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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4059863 No.4059863 [Reply] [Original]

Just curious, I attend a very asian dominated university; I'm EE so I think I'm probably 1 of the 5 white kids in our class of 50 or so. I get good grades, probably on par with most of the asians in the course.

I'm just curious, from an employers perspect, would you rather hire a white guy or an asian guy?

Graduating this year and kind of curious. Going to be competing with a lot of asian kids for jobs.

>> No.4060544

>from an employers
...that isnt a word

>would you rather hire a white guy or an asian guy?
employers cant be racist, statistics is taken on that shit, most job applications have an ethnicity/background questionaire, that is to be filled in not because they use it to decide who to give the job to, but for the statistics to show that the employer isnt racist or homophobic, etc.

>> No.4060557

White guy. Asians try to hard to be "in the group".

>> No.4060559

>implying you couldn't tell he meant to type "perspective"

go to hell stupid bitch

>> No.4060569
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Asian all the way.


>> No.4060578


i knew what he meant, hes still wrong
and fuck you

>> No.4060588

It isn't so much about race so much as it is about looks if you are good looking you will be more favored subconsciously. An easy way to improve your looks is to improve your hair appearance because most people look for hair when identifying a person. Other tips are be in shape and use facial products. Shave with a good razor appies to both genders. Also dress really well even if it is a shit job the rule is dress for the job you want not the job you have.

>> No.4060590

get out of here Rose

>> No.4060592
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that has nothing to do with what OP asked

>> No.4060595
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>> No.4060598
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you!
you dont get to fucking screencap my posts you fucking shithead!

>> No.4060600
File: 66 KB, 1062x696, stupidekcunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget your pills today?

>> No.4060607


Remember that time that EK didn't understand male anatomy or relativity?

I still don't think she does.

>> No.4060611
File: 27 KB, 160x160, 1299323128971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, you twats

>> No.4060613

Shut up Rose/Teacup. Remember that time you downright insulted Harriet? Are you guys still lovers?

>> No.4060617

I'd hire azns over white ppl.

>> No.4060621

i dont insult harriet, shes my friend, we get along great.
and me and her were never lovers, just friends (shes straight)

>> No.4060625

I distinctly remember you saying that you were much prettier and smarter than her.

>> No.4060630

thats not an insult, thats just stating facts.

>> No.4060632

Disregard that, i ate her pussy out.

>> No.4060633

She also said that harriet was a moron

>> No.4060641

damn. thanks, I didn't have a screencap of you saying that cuz I forgot, but now i do.

>> No.4060642

no i didnt, shes alright. clearly no genius by any measure, but fairly intelligent, i'd say.

>> No.4060648

it is a fact
we were in the same school, i beat her in every single test ever, except for like 2 in her entire life that she fluked.
im not being arrogant, the facts just speak for themselves

>> No.4060654

OP u troll

>> No.4060656

>implying tests adequately show intelligence
>if that were true, all the autists in the world would beat you hands down
>yfw when 99% of 4chan is smarter than you
>implying you are not an autist yourself

>> No.4060657

So why exactly do you have to share this with us? Isn't that rude to your friend?

>> No.4060667

of course they do, what the fuck else do you think determines aptitude in a test? its a combination of mainly a persons intelligence, plus how hard they work and how much time they put into studying. me and harriet probably study about the same amount for a test, so the fact that i tend to do better must have something to do with intelligence.
you think just because someone is an autist they ca ace any test?
haha, no
and no, im not an autist

well i didnt, i was just answering that guy, and no its not rude, and even if it is i dont give a fuck.

>> No.4060672
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ek for prom queen!

>> No.4060682

Tests can show intelligence just fine, but intelligence doesn't always correlate with success. ESPECIALLY with regard to the (technically 'intelligent') aspies on /sci/.

>> No.4060695

sage sage

>> No.4060741

simple mistakes can screw up tests hard. some tests are also badly made or cover too little or too much of the material.