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File: 37 KB, 374x500, biotechnology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4061691 No.4061691 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we started creating bio-technology? Stuff like, for instance, genetically engineering bacteria so they change color when an electrical current passes through them and, in doing so, creating higher definition TV or computer screens. We could get to the point where we construct biological computers which function similar to our own brains and are significantly more efficient than modern computers.

>> No.4061693

same reason we don't clone retards as slave labor:life is precious.

>> No.4061698
File: 7 KB, 679x427, 128978791167920110725-22047-165xlu8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always Christians.
No wait, just religious people in general.
So much could be done... yet so little is done because of them....

>> No.4061704

>confirmed for amoralist cloned retard wanter/

>> No.4061713

Why can't we use stem cells to help the paralyzed, cure cancer, cure all diseases and regrow organs? Religous retards and fags with moronic ethics.

>> No.4061718

Yes, but it's not like they'd be feeling organisms. They'd be collections of bacteria and various chemicals which perform menial tasks.

Perhaps I worded it oddly, though. Your computer wouldn't necessarily be a brain hooked up to wires, but more of a collection of chemicals and cells which interact with each other in a way that simulates the brain, minus emotion and thinking and self-awareness and so on.

>> No.4061719

It seems like religious people are becoming a scapegoat for you guys.

Walking home and shit your pants? Fucking Christians.

Put your dick into a girl and start cumming right away? Damn, those christians are at it again.

Get assraped by a black man? Well, it just might be the fault of the christians!

>> No.4061720

the reason why we dont do that is because we cant yet
there are plenty of countries that allow it

stop blaming everything on religion

>> No.4061724

>be socially awkward

Fucking Christians man

>> No.4061727

True dat

>> No.4061728

We've stopped taking stem cells from eggs, so what you just said is irrelevant.

>> No.4061729

>genetically engineering bacteria so they change color when an electrical current passes through them
Well now I know what I'm doing for my senior project.

>> No.4061730

Spaghetti falls out of your pockets? The fucking christians did it!

>> No.4061732
File: 46 KB, 424x585, IGem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have. Check out entries for the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition.

One problem with using biology in stuff like electronics is that you have to keep it alive ALL THE TIME. So even when your bioTV is not turned on you'll have to keep the nutrient drip running.

Speaking of which, last time I checked, I don't have a standard bio-nutrient plug in my house to plug in a bioTV.

Now the other problem is that biological systems are inherently noisy and slow, which makes engineering biological systems difficult.

>> No.4061741

Oh shit, that's cool.

And makes sense. Thanks for your response.

>> No.4061758

Jeez, looks like the fourth team down the list already accomplished this chemically.

>> No.4061765

but they are life, and life is complicated. It tends to want to die and senescence. Not the best material for makin' shit.

>> No.4061766

Raped little boys. Fucking...err


>> No.4061767

not a single mention of electric current. I don't think you understand what they are doing...

>> No.4061787

I did say it was chemical and not electrical.

>> No.4061804

>Does not know about adult stem cells nor that their research is actually more successful than embryonic stem cells.

Seriously, look into an issue rather than spouting political mantras.

>> No.4061818

> Why haven't we started creating bio-technology?

Because starting ANY radical tech today runs face-first into the Jewish investment system, which tends to destroy it, which precisely means that it's hyped and then dumped, sacrificing long-term systemic gains for short-term profits. Remember, short-term profits ALWAYS undermine long-term plans. There are no exceptions.

Past the Jewish destruction of post-emergent technologies, biotech brings up obvious safety issues. Just try to open a lab to make a new virus. The government will be up in your ass in microseconds, and as we all know, if one part of the regulations don't kill your efforts, some other part will.

>> No.4061838


You realize nobody takes a Nazi seriously, right?

>> No.4061901

he i not a nazi, he is an anti-semite
just because u hate jews, does not make you a nazi

>> No.4061911

old news, we've been doing that for years.

>> No.4061933
File: 1.72 MB, 1110x750, brainbow01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like it isn't being worked on. You just don't know anything about it. Here is a pretty picture, you can understand that. It's a mouse brain that has different fluorescent proteins set behind neuron specific promoters.

They used a cre/lox recombinase system to randomize the amount of each protein expressed in each neuron, allowing for a wide variety of colors as the end result. This is a way to map that shit.

But yeah, bacteria TVs sound super cool. We should get right on that.

>> No.4061939

I've heard Chinas been able to store data using DNA of e coli, its something like 100 TB per gram, sounds like biotech to me.
Theres been tons of biotech, you just have to keep an eye out for it.

>> No.4061945

> You realize nobody takes a Nazi seriously, right?

You do realize you've been outed as a distractor since you were unable to address my facts, figures or logic, right?

You know I'm right and it only pisses you off.

>> No.4061946
File: 110 KB, 478x622, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except writing and reading DNA is currently a slow process.

Craig venter also encoded some easter eggs into the genome of the synthetic lifeform Synthia (which he hasn't made yet as DNA synthesis takes a long time).

>> No.4061955

Thats true, though it's just an example of some if the biotech being researched. Theres a lot of really mind blowing new tech out there, it's just in the beginning stages.
Theres no doubt in my mind (assuming we don't wipe ourselves out) things like telepathy, telekinesis, AI, etc will be a reality; our imaginations the limit

>> No.4061962
File: 98 KB, 450x300, STEM-CELL-GUN.[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are plenty of interesting and amazing applications being made in bioengineering but most of it is medical. Bioengineering for things like TV, computer screens or electronics or a 'biocomputer' is generally not practical as >>4061732 said, you need to keep it alive.

However, you would be absolutely amazed by what has been going on in bioengineering.

Behold, the stem cell gun:


>> No.4062488

That's awesome. Why isn't one of those in every hospital yet?

I didn't know that so much of this kind of stuff was being developed. Bump for more biotech.

>> No.4062508

The truly awesome part is that the gun just literally sprays stem cells on the burn. No advanced mechanism or anything.. if only we could use embryonic stem cells everywhere our medicine would be miles ahead