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File: 243 KB, 2502x3344, Dwight_Schrute__Question____by_AngryDogDesigns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4046442 No.4046442 [Reply] [Original]

So why aren't we using Thorium Reactors for powering the electrical grid and using them to create hydrogen fuel cells yet?

Or farming Algae for biodiesel?

>> No.4046453

No industry all ready set up for them.
The investment risk is too high.
Not enough funding

>> No.4046452


But maybe we will be soon...


>> No.4046455 [DELETED] 

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.4046473

They don't actually work, not in a sustainable way.
Inb4 hurr we studied them.
They're like fusion: great in theory,but tear themselves apart after extended use.

>> No.4046476

[citation needed]

>> No.4046478


Because we still have cheap fossil fuels.

>> No.4046489

it only costs 1 billion and there is a chance you can power the world forever

what the fuck are they waiting for

>> No.4046494
File: 497 KB, 334x199, tumblr_ld3bxnwGX61qzlpzc[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't actually work, not in a sustainable way.

>> No.4046594

> Because we still have cheap fossil fuels

Correct. As long as we can use existing supplies until we go broke doing it, we're gonna do it.

> what the fuck are they waiting for

Your desperation. You aren't that desperate yet.

>> No.4046615
File: 113 KB, 1050x930, lwrvslftr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a conspiracy against them. Its the only logical explanation.
Or humans are stupid.

>> No.4046633

Not stupid. Lazy.

>> No.4046648


It's not quite forever, but 1200 years is a good jumpstart for that fusion grand prize down the long tunnel.

>> No.4046654

>Implying humans will not have obliterated the Universe within the next 1200 years.

>> No.4046658

I approve of the electric grides and the algaea. But hydrogen powered cars are silly.

>> No.4046659

>almost 2012
>implying human race will exist in 1200 years
i sure hope you guys dont do this.

>> No.4046662

need to iron out some technical details to make it commercially viable

We need Henry Fords, Thomas Edisons and Steve Jobses, not Feynmans, Teslas and Dennis Ritchies.

>> No.4046664


Not lazy, lazy thing to do will be to research and build LFTRs, and then rest, instead of building conventional power plants and renewables. Lazyness is a mother of invention.


>> No.4046668

>Steve Jobses
>more of them

Please I am glad the first one is dead.
Hitler had more of a heart than Jobs

>> No.4046675

Lazy means wanting to get more money for the same work, so you can work less. If LFTRs are more effective than other power sources then the price mechanisms will facilitate investment in it, because it will prove to be the best means of reducing the workload for lazy/greedy motherfuckers.

>> No.4046677

>Or farming Algae for biodiesel?
Especially this. It's not even expensive, so money wont certainly be any problem.

>> No.4046764

The nuclear industry is highly insular. That means they are VERY resistant to change. Get out there like the OWSers and hold up signs for Thorium and be prepared like the OWSers to be ROUNDLY IGNORED. You don't control your nuclear agencies; they control YOU.

>> No.4046766

The luddites known as environmentalists are fighting tooth and nail to prevent these things from happening

>> No.4047139

But this is what I don't understand, they're the best thing for the environment. Wind farms destroy natural beauty, Hydro destroys lakes and rivers, Solar takes up too much room, waves use up the coastline, geothermal takes a fuck load of work without much return, fossil fuels emit warming gases, etc. True environmentalists wouldn't recycle paper and should support thorium and biodiesel. Ffs, the founder of greenpeace doesn't support paper recycling.

>> No.4047252
File: 252 KB, 1936x1452, soviet flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4047139 I don't understand
That's because you don't understand that the Environmental Movement has NOTHING to do with protecting the environment. The only goal is the destruction of the United States and Capitalism in general. It's a blood Red communistic political movement thinly veiled in Green.

>> No.4047487

You need to think of environmentalists as wanting to push humanity back to the dark ages. They do not want any progress. I will take their concerns seriously when their heros like Al Gore, Prince Charles, Angelia Jolie Bono and others like that start living like there is a problem rather then telling people how to live but don't do it themselves

I agree 100%. The entire movement seems to be about controlling people and forcing them to live very restricted lives. Much like the USSR before the fall.