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4058717 No.4058717 [Reply] [Original]

Troll physics we don´t understand why it doesnt work thread.

>> No.4058729

Magnets are not antigravity.

>> No.4058728


will someone explain this shit to me

>> No.4058737


no but the fact that we do have anti gravity and the earth isnt moving fast as fuck below us still confuses me

>> No.4058743


Finish high school, then we can talk.

>> No.4058747

i don't understand why your brain does not work

>> No.4058757

If you are in a airplane, and you jump up, do you go crashing into the back of the plane?


>> No.4058766

still havent seen anyone explaining the logic to me, if its so easy for you, then why don´t you do it faggots?

>> No.4058767

OP, I saw this image on the front page, I haven't had a science class since I was 15.
I just thought I'd tell you that your arms would just get dragged to the metal.

>> No.4058783


>> No.4058784

The relative motion thing?

Because when you jump, you aren't stationary, you are moving at the same speed as the earth. Like on a train, or plane, you jump and you don't hit the back of it, because when you jump up, you are also moving forward.

>> No.4058806

Only if the magnets were really strong. If they were normal magnets he'd just stand there stuck to a metal board which is sitting on the ground.

>> No.4058809

It's uneducated proletarian "logic" trolling.

>> No.4058810

he doesnt start until next year

>> No.4058812
File: 193 KB, 682x1417, 1294184086927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you're doing it wrong, OP.
You have to absorb the magnetism.

>> No.4058818

its common sense to know that the terrain under you wont vanish if you jump into the air, but to know that the earth is moving over 1000 miles per hour and that doesnt happen, will make people question the physics going on, and understanding the physics behind it, is not common sense, therefore im not a retard for asking this question.

you may think youre "better than i am" now because you actually studied physics unlike me, but what are you once i also understand what you understand? i´ll be an equal to you you motherfucking arrogant cockjuggling thundercunt.

>> No.4058822

made me lol

>> No.4058830

what the shit

>> No.4058832

this is really, really sad.

>> No.4058840


whats so really really sad about it you fat closetfaggot?

>> No.4058841

quit insulting people ok

quit it

>> No.4058845

I should surely hope understanding relative motion would infact not render you my equal - for it implies I know nothing beyond it. This, cetus paribus, is far from a true reflection of the capabilities of my mind.

Now excuse me, I must retire to my study to complete my works on the optimization of the feynman-kac formula in reference to killed diffusions.

Good day.

>> No.4058846
File: 18 KB, 466x374, angle108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I could do what you can do I would be your equal.

>> No.4058850


i´m just saying that having knowledge of something doesnt give you any right to regard those who do not know what you know, stupid. its just arrogant behavior governed by a superiority complex.

don´t you agree?

>> No.4058849

i've recently considered re-adding the feyntube script after accidentally reading youtube comments earlier today

>> No.4058854

i am not he and while i agree that intelligence is not directly related to knowledge, its not simply knowledge absent here

>> No.4058860


so youre saying that i´m either stupid from looking at my grammar, or that understanding physics is common knowledge?

>> No.4058862

dude he didn't regard anyone, you just regarded yourself, exposing your inferiority complex

>> No.4058863
File: 45 KB, 300x300, face laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why I come here.

>> No.4058868

i am fat. but i can lose weight and i will be equal to you.

>> No.4058869

man i have no idea how you are coming up with your conclusions you apparently have no idea about the scientific method whatsoever

>> No.4058873

anti sage bump. umad?

>> No.4058874


>> No.4058875


I'm going to say that you're stupid because you're behaving like you're stupid. Stop being retarded if you don't want people to call you stupid.

>> No.4058877


How do i have an inferiority complex, i´m just arguing for the right cause..

>> No.4058879

sagefag so mad.

>> No.4058896


youre not presenting any fucking argument here, if you want me to take your points as valid, you must make me understand the reasons behind them.

"youre stupid" doesnt affect my opinion at all, so that renders your post as useless

>> No.4058900

you could have ignored the offence of >>4058743.
you responded to it which you youldn't have done if you were self-confident.
anyway you don't lack knowledge, but something called common sense.
BTW we didn't question your worth as a person, you did it yourself

>> No.4058924


>common sense

But its not common sense mate. I´m pretty fucking good at trivial pursuit and that shit is about common sense/knowledge

in what sense exactly do you mean common sense though, as in how i responded to the possible trolls, or the fact that i didnt understand the reason why that troll picture doesnt work out in reality?

>> No.4058934

(I'm a completely different person)
I think it would be common sense to realise there's a problem with the logic, based on observing the world. I have to say that both the belligerents in this thread have been a bit unhelpful. While your comment saying that it "doesn't affect [your] opinion", thereby rendering the comment useless, while correct, does not render the comment incorrect. Calling people "faggots", "fat closetfaggot" or "motherfucking arrogant cockjuggling thundercunt" really doesn't help your cause in trying to not seem stupid and trying to get an answer to a physics question. If anything, it reinforces the idea that you are dumb, as saying those phrases is stupid and ignorant. Perhaps, next time, your insults should not end up indirectly insulting your own apparent intelligence. Anyway, so basically, in answer to the question, magnets wouldn't make you go up as the force pulling the metal sheet up is the same as the force pulling the magnets down. As you are currently moving at the same rate as the earth's surface, you will keep that inertia, were you to go upwards - like a plane does, otherwise it would use this 'trick'.

>> No.4058936

Shut the fuck up. Everything. It is everything. Every post you made in this thread screams retard. Every reaction is moronic and juvenile. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.4058941



>> No.4058945

(same guy as >>4058934)

also, trivial pursuit isn't common sense, it's common knowledge

>> No.4058947

man you are hurting my brain

>> No.4058953


Ofc i realize theres a problem with the logic, but i just didnt understand the reasons to as of why.

Its like if someone claimed to have seen a sea monster when he was fishing, but of course you would say he was lying or insane, but you couldnt prove he hadnt seen it.

>> No.4058959

whatever, let's leave it there: you didn't understand but shouldn't have done the whole random homophobic insults.

>> No.4058960

i see now that your plan is to kill off enough of everyone elses brain cells in the world with your posts so that one day your dreams of a world where everyone is equal may finally come true

>> No.4058961

boy, this is so beautiful, almost made me cry :) clap clap

>> No.4058966


keep talking, you just don´t understand the points i´m trying to make, which arent really that hard to get, so that means youre stupid.

>> No.4058969

maybe the guy is 12, so please cool down bros

>> No.4058971

Inertia is a property of matter.

You will continue moving at the same speed of the earth's rotation, thus moving you nowhere.

>> No.4058974


at least i´m not so stupid to not realize that youre a trolling cunt

>> No.4058975

someone archive this please

>> No.4058979

Thanks :P
People being stupid and bigoted does give me motivation to actually try and be eloquent :P

>> No.4058986

oh he's using the stupid insults again, bravo! I definitely think you're intelligent now that you used the word "cunt".

(as sarcasm often doesn't translate on the internet, even when it seems obvious - that was sarcasm above)

>> No.4058991

>>as sarcasm often doesn't translate on the internet<<

don't worry, doesn't happen in /sci.

>> No.4058995

op here, so as far as i know, i´m stupid because:

1. i made funny insults for the lulz
2. i didnt understand inertia

I already tried to explain why judging someone for not understanding physics is the cause of superiority complex, but it seems like most have ignored that point, and embraced the negative comments regarding my intelligence.

>> No.4059012

well, look at it this way...newton's third law, do you know it? it means that the pull exerted by the magnet on the plate is also exerted by the plate on the magnet. we see this if we keep the plate still and let go of the magnet: the magnet is pulled to the plate.

this means that the magnet pulls the plate up, but the plate pulls the magnet down with the same force. since the magnet is attached to the plate by you, the forces cancel out and the system will not move.

if, on the other hand, the magnet was, for example, on a string above the plate, the plate would get pulled up.

>> No.4059020

Bill bill bill bill bill billll biiiillllllllll nyyyyyeeeee, the sscciiiiiieennnccee guuyyyyyyyyy

>> No.4059025

(me again: >>4058995)

No, I never said you were stupid, as to be honest, it's quite hard to judge from a thread. (note: "apparent intelligence", etc.) I said you appear to be stupid due to your use of bigoted language and insults being your only response to what people were saying about you. I understand this post wasn't only to me (probably); so I'll only answer the first post, which I'm pretty sure was. I have previously said that I don't think the second point makes you stupid.

But seriously, stop with the insults if you want to respected; or, at least, make the insults actually mean something rather than just calling them a "cunt" or similar.

I'm ignoring the point about the superiority complex as I don't think it's relevant to me and what I'm saying about you.

>> No.4059034


this image on this post sums it up pretty well: >>4059023

>> No.4059047


i didnt call people names because i lacked an argument, its just that i find it funny. Why are people so damn stiff? I didnt actually mean anything with those "insults", it was for comedic purposes only, and now that you acknowledge that i hope you change your opinion on me.

And yes its understandable that if you really thought i was being serious when i said those things, that you would regard me as a stupidfuck.

>> No.4059059

Well they weren't particularly funny. I seriously don't understand how calling someone a, for example, "faggot" is, in any sense, funny.
Your post has changed my mind from you being bigoted, but, if anything, it increase the chance of you being stupid.

>> No.4059062

>>Why are people so damn stiff?<<
it's a form of humor on this board. the scientific method is obligatory to any even trivial post.

>> No.4059064


well then youre just a boring stiff fuck

oh no you said something insulting to a person for comedic purposes, now youre definitely inferior to most of us in intelligence because i don´t understand your humor hurr durr

thats you

>> No.4059065

substantiate this

>> No.4059075


>well then youre just a boring stiff fuck

No, I often find joking insults funny. They do not, however, have a place when in a discussion/argument.

>oh no you said something insulting to a person for comedic purposes, now youre definitely inferior to most of us in intelligence because i don´t understand your humor hurr durr

I do understand your humour, I just don't find it funny. Again, if it wasn't in the context of a argument/discussion, it would have had a place. But, then again, it probably wouldn't have because the majority of the insults you used were homophobic and I just see how calling someone a faggot in almost any case is funny.

>> No.4059079

do you have a nick on /sci? anyway i would recocnise your language. you're cool

>> No.4059084


it would be particularly funny in real life situations because i enjoy the reaction of people when i call them names, it gives me just a little bit of satisfaction to fuck with peoples minds and seeing how they react.

>> No.4059086

social experimentator, eh?

>> No.4059088

Nah, I don't go on /sci/ that often; but, considering that I mistook 'noko' for 'soko' and typed that in the email field and then just continued that throughout this thread, I might adopt my name as Sokonoko. What about you, do you come on /sci/ often?

>> No.4059089

or simply a kid

>> No.4059094

I agree that it definitely could be quite funny in that context (though I still don't particularly approve of some of the insults you used). For example, my and best friend and I regularly call each other "bitch" and "shitface"

>> No.4059103

another generation coming up

>> No.4059106

soko, if you are new here try some passive reading, so you see the way it works, and than join the discussions.
socialising is rather difficult here.

>> No.4059111

>hurr im too dumb to understand inertia of a mass durp

>> No.4059112

I have seen quite a few other threads on /sci/ but must admit not too many. May I ask what I said that you would consider against the general protocol of /sci/ - one has to learn.

>> No.4059114 [DELETED] 

op, here's what the problem is. You are heavier than the magnet. Because you are heavier, the force of gravity due to your weight is greater than the force of the magnet pulling up. You need a very strong magnet too though, capable of pulling up with more force than gravity takes it down. No magnet is that strong, so it isn't possible.

Imagine what would happen if you were lighter than the magnet.

>> No.4059116

op, here's what the problem is. You are heavier than the magnet. Because you are heavier, the force of gravity due to your weight is greater than the force of the magnet pulling up. You need a very strong magnet too though, capable of pulling up with more force than gravity takes it down. No magnet is that strong, so it isn't possible.

Imagine what would happen if you were lighter than the magnet, and the magnet generated more force than its weight.

>> No.4059122

Umm, magnet strength isn't proportional to the magnet's mass, it's proportional to the magnet's charge.
Say I had a magnet (which according to you is impossible, but let's make it a thought experiment) that weighs less than me and exerts a force greater than my weight. Still, I would not rise in the air in the manner that is shown in the picture, the magnet and metal sheet would merely get pulled together and then that would be all. Neither the magnet nor the metal sheet (nor I) would lift up in the air and begin to 'float' over the Earth.

>> No.4059125

that link was meant to be >>4059116

>> No.4059145

Then here's another thought experiment. You say that the plate and magnet come together. Imagine a very large magnet, and a very large plate both the same mass. The plate is above the magnet. Above the plate, is another magnet and so on. between each plate and magnet, is something that reflects the magnetic force, like a giant mirror (the enemy of magnets). While the mirror is in place, the magnet will not be attracted to the plate, and the plate neither to the magnet.

You are standing on the bottom magnet. As soon as the first mirror is taken away, the first plate and first mirror come together. The magnet moves up, the plate moves down. However, since you are on the magnet you are going up. Then you quickly attach a rope or something to the second magnet above. Repeat the process until you are in space.

>> No.4059154

I will admit that would be possible, if magnetic mirrors were possible. However, it'd be much easier just using a jet engine as on a plane than using the energy to lift magnets and plates to the right heights, etc. And again, such a mirror doesn't exist

>> No.4059168
File: 7 KB, 347x506, magelev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're pondering the first scenario, here's one more: MAGNET ELEVATOR

Take many large magnets, some single ones and some double ones all in opposite polarity. Compress them. Be on top. Release the magnets. They expand, sending you to space.

Either way, magnets will send you to space, and usually at a lower cost than the Russians can (since NASA is gone now).

>> No.4059174

I'm not sure about mono-polar magnets, but yes, theoretically, this would work - but getting them into place would use the same amount of energy as they would release to send you into space - so it's not really any different to what we do now. Not to mention how it might stuff up electronics.

>> No.4059459


>give a serious reply in a thread full of namecalling
>check for replies later
>none, all just about arguing stuff

but could someone tell me if i atleast was on the right track?

>> No.4059583

completely right, upto the string part. It depends what you mean. Could you explain in more detail about this string idea

>> No.4059642


what i meant by the string is that the magnet is not in contact with anything that is in contact with the plate. as in, it is hanging like a lamp from the ceiling with the plate on the gound, and if it is strong enough it will pull the metal plate up.

>> No.4059656


Isn't this just a Mass Driver?

To get a mass driver with enough energy to reach space, you'll probably end up destroying whatever you wanted to launch. Unless your mass driver is hundreds of kilometers long, to slow the acceleration, but that would still require a LUDICROUSLY expensive amount of high-quality electromagnets running in tandem over a gargantuan, freakishly huge area.

>> No.4059736


as far as i know, magnetic monopoles do not exist