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File: 13 KB, 250x310, MichioKaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4050669 No.4050669 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4050678

Futurism is not science. GTFO.

>> No.4050676

who is this chink

>> No.4050680
File: 54 KB, 288x432, michiokakudoesntgiveashitwhatyouthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4050681

more like bitchio cocku...

>> No.4050687

Carl never preached garbage like the theory of silly string.

>> No.4050696

Oh well, at least his show this week had Richard D. (a real scientist) as guest.

>> No.4050708

>implying biology is science

>> No.4050711

I remember watching him in early 2000. They called him "Futurist" not physicist.


>> No.4050716


>implying Dawkins isn't better known for trying to create a new religion based around himself

>> No.4050738

>1. trying to eradicate religion altogether
>2. trying to create a new religion
Pick 1.

>> No.4050744

Well yeah, you gotta eliminate all your competition.

>> No.4050753

He beats Captain Space Mulatto any day.

>> No.4050784
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There's something about Michio

>> No.4051269
File: 198 KB, 1324x1337, susskind[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than kaku

>> No.4051278

that guy is an idiot. at least he taught me how full of shit string theory is by advocating for it.

>> No.4051292

ITT: People without Ph.D's

>> No.4051310
File: 50 KB, 440x360, 1298497598014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh for fuck's sake the guy is probably more qualified than anyone who has ever visited this board, both in terms of academic creds and actual scientific contribution.

PhD from Berkley? lecturing at Princeton in his mid 20s?

Yeah, ok if you want to debate his TV shows or whatever, go for it, but seriously, he's no dummy.

Also, this is a troll thread.

>> No.4051311
File: 32 KB, 502x701, lubemy anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a fuck about pop sci physicists

>> No.4051410
File: 14 KB, 483x278, Jim%2BParsons%2BThe%2BBig%2BBang%2BTheory%2B(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4051416

i have yet to post in this thread, but, believe me:
a paper certificate equates to absolutely nothing.

also, there's likely more inane people in physics than any other field

>> No.4051427

it's just the way he speaks on tv
"string theory could explain everythings about the universe omg isn't that amazing, we'll be able to do all kinds of amazing shit!!!!11"
imagination a dreaming = 90%
actual science = 10%

>> No.4051546

lol wow you guys are a bunch of retards. His popular science shows are directed towards retards like yourselves so he has dumb everything down to your level.

>> No.4051552

actually this guy is definitely my favourite. very relatable. some great contributions to the field as well.

>> No.4053242
File: 16 KB, 299x297, drdemento2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]