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4044523 No.4044523 [Reply] [Original]


Lol you relativity fags need to stop sucking Einstein dick. His theory was bloody wrong and finally it has been disproven.

Einstein himself that it only took one piece of evidence for him to be wrong. This is it.

Einstein was a hack and his theory has so much holes in it. This is the final nail in the coffin. Einstein stole his ideas anyway of a Mathematician who did most of the calculations.

>> No.4044530

Fellow applied mathfag here. Brofist OP, Mathematics can always surpass the limitations of Physics.

>> No.4044529
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>> No.4044538

It's a bit weird calling something 'wrong' if its predictions are necessary for keeping GPS satellites in sync.

Try again, OP.

>> No.4044545

applied mathematics is like engineering except you dont make anything useful

>> No.4044556


Yeah, its not like this is the first piece of data that we have about neutrinos. This doesnt throw just the entire theory into question, but all of reality.

>> No.4044560

As someone who works as an Actuary, im practically an applied mathematician. Cash MONEY!!!

Also General relativity wasn't wrong, it just wasn't entirely correct. In terms of being a theory its lasted pretty well as theories go.

>> No.4044568

So whats going to happen now?
>Relativity gets adjusted
>everything fits in place again until new evidence comes for us to adjust it again
>or until another theory comes along explaining shit as well as relativity does
So wait, that means Einstein wasn't a hack?
Oh noes.

>> No.4044589

<div class="math">m\in\mathrm i\mathbb R</div>(Come on, we've got imaginary time already. It was just a matter of time until someone brought this up.)

>> No.4044719

Well everyone knows that the GPS proves relativity...

>> No.4044785


Why are people so retarded. Relatively isn't wrong, it just is not a fundemental theory of physics. Newtonian physics isn't wrong but it doesn't describe the galaxy in a fundemental way, as it is a special case of general relativity. Your GPS works but it in no way confirms general relativity is anything but another special case of a future theory.

>> No.4044793

Nothing stays the same. Not even your Science. The only Truth is the One Truth.

>> No.4044797
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>> No.4044799

Relativity relies on the false assumption that nothing can travel faster than light.
Having disproved this fundamental axiom, the whole theory is crap.

>> No.4044815

Who cares if the premises are wrong ?
The point is it describes reallity up to a certain precision, and if you don't want anymore precision, this is a perfectly suitable theory.

>> No.4044820
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So, we should disregard all technology built because of the special theory relativity then? You do realize most modern technology used special relativity, right?

Is that actually what you want to do? LMFAO...
I don't think you understand how science or reality works.

>> No.4044825

>relying on mainstream media for science source
>falling for mainstream media lies
>trying to claim proof of something by running it on the same machine that originally claimed to have found it and not relying on independent organizations to confirm

UPDATE 18 November 2011

Following the OPERA collaboration's presentation at CERN on 23 September, inviting scrutiny of their neutrino time-of-flight measurement from the broader particle physics community, the collaboration has rechecked many aspects of its analysis and taken into account valuable suggestions from a wide range of sources. One key test was to repeat the measurement with very short beam pulses from CERN. This allowed the extraction time of the protons, that ultimately lead to the neutrino beam, to be measured more precisely.

The beam sent from CERN consisted of pulses three nanoseconds long separated by up to 524 nanoseconds. Some 20 clean neutrino events were measured at the Gran Sasso Laboratory, and precisely associated with the pulse leaving CERN. This test confirms the accuracy of OPERA's timing measurement, ruling out one potential source of systematic error. The new measurements do not change the initial conclusion. Nevertheless, the observed anomaly in the neutrinos' time of flight from CERN to Gran Sasso still needs further scrutiny and independent measurement before it can be refuted or confirmed.

On 17 November, the collaboration submitted a paper on this measurement to the peer reviewed Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP). This paper is also available on the Inspire website.

That's not how science works. Should be completely abandon Newtonian view of gravity because it didn't work with mercury without slight adjustments?

>> No.4044831
File: 333 KB, 472x681, not-laughing-with-you-laughing-at-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on a computer (made with the help of SR)
>post on 4chan that SR is wrong

You got some serious mental retardation going on bro. You may want to seek some kind of government assistance.

>> No.4044890


>> No.4044899

>The world might be round, so lets assume that there is no such thing as a flat object!

>> No.4044910

Do you consider he fact earth is not flat when you throw a basketball ?

>> No.4044914

Moar pseudoreplication please!

>> No.4044916

The axiom is actually that information can not travel faster than light D=

>> No.4044918

>neutrinos have imaginary mass, thus can only travel faster than light.
>no information can be sent with the neutrinos due to some mechanism
>light is retarded and neutrinos are the real fastest particles
>causality can be broken

pic 1\2\3\4 and you can have FTL neutrons AND relativity!

>> No.4044919

Scitards are just mad all the internet kooks were right about the cult of Einstein.

>> No.4044924

0/10 troll, if not trolling then you know shit about science. I suggest you actually read what Einstein wrote

>> No.4044927


and then they find something even faster and more and more holes appear until the theory is of no more use than making your GPS work.

>> No.4044930

my personal favorite is that you cant send information with neutrinos and that the FTL thing is a similar effect to that of entanglement or such that seem to give FTL, but doesn't. this would also save causality by letting it appear that the detector sends out the neutrinos to the emitter if you are in a frame such that the neutrinos should go back in time, like how you cant say which particle of an entangled pares wave function collapses first.

>> No.4044938

>Sitting laid back on a chair doing nothing
Nice pic OP

>> No.4044941

so? science isnt about getting the ultimate truth, its about getting the best truth with the data we have, we dont have any on the things you are talking about yet. and IF that happens, they will stop using it and teaching it in schools, just like Newtonian gravity / mechanics, classical electrodynamics, non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the standard model and non-relativistic fluid mechanics. wait.

>> No.4045054

I thought it was already confirmed that physicists at CERN failed to take relativity into account, leading them to think mistakenly that neutrinos were traveling faster than light?

>> No.4045060

Here's what I was talking about:


Here, the 60 nanosecond FTL time is taken down by 64 nanoseconds when relativity is correctly accounted for.

>> No.4045066

I still don't believe that neutrinos are FTL. Maybe I will in a few months.

>> No.4045094


>> No.4045196

If they're traveling faster than the speed of light, where's the energy trails, the Cherenkov radiation?

>> No.4045325

people don't even understand where relativity came from