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4062391 No.4062391 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know them all?


>> No.4062424

For some reason I read that as Greeks should know and got interested; lame

Shit everyone should know:
Maxwell’s Equations (in some form at least)

Every Physicist/Chemist:
Schrödinger Equation

Every Astro

The rest are retarded. Really R_0>1 wtf

>> No.4062454

How is it retarded?

>> No.4062456

>The program was brilliantly coded
>it didn't work very well

Wat? It's an interesting concept but if it didn't work I don't see why should anyone know about it.

I know about half of these equations and that's good enough for me. The others aren't really necessary in my field.

>> No.4062462

Why should I know these equations? Why isn't the Master Theorem in there? Cantor's diagonalisation proof? etc etc

>> No.4062464

Why the fuck would that bitch disfigure her bak by getting euler's idenity carved into it?

>> No.4062465

Not carved, branded

>> No.4062469

No E=Mc²? Too mainstream?

>> No.4062471

Most of those equations are dumb, contrived physics-envy equations from life sciences.

The "razor's edge of outbreak"? really?

>> No.4062472

Wait, is that island biogeography one really important? I swear I didn't even know something like that existed

>> No.4062477

second one:
>the triangle thing with no bottom
lambda to hard for geeks to know?

>> No.4062487
File: 4 KB, 126x126, playboy_bunny.03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic is awesome OP, any more or sauce?

>> No.4062524

Sauce is my friend's Facebook. He doesn't know I posted his daughter on 4chan. He shouldn't care because he already put it up online in a public place. Besides I think he just browses reddit and not 4chan. He's doing a math phd, I thought it was cute that he brought his daughter to the chalkboard.

O yea and the filename - I renamed it with a 4chan number so people wouldn't track down his Facebook

>> No.4062559

>Shit everyone should know:

50% of our population is under the IQ of 94, they are INCAPABLE of understanding it

>> No.4062563

Geography? That looks like a bullshit equation construed from a best-fit from empirical data. R0? Beauty formula?

0/10 would rage again

>> No.4062566

> %50 are under the median

>> No.4062577

>median is 100

>> No.4062593

>median is 100
For the entire human race


In USA, the average is 94

>> No.4062615

>no 2 * universe = tube

>> No.4062717

Don't know:

Friedmann and the last one about beauty (what the fuck is that?!?!?)

Feels good being an applied mathematician

>> No.4062751

1m=3.28 ft
1 kg=2.2 lbs
a liter is about a quart

you really use maxwell's equations on a day to day basis?

>> No.4062854

> cosmological constant (the triangle thing with no bottom)

What kind of dumb fucks is this written for and why should someone who doesn't recognize the cosmological constant try to memorize this?

>> No.4062860

>Maxwell's equations
>four of them
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.4062865

>E = mc^2
>cross out the mass
>receive bowling ball

>> No.4062870


>not knowing the green alphabet


>> No.4062895


>> No.4062898

>not knowing the greek 'H' is an e
Goddamnit mang.

>> No.4062903

Note that I'm talking about ancient Greek here.
Because that's the only kind of Greek that matters.

>> No.4062904

>remembering equations

>> No.4062915


This, any equation that is significantly complex that it isn't learned automatically by usage, isn't derivable (from smaller equations, units or even logic) isn't worth remembering and will be in a book.

Remembering equations can actually be counter intuitive; whilst people are attempting to remember which way up the equation is I've already done it by just looking at the units.

>> No.4062946

While I agree in principle it is very good to remember at least the general form of the equation. Rather than remembering exact equations in entirety I commit to mind all the variables that enter into it and any additional numeric constants.

>> No.4062958

I want to know where in hell's fuck are the Navier Stokes equations? LaPlace's equation? Stoke's Theorem? What's with all this physics envy bullshit? Beauty of a human face? Really?

>> No.4062965


No, its useful to know the equation exists, but actually memorizing it is a complete waste of time. If you use it often enough, you will memorize it automatically, and if you don't, then why do you need to memorize it at all?

>> No.4062969

Ro > 1

oh god my brain is collapsing

>> No.4062991
File: 2 KB, 297x64, derivative_definition_formula.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is the derivative definition not on there? You start out with a giant clusterfuck of numbers and letters and end up with a simple slope equation.

>> No.4063027

<span class="math">\mathbf{1.}[/spoiler] Hamiltonian principle.<div class="math">\quad\delta S=0</div>
<span class="math">\mathbf{2.}[/spoiler] Hamiltonian equations of motion<div class="math">\quad i_{\mathbf X}\Omega=0</div>
<span class="math">\mathbf{3.}[/spoiler] Maxwell's equations<div class="math">\quad\mathrm dF=0\qquad \mathrm d*F=S
</div>Alternatively the Yang-Mills Lagrangian leading to them,<div class="math">\quad\mathcal L=-\frac14F\wedge*F+A\wedge S\qquad F=\mathrm dA</div>
<span class="math">\mathbf{4.}[/spoiler] Cauchy's integral formula<div class="math">\quad f(z)=\frac1{2\pi\mathrm i}\oint_\Gamma\mathrm d\gamma
<span class="math">\mathbf{5.}[/spoiler] Stokes' theorem<div class="math">\quad\int_{\mathcal M}\!\mathrm d\alpha = \oint_{\partial\mathcal M}\!\alpha</div>
<span class="math">\mathbf{6.}[/spoiler] Uncertainty principle<div class="math">\quad\Delta A\Delta B\geq\frac12|\langle[A,B]\rangle|</div>
<span class="math">\mathbf{7.}[/spoiler] Gamma function. I like the integral definition as a starting point, therefore<div class="math">\quad\Gamma(z)=\int_0^\infty\mathrm dt\;e^{-t}t^{z-1}</div>
<span class="math">\mathbf{8.}[/spoiler] Mandelbrot set<div class="math">z_{k+1}=z_k^2+\mu~;\quad z_0=0</div><div class="math">M=\{\mu\in\mathbb C~|~z_k~\mathrm{bounded~for~all}~k\}</div>

>> No.4063052

why did that bitch carve an equation in her back
this is bs

>> No.4063060

you wrote the integral wrong.
Also, the integral definition of the factorial is much more elegant:
<span class="math">z!=\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{t^z}{e^t} \mathrm{d}t[/spoiler]

>> No.4063064


<div class="math">z! = \int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{t^z}{e^t} \mathrm{d}t</div>

>> No.4063072

Mathworld calls the gamma function "a slightly unfortunate notation due to Legendre which is now universally used instead of Gauss's simpler <span class="math">\Pi (n) = n![/spoiler]"

>> No.4063082

>similarly to how pi is favored over tao

>> No.4063083

Really not into the hurr biology not real science durr mentality, but seriously: half of those equations were bullshit. No relativity, physics envy errywhere. You might as we put the goddamn Drake equation up there.

>> No.4063138

Also, equation number four-- not to be confused with Cauchy's formula for repeated integration, another important equation:

<div class="math">\underbrace{\int_a^x \int_a^{u_1} \cdots \int_a^{u_{n-1}}}_{\mathrm{ie,~} n\mathrm{integrations} f(u_{n}) \, \mathrm{d}u_{n} \cdots \, \mathrm{d}u_2 \, \mathrm{d}u_1 = \frac{1}{(n-1)!} \int_a^x\left(x-t\right)^{n-1} f(t)\,\mathrm{d}t</div>

>> No.4064361

That's rubbish. The gamma function isn't a generalized faculty, that's only one of its properties. In other places the definition is perfectly fine.

>> No.4064375

I haven't heard of half of these.