter
>inb4 i do what i want

>> No.4067306

I don't really know or care what EK is, but I've seen him post some stupid shit many times.

>> No.4067312

Because people seem interested in her, I am not sure why.

>> No.4067342

EK is female, and last year around this time she called me a retard for mentioning that she was a girl.

>> No.4067348

I still don't understand why you would care what people think when they don't know you, where any attacks on identity or character are basically meaningless and only draw even less meaning when you defend them.

>> No.4067352

I remember when EK claimed two ships traveling at .51c toward each other gave the observing the idea they where going faster than the speed of light (1.02c). Went on and on and on about how special relativity was wrong or some shit and it wasn't <span class="math">\approx[/spoiler].81c.

Oh, and the continued denial of not really knowing math of physics to begin with. Maybe zoologists follow a 'special' kind of math and physics.

>> No.4067355

She does a lot of name calling when she gets agitated, but she does not mean most of it.
She probably prefers for people to not draw unnecessary attention to her gender.

>> No.4069174

And now you have to realize that she was right. Relativity has been debunked by super awesome FTL neutrinos

>> No.4069185

You should tell that to the GPS satellites in orbit, then.