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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4052559 No.4052559 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I so fucking retarded? Why can't I concentrate more than 10 minutes? Why so much ADHD?

Why the fuck is it me? Why the fuck? I fucking hate this. There's nothing else than science that pique my curiosity, I love doing it, I can't. Fuck this depression, fuck this gay world. Fuck this shit.

Pic related : My fucking face when I derp.

>> No.4052566
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please respond

>> No.4052571


What do you want to Concentrate on?

>> No.4052590
File: 25 KB, 500x319, Baudelaire500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a chemistry book I have to finish, end lab to prepare for adult's schooling because I fucking fail at life, even at 20.

I finished this book entirely, gave up because I have no self confidence to do the exams, and 5 months later I need to do it all over again. As soon as I stumble on a shit I'm supposed to know and can't remember, I close my book and feel like shit.

The fact that my 16 years old cousin is more academically advanced than I am at almost 21 makes me want to really kill myself. I got interested in sciences fairly recently, like really into it, especially everything that has to do with the mathematics behind finances and everything that has to do with the brain.

I want to fucking kill myself right now. I have this 5 page homework, the last one for this book... it has been sitting on the desk next to my computer for 5 days. Everyday I swear I will do some, left untouched as I go do my shitty working routine and come back, feeling like shit for another day not doing anything meaningful.

>> No.4052601

lol op u dum

>> No.4052604

this is the third thread you've made on this topic.

>> No.4052607

Guess what? I'm still on this fucking book, even after 2 months.

And am still fucking depressed.

>> No.4052617


Write the Name of the Book, the Discipline it involves, the Names of Lectures that you want to Concentrate and the Names of Divisions within the Lectures.
Then explain exactly which you can Understand and which you cannot.

>> No.4052623

Seek psychiatric help, OP.
Unless you're trolling I have some sympathy.

>> No.4052625

hey man, if you don't work hard you WILL fail. No doubt about that. Champions are people who get up when they can't. It's not about smarts at all. If you practice your shit properly, you'll be fine.

>> No.4052631

Reactions chimiques 2 : Equilibre et oxydoreductions.

It's Chemistry and wut.

Also I fail right now at Redox. I keep trying, no matter what I fucking fail.

>> No.4052639

then kill yourself you stupid fucking pussy-ass faggot.

if you can't act like a fucking man and grow balls to do your own fucking work instead of bring a little piece of shit coming on here to spray verbal inane babble about how you can't do anything you don't deserve to consume oxygen/resources on this planet.

everyone comes on here when they finish their own shit and have spare time, nobody comes on here to copmplain and shitpost about how they can't do their own work and it's somehow an excuse for a mental illness. you're just a lazy fucking immature babby cunt who obviously is incapable of doing anything unless mommy is watching him with a knife at the throat.

just hang yourself.

>> No.4052638

so just do your 5 page homework, go have something nice to eat, and get a restful sleep. then you'll start the next day a little bit happier.

also, learn to work and play at the same time. make your studies more challenging in your own unique way, and make your homeostasis time more productive by reading or doing small projects.

when you say that you "get distracted easily", there's an ambiguous meaning attached. either you're like me, where i get distracted easily because i'm interested in lots of things, or you get distracted easily because you get drawn to video games or 4chan or porn or whatnot.

>> No.4052649

Sadly, all of the latter.

I've haven't been doing anything with my life for the past ... 20 years. It's pretty hard to break the cycle, I guess. I even installed linux on my pc right now to not play games... I've been playing Realm of the Mad God all this fucking evening.

That's a nice comment, thanks.

>> No.4052654

Get on lexapro op

>> No.4052656

Lexapro is approved as a safe and effective treatment for MDD in adults and adolescents (aged 12-17) and for GAD in adults.

Wish I would be 17 again.

>> No.4052661

Eh? I'm 20 and it works fine for me.

>> No.4052684


>> No.4052693

So you have a problem with concentration, what do you do?

A. Practice concentrating until it improves
B. Whine about your minute problem to /sci/

>> No.4052694

Right now... probably whining.

>> No.4052704

I know, that's why I whine.

>> No.4052702

Then you don't want it enough, get used to having your life going nowhere, that is how it will always be.

>> No.4052708

wow, kids nowadays, real pussies. You seem to have no stimuli to work hard, but whatever, in a few years you will be cleaning toilets, or asking for spare change. More motivated people will use you as a tool, that's all, no problemo..

>> No.4052713

There's tons of entrepreneur who didn't learn shit in books, btw.

I don't have any problem with working.

>> No.4052716

Sorry OP but you most definitely do not have ADHD. Not sure if you are trolling or not but if you aren't you are depressed. Go see a psychiatrist for the love of fuck.

>> No.4052717

How much does that cost usually?

>> No.4052719

you have problem's with your willpower. Working is easy way, creating something is another thing.. I'm not talking about supermarket managers, I'm talking about way more powerful people

>> No.4052721

Depends on your situation, your governments health plan, your private insurance etc.

But if you seriously want to get better, it doesn't matter the cost or the time it will take.

>> No.4052724

I see your point. However, a supermarket manager can easily do 100k+.

I'm in Canada. I'd wait for my family doctor, but that's like 3 years of waiting.

>> No.4052727


For Redox Rxn.s just remember LEO goes GER

Loses Electrons Oxidizes
Gains Electrons Reduces

It's stupid, but it works, and you can do redox like a mofo with it. Also if it gains oxygen it obviously oxidizes, derp.

As for being depressed and shit, I wouldn't worry too much about it, I started community college at 17, and it took me until I turned 24 to figure out the right combination of ADD meds, and just become mature enough and passionate enough about science to start getting good grades and actually transfer to a real university. Go see a psychiatrist and see about getting on Adderall/Ritalin and just take things as they come. It's not a race to see who can finish school first.

>> No.4052733

Go get an appointment with your doctor, and go tell him how you feel. He should refer you.

And you keep saying things like "There's tons of entrepreneur who didn't learn shit in books, btw." and how much supermarket mangers make. If you think like that, you will not succeed in doing college or studying because you don't truly want to studying them.

As for you talking about your younger cousin being more academically smarter then you, who cares. They are not relevant. What is relevant is the fact you are trying. That is what matters.

>> No.4052735

there's a simple trick.

Imagine yourself doing things that are based on the skills which you are trying to acquire right now.
You should come to the conclusion that you cannot do it without those skills. This should then result into a devastating feeling of panic. With this at hand, you only have to fight this state of panic with the only valid solution: learn that shit.

works all the time for me, especially for deadlines

>> No.4052746

op, out of a shitload of sperm you are the one that emerged victorious. Stop being a pussy, most people go through shit like this to one extent or the other.

>> No.4052754

>Hmmm I know someone exactly like OP from attitude down to the way they talk and he turned his life around, maybe I should tell OP the practice that helped him succeed.
>Read more
>Nope, I hate OP fuck him

>> No.4052782

maybe thats the reason why it piques your curiosity. You don't really understand it, so it looks mysterious to you. If you understood it, you would be probably bored by its triviality and unability to solve the real problems in life

>> No.4052793

what the fuck? this board is becoming a life-stories of losers board, goddamn, need some science here..

>> No.4052829

I hate people like you. I was also always very interested by science and tryied to discuss with real scientist and was always rejected. Do you know how it feels to be rejected by someone you adore? You never want to turn to that profession again that treated you like this. I think science should be more trying to pull more people in, to make them curious. It shouldn't be about elitarism of intelligence, but you are making it to that.

>> No.4052839

There's no sympathy for you here, go complain somewhere else. Science is about learning if you don't like learning and you just want to hang out with the science crowd then you have no place in science.

You sound exactly like OP, possibly are him.

>> No.4052846

In a similar position as OP, except that I'm not depressed and continuously trying

>> No.4052851
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I never drop my trip for this very reason.


Yeah that's what I decided.

Keep going on bro, may the knowledge quite your footsteps.

I think it does solve every problem that there is.

I'll try this, thanks.

>> No.4052867

I call that behaviour the "fascism of pseudo scientists". The real scientific idea is about teaching and also about respecting the ideas of other people in order to discuss them. If you are "tired" by "stupid" people, you don't really want to share your experience, you want to remain in your state 0of feeling superior.